Boher.pdf - Offaly County Council

Boher.pdf - Offaly County Council

Boher.pdf - Offaly County Council


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OFFALY COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2009 - 2015Volume 2 - Settlement PlansBOHER SRÁID PLAN1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION ANDDEVELOPMENT CONTEXT1.1 Location<strong>Boher</strong> is a small rural settlement located on the L-07001-1 road and on the L30026-1. The sraid is linkedthrough these county roads to the Clara-Ferbane road(R436) which in turn connects with the R444 and N62 atthe crossroads at Doon. Its name is an Anglicisation ofthe Irish term ‘bothar’ meaning road. It is situatedapproximately 2km west of Ballycumber and 6km eastof Doon. A tributary of the Brosna River flows south ofthe existing settlement. It is estimated that the currentpopulation within the sraid is less than 30 persons.1.2 Settlement FormThe sraid at <strong>Boher</strong> currently comprises a small numberof dwellings on individual sites, with remaining landspredominantly in agricultural use. The Roman CatholicChurch is the focal point of this sraid and is strategicallylocated on the highest point within this developmentenvelope, with the national school situated on lands tothe east of the Church and the cemetery located onlands to the south of the road.The approaches to <strong>Boher</strong> are not clearly signposted atpresent.1.3 TopographyPredominantly undulating with lands most notablyfalling in a southerly direction.2.0 SERVICES AND SOCIALINFRASTRUCTURE2.1 Water SupplyThis area is currently serviced by a private group waterscheme and consent to the provision of a water supplywill be required as part of planning permissionsgranted. However, this scheme is nearing capacity andrepresentatives of the scheme have been in recentdiscussions (2006) with <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> regardingcapacity levels and the possibility of improvements byway of connecting to the Clara-Ferbane public waterscheme.An aquifer protection zone exists in <strong>Boher</strong>, its functionbeing to protect groundwater supplies.2.2 Waste WaterEffluent is treated on individual sites by individualtreatment facilities and is likely to continue as such inthe development of this sraid, except in the limitedcases where in-depth development is appropriate[Refer to Volume 1, Chapter 7].2.3 Other Servicesa) Social and Community InfrastructureA Roman Catholic Church, cemetery and nationalschool are situated within the sraid, with <strong>Boher</strong> alsoproviding these local services to the nearby village ofBallycumber and its surrounding rural environs.b) Roads and Transport InfrastructureThe roads serving this sraid comprise two county roadsi.e. Ballycumber-Doon Road and a county road whichlinks up with the R436. Future modifications may benecessary at the junction to improve their safety whenthe settlement starts to grow.c) FootpathsThere is a small footpath to the front of the nationalschool and its upgrading and extension would bedesirable as the settlement expands.2.4 Other Features• Saint Manchan’s Shrine (Located within theRoman Catholic Church at <strong>Boher</strong>), comprises avery fine tomb shaped reliquary, which preservesthe relics of St. Manchan. This shrine is the largestand most magnificent ancient reliquary in IrelandFebruary 2009 | <strong>Boher</strong> Sráid Plan | page 202

OFFALY COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2009 - 2015Volume 2 - Settlement Plansand was made in Clonmacnoise in 1130 ADapproximately.• Stained glass window depicting Saint Manchan,created by Harry Clarke, located within <strong>Boher</strong>Roman Catholic Church.• Holy Well -sited to the north of the sraid.• Bullaun Stones- A flat stone (100cm x 50cm) withthe bullaun (20cm in diameter andhemispherical) carved in its centre, is situatedopposite the national school and outside of thegraveyard.3.0 KEY MESSAGES FOR BOHERa) The promotion of very low-density linear orclustered style development within the sraid.b) The conservation and integration into newdevelopment of existing stone walls, trees andnative hedgerows, and promotion of similarmaterials for new boundaries.c) High quality designs, which are particularlyreflective of the predominantly rural character ofthe area, without precluding high qualityinnovative contemporary designs.d) Promotion of natural building and boundarymaterials.4.0 GENERAL DEVELOPMENTOBJECTIVES4.1 Approx. total no. population envisagedPopulation is envisaged to increase by approximately45-60 persons within the plan period (i.e. 15 - 20additional houses).4.2 Allowable Units Per AnnumSmall numbers per annum. In permitting take-up ofdwellings, the <strong>Council</strong> will have regard to the totalnumber envisaged over the plan period. Someflexibility may be necessary when any major works arerequired to open up backland sites.4.3 Prioritiesa) Encourage consolidation within the sraid.b) Enhancement of local infrastructure along allroutes within the settlement (i.e. public lighting,footpaths).c) Encourage and facilitate co-operation between /amongst the different development interests inorder to maximise community gain, for thegreater good of the settlement.d) Protection of the aquifer protection zone.4.4 Shape and FormAny new development within the sraid should be basedupon a considered understanding of the area’scharacter and shall be designed and located in such away that sympathetically reflects and respects the area’svery rural character. Further, it is envisaged that theaquifer protection zone may restrict developmentlevels.4.5 Style / Character<strong>Boher</strong> is a rural settlement and high qualitydevelopment which is reflective of its rural characteronly will be permitted.5.0 SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENTOBJECTIVES5.1 ArchaeologyIt is an objective of the <strong>Council</strong> to secure the protection(i.e. preservation in situ or at a minimum protection byrecord) of all archaeological monuments included in theRecord of Monuments and Places as established underSection 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment)Act 1994, and their setting. There is 1 RecordedMonument currently listed on the Sites and MonumentsRecord sited on lands adjacent to the northernboundary of this sraid.5.2 Amenities (Open Space)There is the potential for the development of an openspace area on lands included within the southernportion of this sraid. This would provide a visuallyattractive approach to this settlement from the east.5.3 Trees and BoundariesMature hedgerows where possible should beincorporated into development proposals. These couldserve to screen and integrate new development intothis settlement in an unobtrusive manner. Further tothis, new development should ensure the protection ofhedgerows and the conservation of existing stone walls,and their integration into new development. Where theFebruary 2009 | <strong>Boher</strong> Sráid Plan | page 203

February 2009 | <strong>Boher</strong> Sráid Plan | page 205

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