Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU


CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring av store investeringsprosjekterThis paper indtroduces the VUCA Vector Diagram as a tool that enebles businessleaders to test an envisioned strategic position for vialbility. It interrogates thebusiness ability to cope with the demands placed by these VUCA causes of risk. Thistool helps strategists and project managers to work together to address business riskfrom additional persepectives. A second tool, the Object-Driven WBS provides astructure wn which the thinking and actions of the strategy creator are integrated withthose of the project manager.Ragsdale, C. T, Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis - A Practical Introduction toManagement Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, South WesternCollege Publishing, USA, 1998.This book give the reader an introduction to the most commonly used managementscience techniques, this new edition combines examples and clear directions toillustrate how these tools can be implemented using MS Excel. Using the latesttechnology available, the text focuses on developing both the algebraic andspreadsheet modeling skills necessary in business today.Schuyler, J. R., Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects, Second Edition., ISBN 1-880410-28-1, PMI, USA, 2001.This book introduces risk and decision analysis applied to project management.Schuyler explains and demystifies key concepts and techniques, including expectedvalue, optimal decision policy, decision trees, the value of information, Monte CarloSimulation, probabilistic techniques, modelling techniques, judgements and biases,utility and multicriteria decisions, and stochastic variance.Scott Fogler, H. and LeBlanc, S. E., Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, Univeristy ofMichigan/Univeristy of Toledo, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13-179318-7, New Jersey, 1995.This book gives a systematic approach to problem solving that helps guide readersthrough the solution process and the generation of alternative solution pathways.Specially, the book presents techniques and guidelines that will help the reader toidentify the real problem, effectively explore the constraints, plan a robust approach,carry it through to a variable solution and then evaluate what has been accomplished.Stenberg, G., Store statlige investeringer - Rapporter fra usikkerhetsanalyser, Hovedoppgave,Institutt for bygg- og anleggsteknikk, NTNU, 2001.Hovedmålet med denne rapporten har vært, gjennom intervjuer med brukerne avrapportene fra Finansdepartementets kvalitetssikring, å øke Finansdepartementetsprosjektstyringsforums kunnskap om de forskjellige miljøenes oppfatning omkvalitetssikringene og legge til rette for utvikling av rammeavtalen og en eventuellstandard for rapportering. Oppgaven konkluderer med at nytten av kvalitetssikringeneer positiv og at de varierende oppfatningene skyldes vidt forskjellig utgangspunkt.God rapportering er en liten del av helheten, men representerer et viktig bidrag til åkommunisere konklusjonene og implementere de anbefalte tiltakene frakvalitetssikringene.Winston, Wayne, Decision Making Under Uncertainty, innen tidligfasevurderinger av prosjekter 50

CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring av store investeringsprosjekterDecision Making Under Uncertainty shows you how to make the best possibledecision given an uncertain environment. The models and techniques in this bookcombine the power of Microsoft Excel and Palisade Corporation’s RISKOptimizeradd-in to find the best answers to problems affected by uncertainty. Geneticoptimization combines with Monte Carlo simulation to provide optimal answers formany difficult, often previously unsolvable, real-world business problems. Topics andexamples covered in the text include:Wright og Ayton, Judgemental Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-91327-8,England, 1987.This book focuses on the role of judgement in the forecasting process. It evaluates theworth of human judgement in forecasting and assesses the potential value ofjudgement made by groups. It also examines the possibility of using mathematicalmodeling to aid or replace judgemental forecasts and ecplores the issures in thegeneration and evaluation of scenarios.Litteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger av prosjekter 51

CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring <strong>av</strong> store investerings<strong>prosjekter</strong>This paper indtroduces the VUCA Vector Diagram as a tool that enebles businessleaders to test an envisioned strategic position for vialbility. It interrogates thebusiness ability to cope with the demands placed by these VUCA causes of risk. Thistool helps strategists and project managers to work together to address business riskfrom additional persepectives. A second tool, the Object-Driven WBS provides astructure wn which the thinking and actions of the strategy creator are integrated withthose of the project manager.Ragsdale, C. T, Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis - A Practical Introduction toManagement Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, South WesternCollege Publishing, USA, 1998.This book give the reader an introduction to the most commonly used managementscience techniques, this new edition combines examples and clear directions toillustrate how these tools can be implemented using MS Excel. Using the latesttechnology <strong>av</strong>ailable, the text focuses on developing both the algebraic andspreadsheet modeling skills necessary in business today.Schuyler, J. R., Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects, Second Edition., ISBN 1-880410-28-1, PMI, USA, 2001.This book introduces risk and decision analysis applied to project management.Schuyler explains and demystifies key concepts and techniques, including expectedvalue, optimal decision policy, decision trees, the value of information, Monte CarloSimulation, probabilistic techniques, modelling techniques, judgements and biases,utility and multicriteria decisions, and stochastic variance.Scott Fogler, H. and LeBlanc, S. E., Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, Univeristy ofMichigan/Univeristy of Toledo, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13-179318-7, New Jersey, 1995.This book gives a systematic approach to problem solving that helps guide readersthrough the solution process and the generation of alternative solution pathways.Specially, the book presents techniques and guidelines that will help the reader toidentify the real problem, effectively explore the constraints, plan a robust approach,carry it through to a variable solution and then evaluate what has been accomplished.Stenberg, G., Store statlige investeringer - Rapporter fra usikkerhetsanalyser, Hovedoppg<strong>av</strong>e,Institutt for bygg- og anleggsteknikk, <strong>NTNU</strong>, 2001.Hovedmålet med denne rapporten har vært, gjennom intervjuer med brukerne <strong>av</strong>rapportene fra Finansdepartementets kvalitetssikring, å øke Finansdepartementetsprosjektstyringsforums kunnskap om de forskjellige miljøenes oppfatning omkvalitetssikringene og legge til rette for utvikling <strong>av</strong> ramme<strong>av</strong>talen og en eventuellstandard for rapportering. Oppg<strong>av</strong>en konkluderer med at nytten <strong>av</strong> kvalitetssikringeneer positiv og at de varierende oppfatningene skyldes vidt forskjellig utgangspunkt.God rapportering er en liten del <strong>av</strong> helheten, men representerer et viktig bidrag til åkommunisere konklusjonene og implementere de anbefalte tiltakene frakvalitetssikringene.Winston, Wayne, Decision Making Under Uncertainty, innen tidligfasevurderinger <strong>av</strong> <strong>prosjekter</strong> 50

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