Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU


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CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring <strong>av</strong> store investerings<strong>prosjekter</strong>Delskov, L, Lange, T., Strukturert analyse, Integrert Systemanalyse, Teknisk forlag,ISBN 87-571-1189-8, 1998.Denne boken inneholder en samlet metode for systemanalyse <strong>av</strong> administrativesystemer: Integrert systemanalyse (ISA). Metoden er en videreutvikling <strong>av</strong> dentradisjonelle strukturerte analyse kombinert med informasjonsanalyse i form <strong>av</strong>informasjonsmodeller. ISA integrerer på denne måte analyse <strong>av</strong> funksjonssiden (hvaskal systemet kunne) med analyse <strong>av</strong> informasjonssiden (hva skal systemet huske).Analysemetoden er klart og presist beskrevet, og illustrert med gjennomgående case.Edwards, P. J., Bowen, P. A., Risk and risk management in construction: a review and futuredirections for research, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 1998 5.The litterature on construction and project risk management published dureing theperiod from 1960 to 1997 is reviewed and analysed to identify trends and foci inresearch and practice. The analysis is used to identify gaps and inconsistencies in theknowledge and treatment of construction and project risk. The findings suggested thatpolitical, economic, financial and cultural categories of construction risk deservegreater research attention as do those associated with quality assurance andoccupational health and safety. Temoral aspects of risk and risk communication, arealso important fields for investigation.Field, Mike and Keller, Laurie, Project Management, Alden Press, Oxford, England, ISBN 1-86152-274-6, 1998.This book covers all the basic principles and the reader can apply these to a range ofprojects. The text examines in some detail the specific issues relating to industrial andtechnological projects. The book is designed to equip the reader with the knowledgeand techniques to manage projects successfully at every stage of the process, fromproject initiation to post-project review. This book is an essential guide to the lifecycles of projects and the role of the project manager.Gereis, R., Managing the Project Start in: The Gower Handbook of Project Management,Vienna University of Economics and Business, Østerrike, 2000On the one hand, the project start process is characterized by the pressure, to startwith the contents work as soon as possible. On the other hand side there are differentexpectations in the project team regarding the project objectives and there is socialuncertainty, because the project team members do not know each other. If this timepressure leads to a project start without appropriate project management provisions,this might result in; unrealistic and unclear project objectives, unclear project roledefinitions, a lact of project specific rules and values, no commitment regarding theproject plans and little sensibility regarding the management of the projectenvironment relationships and consequently in a poor project performance. This iswhy a professional project start is a must.Gerosa, Cencetti and Sarno, Methods an Applications of Risk Management in SpacePrograms, Alenia Aerospazio Space Divisjon, Italy, Project Management Seminars andSymposium, PMI 1999.This paper provides an overview of Risk Management techniques and standardprocedures applied in Alenia Aerospazio Space Division. Its approach to RiskManagement has been developed line with The European Cooperation for SpaceLitteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger <strong>av</strong> <strong>prosjekter</strong> 60

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