Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU


CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring av store investeringsprosjekterThis paper concentrates on what formal assessment of risk involves and associatedbenefits. It uses as a framework a method developed by the author to assess schedulerisk for BP projects in the North Sea, subsequently adopted by BP for major sensitiveprojects world wide. It uses examples to illustrate the benefits drawn from experiencewith a number of major projects. It relates these benefits to what might be achieved inlower risk smaller projects, and how the approach might reflect the need to balancebenefits and costs.Chong, Y. Y., Brown, E. M, Managing Project Risk - Business risk management for projectleaders, Pearson Education Limited, ISBN 0-273-63929-3, England, 2000From energy and manufacturing centures in the emerging markets to large scaletechnology planning, the book discusses estimation and analysis of the full spectrumof risks. The authors discuss risk mearsurement approaches that allow one to seek theappropriate returns on investment in a large scale project. Issues examined include:the essence of project management, defining risk, project budget, leadership, teamtask and the individual, benchmarking, risk modelling for the 21 st century and projectmanagement technology.Christensen, Søren, Kreiner, Kristian, Prosjektledelse under usikkerhet, Gentofte Tryk, ISBN82-00-21305-6 (Universitetsforlaget),I denne boken tar en utgangspunkt i at prosjektledelse foregår i en uforutsigelig ogforanderlig verden. Prosjektene skal hjelpe virksomhetene og organisasjonene til åetablere en plattform for fortsatt læring og utvikling. Boken omhandler prosjekt -organisasjon og samfunn, prosjekters organisatoriske egenskaper, prosjektarbeide -usikkerhet og suksess, prosjektmål i en ufullkommen verden, prosjektplaner i enufullkommen verden, prosjektstyring i en ufullkommen verden, prosjektevaluering ien ufullkommen verden, ”kætterske råd” om prosjektledelse i en ufullkommen verdenog prosjektledelse i en ufullkommen verden.Construction Industry Institute, CII, Pre Project Planning Handbook, University of Texas atAustin, 1995, USAThis handbook defines the functions involved in pre-project planning and outlinesspecific steps. Focuses on the "how to" of pre-project planning and its sub-processes.The purpose of this handbook is to define the functions involved in pre-projectplanning and to provide an outline that can be used to develop specific steps and toolsfor the pre-project planning of capital projects.Construction Industry Institute, CII, PDRI, Project Definition Rating Index for BuildingProjects, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1999.Takes the popular PDRI-Industrial Projects and focuses the scoring on buildingprojects. Offers a comprehensive checklist that contains 64 scope definition elementsin an easy-to-use score sheet format. Excellent tool for identifying the level of scopedefinition and areas for improvement on building projects. Comes in a three-ringbinder with dividers for each sectionConstruction Industry Institute, CII, PDRI, Project Definition Rating Index, IndustrialProjects, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1996.Litteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger av prosjekter 58

CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring av store investeringsprosjekterNotebook-style toolkit offers a method to measure project scope definition forcompleteness. Has a checklist of 70 scope definition elements in an easy-to-use scoresheet format. One of CII's best-selling resources.Construction Industry Institute, CII, PDRI, Pre-Project Planning: Beginning a Project theRight Way, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1994.Gives an overview of the process involved in proper pre-project planning. Includesthe principles that can lead to predictable and consistent success. This researchindicates a direct relationship exists between the level of pre-project planning effortand project success. The research team therefore encourages owner organizations andother professionals in the construction industry to understand the underlying preprojectplanning process and act quickly and effectively to embrace its tenets.Construction Industry Institute, CII, Analysis of Pre-Project Planning Effort and SuccessVariables for Capital Facility Projects, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1994.The CII Pre-Project Planning Research Team was chartered to determine the impactof pre-project planning on the success of projects. The research team conducted adetailed study of capital construction projects to determine how the level of effortexpended on pre-project planning affected the success of the projects. This sourcedocument presents analysis of quantitative data from 62 projects that were part of thatinvestigation.Construction Industry Institute, CII, Management of Project Risks and Uncertainties,University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1989.This report provides a structured approach for identification, measurement, andcontrol of project risks and uncertainties. Also describes methods for determining andmanaging contingency. Includes an example project.Construction Industry Institute, CII, Risk Management in Capital Projects, University ofTexas at Austin, USA, 1988.This report has introduced the reader to risk management procedures as they areapplied in the construction industry. The body of knowledge contained in this reportstressed the three phases of a risk management (identification – measurement –management). Each phase is necessary to the analysis to provide optimum results. Inaddition, the sequencing should start with the identification and end with propermanagement. The process should be continuous throughout the project, for conditionsare susceptible to change and the amount of information increases as the Bakker and de Roode, Risk Driven Project Management In Political Environment, ProjectManagement Conference, PMI Europe 2001Risk Driven Project Managment uses the general risk management process (forexample PMI, 2000) as a starting point. It adds some important aspects to it: a stronglink with project managment, direct impact on project planning and budget,psychological aspects of risk, organizational learning and implementastion. Theseadditions make Risk Driven Project Management a concept for managing high riskprojects.Litteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger av prosjekter 59

CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring <strong>av</strong> store investerings<strong>prosjekter</strong>This paper concentrates on what formal assessment of risk involves and associatedbenefits. It uses as a framework a method developed by the author to assess schedulerisk for BP projects in the North Sea, subsequently adopted by BP for major sensitiveprojects world wide. It uses examples to illustrate the benefits drawn from experiencewith a number of major projects. It relates these benefits to what might be achieved inlower risk smaller projects, and how the approach might reflect the need to balancebenefits and costs.Chong, Y. Y., Brown, E. M, Managing Project Risk - Business risk management for projectleaders, Pearson Education Limited, ISBN 0-273-63929-3, England, 2000From energy and manufacturing centures in the emerging markets to large scaletechnology planning, the book discusses estimation and analysis of the full spectrumof risks. The authors discuss risk mearsurement approaches that allow one to seek theappropriate returns on investment in a large scale project. Issues examined include:the essence of project management, defining risk, project budget, leadership, teamtask and the individual, benchmarking, risk modelling for the 21 st century and projectmanagement technology.Christensen, Søren, Kreiner, Kristian, Prosjektledelse under usikkerhet, Gentofte Tryk, ISBN82-00-21305-6 (Universitetsforlaget),I denne boken tar en utgangspunkt i at prosjektledelse foregår i en uforutsigelig ogforanderlig verden. Prosjektene skal hjelpe virksomhetene og organisasjonene til åetablere en plattform for fortsatt læring og utvikling. Boken omhandler prosjekt -organisasjon og samfunn, <strong>prosjekter</strong>s organisatoriske egenskaper, prosjektarbeide -usikkerhet og suksess, prosjektmål i en ufullkommen verden, prosjektplaner i enufullkommen verden, prosjektstyring i en ufullkommen verden, prosjektevaluering ien ufullkommen verden, ”kætterske råd” om prosjektledelse i en ufullkommen verdenog prosjektledelse i en ufullkommen verden.Construction Industry Institute, CII, Pre Project Planning Handbook, University of Texas atAustin, 1995, USAThis handbook defines the functions involved in pre-project planning and outlinesspecific steps. Focuses on the "how to" of pre-project planning and its sub-processes.The purpose of this handbook is to define the functions involved in pre-projectplanning and to provide an outline that can be used to develop specific steps and toolsfor the pre-project planning of capital projects.Construction Industry Institute, CII, PDRI, Project Definition Rating Index for BuildingProjects, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1999.Takes the popular PDRI-Industrial Projects and focuses the scoring on buildingprojects. Offers a comprehensive checklist that contains 64 scope definition elementsin an easy-to-use score sheet format. Excellent tool for identifying the level of scopedefinition and areas for improvement on building projects. Comes in a three-ringbinder with dividers for each sectionConstruction Industry Institute, CII, PDRI, Project Definition Rating Index, IndustrialProjects, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1996.Litteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger <strong>av</strong> <strong>prosjekter</strong> 58

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