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The Book of Abstracts - The Book of Abstracts -
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Jane WestergaardEnglish / Scientific PaperGuidance in groups: Using the experiences of clients in a group setting inorder to optimise career learning outcomesAbstractThe key learning outcomes of guidance interventions are focused on the personal learning anddevelopment of the recipient in relation to self awareness, opportunity awareness, decision makingand transitions (Law, 2002). Engagement in one-to-one interventions with career counsellors canenable this process of personal learning and development to take place. However, an alternativeapproach to the work exists, which focuses on enabling clients to enhance their personal learning anddevelopment (PLD) in a group context (Westergaard, 2009). This encapsulates the concept of ‘givingin order to receive’ as group members share their experiences and learn from each other. Thispresentation will explore how reflection on the experiences clients share with each other in a groupcontext can be effective in optimising career learning outcomes. It focuses on the following:• Identifying the career learning outcomes of group work• Examining ways in which clients learn about themselves and make decisions about their liveswithin a group context• Evaluating the ways in which being part of a group can lead to positive outcomes for individuals• Analysing the role of the career counsellor in facilitating career learning in the group contextThe ideas discussed offer career counsellors an opportunity to reflect on their interventions and toconsider how group work could enhance career learning outcomes for their clients. Group work mayprovide a new model for guidance interventions that will encourage clients to share their experiencesand learn from each other, thus making informed decisions concerning their lifelong career path.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:Centre for Career & Personal DevelopmentCanterbury Christ Church UniversityCanterbury Christ Church University, Salomons Campus, BroomhillRoad, Southborough, Kent, TN3 0TG, PaperJane Westergaard is Programme Director for the Foundation degree ‘Working with Young People and Young People’sServices’ and Course Director for the Certificate and Advanced Certificate in Supervision Studies at Canterbury ChristChurch University in the United Kingdom. Jane has a particular interest in guidance and counselling practice, both one-toonewith clients and in group settings. She is a firm believer that the group experience can be a powerful learning tool that isoften under-used in the guidance context. Jane’s most recent publication, ‘Effective Group Work with Young People’ focuseson group work delivered in the guidance context. She has spoken on this topic at both national and internationalconferences.46IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Jayashree Vyasarajan & Gideon ArulmaniEnglish / Scientific PaperIndian adolescents’ readiness to make career choices: Findings from a careercounselling interventionAbstractCareer preparation status, the readiness to make career choices, has a significant influence on anindividual’s career development. It provides vital information about the needs of the target group for acareer counsellor to deliver a suitable career counselling intervention. Career maturity helps us tomeasure one’s readiness to make career choices. Researches focusing on career maturity of theIndian adolescents are sparse. Also, the available research (Dhillon & Kaur, 2005, Hasan, 2006) didnot take into consideration the influence of grade and gender on career maturity. This paper aims atexplaining the career preparation status of Indian adolescents and the effects of grade and gender onthis status. Additionally, the influence of a career counselling intervention on the career preparationstatus is also studied. Data collected as part of a larger intervention program was used to analyse thecareer maturity of students studying in Class 10, 11 and 12. The Career Preparation Status Checklist(CPSC) (Arulmani, 2008) was used to elicit the career preparation status of the students. Thecomponents of this scale have been adapted from the formulations of earlier research (Crites, 1976;Super, 1980). Accordingly, the CPSC is composed of four sections namely, self-understanding,understanding the world of work, developing career alternatives and career preparation. The resultingscore is used to inform us about the career preparation status of the adolescent. The sample (N=75)consisted of 38 boys and 37 girls studying in a south-Indian school. The influences of grade andgender on career preparation status, pre and post- intervention are discussed. This paper is of value toschool counsellors and career practitioners to design and deliver suitable career counseling services inthe Asian context.About the presentersContact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:346/2, 1-A Main, Koramangala 8th Block, Bangalore – 560095,, garulmani@t-p-f.orgEnglishScientific PaperJayashree Vyasarajan holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. The first research project that sheventured during the college days drew her closer to working with adolescents. To satiate the passion of working with humanbeings, she shifted to Behavioral Sciences. She has been trained in Montessori Teacher Training education and worked asInstructional Designer developing Computer Science Textbooks for Primary School Students. She also holds an MPhildegree in Career Counselling and Livelihood Planning and is presently working as a Career Counsellor at The PromiseFoundation, Bangalore, India. Other key roles also include working as a Master Career Counsellor Trainer, ProjectCoordinator and ICT Manager. One of her research objectives is to examine the linkages between culture and careerdevelopment and develop a system that would embrace the idea of ways of living to career.Gideon Arulmani, holds an M.Phil in Medical and Social Psychology and a doctoral degree in Career Psychology from theUniversity of Portsmouth (UK). He is the Founder and Managing Trustee of The Promise Foundation, headquarted inBangalore, India. Gideon has contributed to the development of various career education programmes for young people inthe developing world. Gideon is an international consultant for the World Bank, UNICEF and the Asian Development Bank,and has executed assignments on guidance and counselling in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia. Gideon is presentlyleading the Jiva Project that addresses capacity building for career psychology in the Indian / developing world context. Heis a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the University of Canterbury Christ Church UK. He is also the president of the IndianAssociation for Career and Livelihood Planning and a member of the Government of India Planning Commission’scommittee for Adolescents' Development.47IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Jane WestergaardEnglish / Scientific PaperGuidance in groups: Using the experiences <strong>of</strong> clients in a group setting inorder to optimise career learning outcomesAbstract<strong>The</strong> key learning outcomes <strong>of</strong> guidance interventions are focused on the personal learning anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> the recipient in relation to self awareness, opportunity awareness, decision makingand transitions (Law, 2002). Engagement in one-to-one interventions with career counsellors canenable this process <strong>of</strong> personal learning and development to take place. However, an alternativeapproach to the work exists, which focuses on enabling clients to enhance their personal learning anddevelopment (PLD) in a group context (Westergaard, 2009). This encapsulates the concept <strong>of</strong> ‘givingin order to receive’ as group members share their experiences and learn from each other. Thispresentation will explore how reflection on the experiences clients share with each other in a groupcontext can be effective in optimising career learning outcomes. It focuses on the following:• Identifying the career learning outcomes <strong>of</strong> group work• Examining ways in which clients learn about themselves and make decisions about their liveswithin a group context• Evaluating the ways in which being part <strong>of</strong> a group can lead to positive outcomes for individuals• Analysing the role <strong>of</strong> the career counsellor in facilitating career learning in the group context<strong>The</strong> ideas discussed <strong>of</strong>fer career counsellors an opportunity to reflect on their interventions and toconsider how group work could enhance career learning outcomes for their clients. Group work mayprovide a new model for guidance interventions that will encourage clients to share their experiencesand learn from each other, thus making informed decisions concerning their lifelong career path.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type <strong>of</strong> Presentation:Centre for Career & Personal DevelopmentCanterbury Christ Church UniversityCanterbury Christ Church University, Salomons Campus, BroomhillRoad, Southborough, Kent, TN3 0TG, PaperJane Westergaard is Programme Director for the Foundation degree ‘Working with Young People and Young People’sServices’ and Course Director for the Certificate and Advanced Certificate in Supervision Studies at Canterbury ChristChurch University in the United Kingdom. Jane has a particular interest in guidance and counselling practice, both one-toonewith clients and in group settings. She is a firm believer that the group experience can be a powerful learning tool that is<strong>of</strong>ten under-used in the guidance context. Jane’s most recent publication, ‘Effective Group Work with Young People’ focuseson group work delivered in the guidance context. She has spoken on this topic at both national and internationalconferences.46IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

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