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Helle Jakobsen & Rie ThomsenEnglish / Scientific PaperContext in placeAbstractThe purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework – i.e. a vocabulary - for understandingthe importance of integrating context in analyses of guidance practices. The paper delineates aconceptual landscape of context based on social practice and interactional theories on context. Wespecifically argue for a more grounded approach to the conception of context - a topographic approach- in which the physical setting – i.e. ’the place’ becomes an inevitable part of analyses of guidancepractices in order to understand participants’ sense-making processes. In the paper we draw on twocase studies on interdisciplinary clinical supervision and work place guidance in which there appearsto be a mismatch between intended outcomes and actual events. The analyses demonstrate andsupport that ’the place’ seems - to influence participants’ responses in the guidance sessions and,therefore, must be included in the understanding of their sense-making processes in guidancepractices .The findings we present under the theme: “The Changing and the Unchanged” are based on our PhD.-research into different guidance practices – career guidance and clinical supervision – where weexperienced similar challenges. Our session is titled “Context in place” and we want to discuss thesignificance of the place in which guidance takes place. We invite conference participants to reflect ontheir own guidance practices and consider if it matters where guidance takes place – i.e.: Does itmatter if guidance is practiced in an office, in a factory corner or in a conference room at hospitalward? If so – why and how does it matter?About the presentersContact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark.hnj@dpu.dkEnglishScientific PaperHelle Jakobsen: Research area: Interdisciplinary clinical supervision, interactional approaches to health paedagogics.Research method: Action inspired research.Rie Thomsen: Research area: Career guidance, Guidance in communities. Research method: Practice research based oncritical psychology.42IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Helmut ZellothEnglish / Scientific PaperIn demand: Career guidance in European Union neighbouring countriesAbstractThe presentation/paper is based on original research by the author published in 2009 and provides acomparative analysis of demand for career guidance services in nine low- and middle-incomecountries in the neighbourhood of the European Union. It also covers policy and practice examplesfrom these countries which are from the Western Balkans region (Montenegro, former YugoslavRepublic of Macedonia, Albania), the Mediterranean region (Turkey, Egypt, Jordan) and from EasternEurope (Ukraine, Russia, Georgia). The issue of demand for career guidance services has beensomewhat neglected or underrepresented in similar and previous studies on less developed countries.However, this dimension is of crucial importance particular for low- and middle-income countries forwhich whether career guidance should be a policy priority or an issue at all may be questioned. This isdue to phenomena such as the large informal economy, not well developed labour markets, socialcapital versus human capital, strong traditions and parental influence, the prevalence of ‘informalguidance’, the existence of a ‘shadow education system’ and last but not least the affordability ofguidance services. The presentation/paper seeks to develop greater understanding of the key factorsthat influence demand in careers guidance and the barriers to this demand being met. It concludesthat the pro-demand factors outweigh the barriers and it offers policy messages for EU neighbouringcountries how policymakers could more strategically address career guidance development andmainstreaming of career services, taking into account the modern career guidance paradigm and acost-efficient approach in the context of scarce resources.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type of Presentation:Senior Human Capital Development SpecialistEuropean Training Foundation (ETF)Villa Gualino, Settimio Severo 65, I-10133 Torino, Italyhze@etf.europa.euEnglishScientific PaperHelmut Zelloth (Austrian) holds a master degree in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, and geography with economicfocus. In the last ten years he has been working with the European Training Foundation (ETF), an agency of the EuropeanUnion (EU) based in Italy, Turin. As a Senior Human Capital Development Specialist his work focuses on career guidancepolicies, apprenticeship and work-based learning and on vocational education and training policy. He is also leading aCommunity of Practice on ‘Transition from education to work’ and is a member of the European Lifelong Guidance PolicyNetwork (ELGPN). In the field of career guidance he has co-ordinated policy reviews in 11 Candidate and AccedingCountries to the EU, in 7 Western Balkan and 10 Mediterranean countries/territories. He is author of the publication ‘Indemand: Career guidance in EU neighbouring countries’ (2009) and co-editor of the book ‘Innovative Apprenticeships:Promoting successful school-to-work transitions’ (2010).43IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

Helmut ZellothEnglish / Scientific PaperIn demand: Career guidance in European Union neighbouring countriesAbstract<strong>The</strong> presentation/paper is based on original research by the author published in 2009 and provides acomparative analysis <strong>of</strong> demand for career guidance services in nine low- and middle-incomecountries in the neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> the European Union. It also covers policy and practice examplesfrom these countries which are from the Western Balkans region (Montenegro, former YugoslavRepublic <strong>of</strong> Macedonia, Albania), the Mediterranean region (Turkey, Egypt, Jordan) and from EasternEurope (Ukraine, Russia, Ge<strong>org</strong>ia). <strong>The</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> demand for career guidance services has beensomewhat neglected or underrepresented in similar and previous studies on less developed countries.However, this dimension is <strong>of</strong> crucial importance particular for low- and middle-income countries forwhich whether career guidance should be a policy priority or an issue at all may be questioned. This isdue to phenomena such as the large informal economy, not well developed labour markets, socialcapital versus human capital, strong traditions and parental influence, the prevalence <strong>of</strong> ‘informalguidance’, the existence <strong>of</strong> a ‘shadow education system’ and last but not least the affordability <strong>of</strong>guidance services. <strong>The</strong> presentation/paper seeks to develop greater understanding <strong>of</strong> the key factorsthat influence demand in careers guidance and the barriers to this demand being met. It concludesthat the pro-demand factors outweigh the barriers and it <strong>of</strong>fers policy messages for EU neighbouringcountries how policymakers could more strategically address career guidance development andmainstreaming <strong>of</strong> career services, taking into account the modern career guidance paradigm and acost-efficient approach in the context <strong>of</strong> scarce resources.About the presenterDesignation:Organization:Contact Information:email:Language:Type <strong>of</strong> Presentation:Senior Human Capital Development SpecialistEuropean Training Foundation (ETF)Villa Gualino, Settimio Severo 65, I-10133 Torino, Italyhze@etf.europa.euEnglishScientific PaperHelmut Zelloth (Austrian) holds a master degree in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, and geography with economicfocus. In the last ten years he has been working with the European Training Foundation (ETF), an agency <strong>of</strong> the EuropeanUnion (EU) based in Italy, Turin. As a Senior Human Capital Development Specialist his work focuses on career guidancepolicies, apprenticeship and work-based learning and on vocational education and training policy. He is also leading aCommunity <strong>of</strong> Practice on ‘Transition from education to work’ and is a member <strong>of</strong> the European Lifelong Guidance PolicyNetwork (ELGPN). In the field <strong>of</strong> career guidance he has co-ordinated policy reviews in 11 Candidate and AccedingCountries to the EU, in 7 Western Balkan and 10 Mediterranean countries/territories. He is author <strong>of</strong> the publication ‘Indemand: Career guidance in EU neighbouring countries’ (2009) and co-editor <strong>of</strong> the book ‘Innovative Apprenticeships:Promoting successful school-to-work transitions’ (2010).43IAEVG-Jiva Conference, India, 2010

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