Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU


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CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring <strong>av</strong> store investerings<strong>prosjekter</strong>Two types of risk which could occur in a project can be large catastrophic ecentcausing major delays in project completion, or small allmost imperceptible, delaysthat accumulate over the life of the project to result in significant delay in projectcompletion. This paper primarily deals with the second group jfo many small delays.This paper also deals with with the f<strong>av</strong>orable random outcomes called opportunitiesthat are frequently overlooked and whose benefits are lost.Pritchard, C. L., Risk Management: <strong>Concept</strong>s and Guidance, Second Edition, ISBN 1-89036-730-3, ESI International, USA, 2001.This book provides you with practical advice that can be put to use the minute you putthe book down. The book give introduction to Risk Processes and Risk ManagementTechniques.Project Mentors Inc., Project Management Estimating & Risk Management, CD-ROM, USA,1997.Project Estimating & Risk Management CBT is a four-to-six hour multimediaprogram that covers twelve lessons in Project Estimating & Risk Management.Participants will learn such key elements as the estimating process, tactical estimatingtechniques, risk identification and risk and response control.Rafterty, Risk Analysis in Project Management, University of Greenwich, UK, E & FN Spon,ISBN 0-419-18420-1, London, UK, 1994.This book will demistify risk analysis and enable decision makers to improve thequality of their judgement by providing more realistic information on which to basedecisions. Using a practical approach, minimal jargon, mathematics and academicreferences, the author porvides practitioners with clear descriptions of the nature ofrisk and risk attitude. He also describes techniques of analysis and assesses theirstrengths and weaknesses. Case studies and worked examples are used to demonstratehow the techniques may be used to carry out sophisticated risk analyses on a widerange of projects.Rausand, Marvin, Risikoanalyse - Veiledning til NS 5814, Tapir, ISBN 82-519-0970-8, 1991.Boken er først og fremst rettet mot personer som ønsker en innføring i de ulikemetodene som benyttes innen risikoanalyse. I tillegg til de mest benyttede metodeneinnen risikoanalyse er det tatt med et kapittel som beskriver risikoanalysens plass isikkerhetsstyring.Raz & Michael, Benchmarking the Use of Project Risk Management Tools, ProjectManagement Instiute 1999 Seminars & Symposium.This paper present the results of a study carried out in Israel in order to anwer whichtools within Project Risk Management that can procide the greatest benefits. Theobjective was to help project managers focus on those few critical tools and methodsthat are recognized as the key contributors to the effectivenes of the PRM process.The results of the study are presented in the paper.Raz, T. and Michael, E, Use and benefits of tools for project risk management, Faculty ofManagement, Tel Aviv University, Israel, International Journal of Project Management 19,2001.Litteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger <strong>av</strong> <strong>prosjekter</strong> 66

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