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Maxim PereiraEnglish / Scientific PaperWhen to decide about a career?A case study of the influence of parental guidance on career choiceAbstractCareer choice is becoming increasingly a complex issue these days. Should parents direct the child inchoosing the career, and does the conduct influence in making right career choice?BackgroundA 13 year old boy from urban middle socio-economic class studying in 7th standard, who wassuspended from the school for conduct problems, was brought for counselling by the mother. Aftercollecting the background information about the boy and the family from the mother, the whole familywas interviewed once and the boy too was seen for a few sessions, until the revocation of thesuspension by the school, leaving open options for further counselling sessions.Career ChoiceAmong other issues around the presenting problem, one significant dimension was career planning ateven at this stage of development. The client was an average student academically. He was intosports like golf, swimming and basketball which was encouraged by the parents. Hisparents were Post-graduates in Science. His mother was into same job since the beginning in the fieldof her qualification. His dad had switched jobs 3 times in the science field and currently was into ownbusiness of production and marketing of some specialized building material. His older sister had takenan aptitude test after her 10th standard and based on the same had opted for Commerce stream in herI P.U.C (11th Std.). Moreover, according to his parents, he was brilliant at troubleshooting anymechanical problem in an automobile/electrical gadget, like though he did not know to drive, he wouldintuitively work at fixing the problem in the car.Observations• His parents did not have a clear and definite goal for the future of their child. They were supportiveof any of his career choices.• The boy wanted to be successful in life. He mentioned that though he likes sports and though hisfather did tell him that to be a golfer he should play in a tournament, he did not want to choosesports as his career. His vague idea was that he should do MBA Studies.• His bad conduct resulted in his suspension from the school.The paper will use this case study to discuss the issues related to the influence of parents on careerdevelopment.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:LecturerMontfort College, Bangalore, India.Montfort College, # 184 Old Madras Road, Indiranagara Post,Bangalore – 560 038,mmaximp@gmail.comEnglishScientific PaperMaxim Pereira, after Post –graduate Studies in Counselling Psychology pioneered a Counselling Centre (in Goa) workingwith individulals, couples, famailies and groups. Since a year, he is a Lecturer and counsellor at Montfort College,Bangalore. He is invovled in teaching and training students of Counselling Psychology at the Post-graduate level. He seesindividual clients of all age groups, couples and families for counselling at the Family Counselling Centre attached to theabove institute. Family Counselling and HIV/AIDS counseling are his areas of specialization. Spirituality and EnviromentalProtection are his other interests/passions. His educational qualifications include M.Sc. Psychology from University ofMadras, PGDHRM from Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, M. Sc. Counselling Psychology from BangaloreUniversity, Certificate Course in Family Therapy from NIMHANS, Bangalore, and Master Trainer – HIV/AIDS Counselling –GFATM, Round 7, from Bangalore University.72IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Michel Turcotte, Reginald Savard & Laurent MatteEnglish / Scientific PaperDeveloping counselor competencies:A collaboration between the regulatory body and training institutions?AbstractThe career counsellor occupation has been regulated in Quebec (Canada) for 46 years. Counsellortraining is under the purview of both the unregulated development of career guidance programs andthe academic sector and the regulatory agency monitoring of this competency within the professionalcommunity. The dialogue between these two authorities has been an opportunity for mutualenrichment via the production of a competency profile that serves the objectives of both and helpsproject a consistent image of the occupation. The competency profile has been used as a basis fordeveloping new undergraduate and master’s programs at the Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, andis now being used as a reference for initial training, professional development and occupationalregulation purposes.About the presentersContact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:194 Dumas, Gatineau, Qc, J8Y 2P1, Canada.turcotte.michel@gmail.comEnglishScientific PaperMichel Turcotte, career counselor, psychologist, has been working for the department of Human Resources and SkillsDevelopment Canada for the last 25 years. He has been involved in several initiatives related to practitioner professionaldevelopment and career development interventions. He is the past president of l’Ordre des conseillers d’orientation duQuébec in Canada, and currently member of the Executive Committee of the IAEVG.Réginald Savard, Ph.D., is a Professor in career counselling at Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. He received a Mastersin Career Guidance from Université de Sherbrooke and a PhD in Educational Psychology from Université de Montréal,Canada. He worked as a career counsellor for 14 years with adults in career transition, labour force re-entry andvocational rehabilitation. He is currently Director of the Career Counselling Department and incharge of the Counselling Masters program.Laurent Matte, M.Ed., has been a career counsellor for the past 27 years. He worked for 13 years as a counsellor withadults looking for work or in career/job transitions. Since 1998, he has been an in-house consultant and counsellingspecialist for the Emploi-Québec agency in Canada. In 2006, he became the president of the Quebec order of guidancecounsellors and psychoeducators (OCCOPPQ), the province’s regulatory body.73IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Michel Turcotte, Reginald Savard & Laurent MatteEnglish / Scientific PaperDeveloping counselor competencies:A collaboration between the regulatory body and training institutions?Abstract<strong>The</strong> career counsellor occupation has been regulated in Quebec (Canada) for 46 years. Counsellortraining is under the purview <strong>of</strong> both the unregulated development <strong>of</strong> career guidance programs andthe academic sector and the regulatory agency monitoring <strong>of</strong> this competency within the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcommunity. <strong>The</strong> dialogue between these two authorities has been an opportunity for mutualenrichment via the production <strong>of</strong> a competency pr<strong>of</strong>ile that serves the objectives <strong>of</strong> both and helpsproject a consistent image <strong>of</strong> the occupation. <strong>The</strong> competency pr<strong>of</strong>ile has been used as a basis fordeveloping new undergraduate and master’s programs at the Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, andis now being used as a reference for initial training, pr<strong>of</strong>essional development and occupationalregulation purposes.About the presentersContact Information:email:Language:Type <strong>of</strong> Presentation:194 Dumas, Gatineau, Qc, J8Y 2P1, Canada.turcotte.michel@gmail.comEnglishScientific PaperMichel Turcotte, career counselor, psychologist, has been working for the department <strong>of</strong> Human Resources and SkillsDevelopment Canada for the last 25 years. He has been involved in several initiatives related to practitioner pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment and career development interventions. He is the past president <strong>of</strong> l’Ordre des conseillers d’orientation duQuébec in Canada, and currently member <strong>of</strong> the Executive Committee <strong>of</strong> the IAEVG.Réginald Savard, Ph.D., is a Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in career counselling at Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. He received a Mastersin Career Guidance from Université de Sherbrooke and a PhD in Educational Psychology from Université de Montréal,Canada. He worked as a career counsellor for 14 years with adults in career transition, labour force re-entry andvocational rehabilitation. He is currently Director <strong>of</strong> the Career Counselling Department and incharge <strong>of</strong> the Counselling Masters program.Laurent Matte, M.Ed., has been a career counsellor for the past 27 years. He worked for 13 years as a counsellor withadults looking for work or in career/job transitions. Since 1998, he has been an in-house consultant and counsellingspecialist for the Emploi-Québec agency in Canada. In 2006, he became the president <strong>of</strong> the Quebec order <strong>of</strong> guidancecounsellors and psychoeducators (OCCOPPQ), the province’s regulatory body.73IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

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