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Jolanta KavaleEnglish / Scientific PaperAssessing vocational counseling: The role of needs assessment in vocationalcounseling and the problem of aims, results and definitionsAbstractAlmost all modern societies agree that both learning and counselling should be offered based on theneeds of those who apply. The policy makers and educational scientists are all aiming at providingeducation and guidance services which meet the needs of the applicants or at least are applicant’needs oriented. The problem of this concept is that even in their purely normative studies very rarelydo the educational or social scientists and the policy makers provide the scientific justification to theirunderstanding of “need” and how it should be assessed within the educational science and inparticular in the area of vocational guidance. Therefore in vocational counselling assessments we tendto talk about means (e.g., online training programs, EPSS, CD-ROMs) and not ends (e.g., reduction inpoverty, client value, product quality) (Kaufman and Watkins, 2000). In order to discover the needs thescientists should agree and define the most important philosophical and conceptual parameters ofvocational guidance. To answer the question of what is vocational guidance, what does it aim at onlevels: personal, organizational and societal. In the area of vocational counselling we must alsoacknowledge the dilemma of satisfying personal versus societal needs. For in addition to justifyingwhat we use, do, accomplish and deliver, the new reality is that we must all now prove that there areuseful results to both the client and to society (Kaufman and Watkins, 2000). Rivaz-Martinez (2007)also admits the existing relationship between individual needs for personal fulfilment and social needsfor productive and economic coverage. The question remains whether we can maintain these two aimsduring the process of vocational counselling: efficiency of labour market and supporting of economicgrowth and meeting each person’s personal needs and goals associated with their personal wellbeing?Also whether every country and every school is able to assist each person according to theirneeds and goals or is this kind of one-to-one counselling and assistance is a luxury no one can afford?Instead the countries and politics decide to offer the pupils numerous overmethodised programmes orprojects often obligatory for all which rarely have scientific design and are almost never criticallyevaluated. In my paper I will be concentrating on the concept of need and the needs assessmenttechniques used in the contemporary educational science. The intention is to theoreticallyconceptualize the term “need”, to analyse the practices of needs assessments and to integrate themethodology of needs assessment into the area in the assessment of vocational counselling.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:PhD ScholarGraduate School Education and CapabilitiesTechnische Universität Dortmund, Research School Education andCapabilities, Hauert 14a 44227 Dortmund, Germany.kavale@ifs.tu-dortmund.deEnglishScientific PaperJolanta Kavale is currently doing her PhD work as a part of the Human Development in Social and Cultural Researchprogramme in Germany at the graduate school Education and Capabilities situated in Dortmund and Bielefelduniversities. Since her Master studies she has been involved in the analysis of Career Designing and Life Designingparadigms and research. Recently she has been introduced to the contemporary philosophical aspects andapproaches of human development, social justice as well as organizational development. She is now involved in thestudies of the Capability approach by Amartya Sen and its practical application in the area of Educational and CareerDesigning. Her major interest has become “How to strategically think, plan and evaluate Career Designing for humandevelopment”. In her dissertation she will be discussing the problem of needs identification in the area of CareerDesigning according to the needs assessment model of Prof. Kaufman.50IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

José Tomás da SilvaEnglish / Scientific PaperIncremental validity of self-efficacy over vocational interests in predictingacademic choices: A study with 10th and 11th Portuguese studentsAbstractAt least from the 20’s of the past century vocational psychologists have shown that vocational interestsare a major factor in the determination of academic and occupational choices. More recently a growingbody of literature supports the incremental utility of self-efficacy beliefs for the choice of academictasks/subjects and for the selection of occupations. The present study aims to examine theincremental predictive power of personal efficacy over that offered by an assessment of likes anddislikes (vocational interests) in relation to occupational titles, in discriminating the choices ofacademic areas made by high school Portuguese students. In this study a sample of 300 10th and11th grade students studying in different educational courses answered a questionnaire about theirself-efficacy and interests in occupational titles developed in accordance with J. Holland's RIASECmodel. A discriminant function analysis (DA) of the data revealed, in line with the previous research,that self-efficacy beliefs have incremental validity over vocational interests, but most importantly, thatthe combined use of both as predictors allows explaining a greater amount of variation in the criterion(academic course choice). Finally, the implications of the results for the development of careerinterventions with high school students are discussed and further research on this topic is encouraged.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:Associate Professor of PsychologyUniversity of CoimbraFaculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Rua Colégio Novo,Apartado 6153 – 3001-802 Coimbra, Portugal.jtsilva@fpce.uc.ptEnglishScientific PaperJosé M. Tomás da Silva is associate professor of psychology at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He received hisPhD from the same University in 1997. He was for ten years (1999-2009) the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology andEducational Sciences, of the University of Coimbra. He is the coordinator of a research group of the Institute ofCognitive Psychology, Vocational and Social Development. His research interests are in the areas of vocationalpsychology, motivation and academic achievement. In the career domain he is particularly interested in applying themajor constructs of Socio-Cognitive Career Theory to explain the development of career interests and in studying thelinks among personal agency expectancies and several career outcomes. He is also interested in researching therole of motivation constructs (psychological needs, achievement goals, instrumentality) on vocational developmentand school performance.51IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Jolanta KavaleEnglish / Scientific PaperAssessing vocational counseling: <strong>The</strong> role <strong>of</strong> needs assessment in vocationalcounseling and the problem <strong>of</strong> aims, results and definitionsAbstractAlmost all modern societies agree that both learning and counselling should be <strong>of</strong>fered based on theneeds <strong>of</strong> those who apply. <strong>The</strong> policy makers and educational scientists are all aiming at providingeducation and guidance services which meet the needs <strong>of</strong> the applicants or at least are applicant’needs oriented. <strong>The</strong> problem <strong>of</strong> this concept is that even in their purely normative studies very rarelydo the educational or social scientists and the policy makers provide the scientific justification to theirunderstanding <strong>of</strong> “need” and how it should be assessed within the educational science and inparticular in the area <strong>of</strong> vocational guidance. <strong>The</strong>refore in vocational counselling assessments we tendto talk about means (e.g., online training programs, EPSS, CD-ROMs) and not ends (e.g., reduction inpoverty, client value, product quality) (Kaufman and Watkins, 2000). In order to discover the needs thescientists should agree and define the most important philosophical and conceptual parameters <strong>of</strong>vocational guidance. To answer the question <strong>of</strong> what is vocational guidance, what does it aim at onlevels: personal, <strong>org</strong>anizational and societal. In the area <strong>of</strong> vocational counselling we must alsoacknowledge the dilemma <strong>of</strong> satisfying personal versus societal needs. For in addition to justifyingwhat we use, do, accomplish and deliver, the new reality is that we must all now prove that there areuseful results to both the client and to society (Kaufman and Watkins, 2000). Rivaz-Martinez (2007)also admits the existing relationship between individual needs for personal fulfilment and social needsfor productive and economic coverage. <strong>The</strong> question remains whether we can maintain these two aimsduring the process <strong>of</strong> vocational counselling: efficiency <strong>of</strong> labour market and supporting <strong>of</strong> economicgrowth and meeting each person’s personal needs and goals associated with their personal wellbeing?Also whether every country and every school is able to assist each person according to theirneeds and goals or is this kind <strong>of</strong> one-to-one counselling and assistance is a luxury no one can afford?Instead the countries and politics decide to <strong>of</strong>fer the pupils numerous overmethodised programmes orprojects <strong>of</strong>ten obligatory for all which rarely have scientific design and are almost never criticallyevaluated. In my paper I will be concentrating on the concept <strong>of</strong> need and the needs assessmenttechniques used in the contemporary educational science. <strong>The</strong> intention is to theoreticallyconceptualize the term “need”, to analyse the practices <strong>of</strong> needs assessments and to integrate themethodology <strong>of</strong> needs assessment into the area in the assessment <strong>of</strong> vocational counselling.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type <strong>of</strong> Presentation:PhD ScholarGraduate School Education and CapabilitiesTechnische Universität Dortmund, Research School Education andCapabilities, Hauert 14a 44227 Dortmund, Germany.kavale@ifs.tu-dortmund.deEnglishScientific PaperJolanta Kavale is currently doing her PhD work as a part <strong>of</strong> the Human Development in Social and Cultural Researchprogramme in Germany at the graduate school Education and Capabilities situated in Dortmund and Bielefelduniversities. Since her Master studies she has been involved in the analysis <strong>of</strong> Career Designing and Life Designingparadigms and research. Recently she has been introduced to the contemporary philosophical aspects andapproaches <strong>of</strong> human development, social justice as well as <strong>org</strong>anizational development. She is now involved in thestudies <strong>of</strong> the Capability approach by Amartya Sen and its practical application in the area <strong>of</strong> Educational and CareerDesigning. Her major interest has become “How to strategically think, plan and evaluate Career Designing for humandevelopment”. In her dissertation she will be discussing the problem <strong>of</strong> needs identification in the area <strong>of</strong> CareerDesigning according to the needs assessment model <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. Kaufman.50IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

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