dual crane lifts

dual crane lifts

dual crane lifts

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Transport & Offshore Liftingwith aDual CraneHeavy Lift VesselPresented by: Richard L.Krabbendam12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 1OVERVIEW• JUMBO Origins & Transport Business• J-Class Heavy Lift Vessels• Mast Crane principle• Different Lifting Methods• Offshore Lifting• Case Histories J-Lay Tower, Britannia, Kikeh, Future Developments12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 2

J-CLASS HEAVY LIFT VESSELSJ-class Vessels …• Transit Speeds up to 17 knots• Flush Work Deck• Mast Cranes 2 x 900 ton900 ts/25 m900 ts/25 m12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 5J-CLASS HEAVY LIFT VESSELS• Lloyds DPAA classed• Kongsberg SDP 21• HiPAP 50012 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 6

J-CLASS LIFTING CAPACITIES• 2 x Huisman Mast Cranes 900 ton900 ton• Single / <strong>dual</strong> <strong>crane</strong> configuration800 ton• Re-reeving to various configurations450 ton230 ton10 m 20 m 30 m12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 7DIFFERENCES MAST CRANE / PEDESTAL CRANERotating<strong>crane</strong> upperwork1 x SlewbearingLoadRotatingmast headFixedmast2 x SlewbearingsLoadPedestalRadiusRadiusPEDESTAL CRANEMAST CRANE12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 8

MAST CRANE PRINCIPLEThe key features ofa HLMC are:RotatingMastheadCross section of Heavy Lift VesselMain hookblock‣ Small footprint‣ no counterweight and notail swingFixedMastRotatingSlewringCrane jibRigging gear =Spreaders, liftingbeams, shackles,grommets etc.Mastfoot‣ winches in lowerpart of mast footStabilizerpontoonWeatherdeck‣ <strong>crane</strong> jib invertical positionwhen sailingTweendeckhatchcoversHoisting, topping +aux. winchesAnti heeling ballasttanks12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 9MAST DERRICK VERSUS MAST CRANE• Mast Derrick 120 o slewingarea• Mast Crane 420 o Slewingarea• Both operate at large loadmoment• Small footprint12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 10

STABILITY RULES FOR LIFTING WITH CRANES ONVESSELS• DNV rules State:• If counter ballast is used, thefollowing additional requirementsare to be met, with the vessel atthe maximum allowable verticalcentre of gravity in operationmode, to provide adequatestability in case of suddenaccidental loss of <strong>crane</strong> load:– Area A2 in Fig. 1 is not less than40% in excess of area A1– The angle of the first interceptbetween the righting lever curveafter loss of <strong>crane</strong> load and themaximum permissible counterballast lever curve is not morethan 15 degrees; i.e. angle ofequilibrium after loss of <strong>crane</strong>load.12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 11STABILITY CRITERIA• The main stability criteriaderived from the rules are:Ri ghti ng l ever s J18000,71. The area ratio between0,2Area A1 and Area A2. This-0,3-0,8area ratio must be in excess-1,3of 1,4. This results in theA2A1-1,8following formula: A > 1.4A -2,32 1-2,82. The maximum statical angle-3,3of inclination after the lossof the <strong>crane</strong> load is not toRighting levers J18001,7exceed 15°1,71,2-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 701,20,70,2inclination (degree)lever [m]-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -0,3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70-0,8-1,3-1,8-2,3-2,8-3,3inclination (degree)Righting lever w ith loadCrane heeling leverDow nflooding angleStatical angle before loss of loadCounter ballast leverRighting lever w ithout loadEquilibrium angle12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 12

LIFTING METHODS‣ Lifting with floating vessels‣ Stable / Unstable <strong>lifts</strong>‣ Lift from own deck (Single or<strong>dual</strong> <strong>crane</strong> lift)‣ Lift from a cargo barge‣ Dual <strong>crane</strong> lift: hooks aboveload, using spreader‣ Dual <strong>crane</strong> lift: hooks adjacentto the load‣ Offshore Lifts12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 13LIFTING WITH A FLOATING VESSEL (WRONG)12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 14

STABILITY OF LIFTED CARGOSTABIL.MOM. at an angle α is G x aDisturbing moment from outside1. The initial stability2. The stability moment3. The range of stabilityHαGBAa12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 15STABILITY RANGE‣ The STABILITY RANGEindicates the angle over whichthe stability moment is positiveHH‣ This should not be less then 10 oin order to avoid, when the loadis tilted under a certain angle,will tip overAHGBA10 oHBBGαBαAALarge StabilityRangeSmall StabilityRange12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 16

Stable and not Stable LiftsNOT Stable Stable Pay attention tolarge lift triangle!!A'B'AA'B'BCDEFFig.2.2.312 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 17LIFT FROM / ONTO CARGO BARGE860 Tons reactor lifted from bargeonto deck343 Tons Gasturbine lifted using a25 m long lift beam1500 Tons splitter column lifted ontobarge12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 18

LIFTS USING SPREADER / LIFT BEAMSLoading a 1150 Tons Buoyancy tank/ RiserbundleLifting a 350 Ts ModuleUnloading a 343 Ts Gasturbine using aset of standard Jumbo Spreader & Liftbeams12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 19DUAL CRANE LIFTS: HOOKS ADJACENT TO LOAD• Record breaking lift of 1800 mTonsAcergy’s new J-Lay tower12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 20


DUAL CRANE LIFTS: HOOKS ADJACENT TO LOAD• A 730 tons Container <strong>crane</strong> beinglifted on deck12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 23VARIOUS TYPES OF OFFSHORE LIFTS• Lift from Own deck• Lift from Fixed platform• Lift from other Floatingobject• Submerged lift– Hydrodynamic factors(added mass, Buoyancy,drag forces etc.)• Dynamic Factor depends on– Type of lift– Speed of load– Speed of <strong>crane</strong> tip– Hoisting speed– Crane stiffness– Mass of Load– Sea State• Each offshore lift is anengineered lift12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 24

FROM OWN DECK TO SEABED• Templates & Spools• Technip – Subsea 7 JV(2003)• Wet Handshake to CSOVenturer12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 25FROM OWN DECK TO WET HANDSHAKE• Piles• Technip Malaysia (2006)• Wet Handshake to Norman Ivan12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 26

FROM OWN DECK TO SEABED• Manifolds ods & Piles• Acergy UK Ltd. (2006)• Installation within strict Tolerances12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 27FROM OWN DECK TO WATER• Riser Tower 1525 5 Ton• Technip Perth (2006)• In sheltered waters12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 28

Introduction to Jumbo J-Class Heavy Lift Vessels12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 29CASE HISTORY: BRITANNIA SATELLITES PROJECT• Client: CetAcergy cegyUK • Workability upto: Hs=2 m• Operator:ConocoPhillips• 1x250 ts Manifold +1x208 ts Manifold +8 x 20 ts Piles• Execution: from Rosyth(Schotland) to theBritannia Field in May2006• Motion Analyses were carried out tosimulate sailing and lifting conditions• DP2 operated so we could selectthe best heading• Detailed operations manual wasprepared covering :– Detailed Stow- & Lift plans– Seafastening design /calculation– HSE aspects– Hazids12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 30

Transport & Installation of Britannia Manifolds12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 31KIKEH DEEPWATER PROJECT (-1300 M)• Client: CetTechnip Perth et • Workability upto: Hs=2 m• Operator: Murphy Oil• 14x140 Ts Piles, each55 m long• Execution:From Batam(Indonesia) to the KikehField Offshore Malaysiain June-July J 2006• Motion Analyses were carried outto simulate sailing and liftingconditions• DP2 operated so we could selectthe best heading• Detailed operations manual wasprepared covering :– Detailed Stow- & Lift plans– Seafastening design /calculation– HSE aspects– Hazids12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 32

Transport & Handover of Kikeh Mooring piles12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 33TRANSPORT & INSTALLATION OF 1800 TS J-LAY TOWER• Client: CetAcergy cegyUK • Workability upto: Sheltered• Weight: 1800 Ts• Execution:From thefabrication yard inSchiedam upto installedon the Polaris, offshoreGabon in Sept.-Oct.2006waters only• A special seafastening andload spreading plan wasengineered• Discharged onto Polaris in asheltered environment• Detailed operations manualwas prepared covering2006– Detailed Stow- & Lift plans– Seafastening design/calculation– HSE aspects– Hazids12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 34

Transport & Installation of 1800 Ts J-Lay Tower12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 35Method to transfer Modules onto an FPSO12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 36

PRESENT & FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS• Jumbo is focusing on • We fill the gap betweeninstallation of:the DSV’s (1100 Ts)– Spool pieces, suction piles • Dual <strong>crane</strong> operation– Jumpers and subseastructures• Large unobstructed– Small offshore platforms with deck of 3100 m 2piece weights < 1100Ts• Deepwater capability– Buoyancy Cans and RiserTowers12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 37Installation of Subsea structures, Piles, PlatformsMooring spreads etc. (

Deepwater capabilities of J-Class Heavy Lift Vessel12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 39THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTIONAny Questions??WEBsite:\www.12 th North Sea OFFSHORE CRANES & LIFTING CONFERENCE 40

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