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QUEBEC REPORTTechnical presentations and lectureson the criminal code across QuebecBenoît Crête and hisskilled assistant,Nancy Généreux, arebuilding a customdesigned/-madecontrol panel for apiece of productionequipment.Maryline Rosan, Michel Watkins and Denyse Brodeur—three expert lawyers explain Law C-21 and answerparticipants’ questions. A great team, they’ve presented this lecture dozens of times over the last two years.Electro-Federation Canada (EFC) andAcpééeQ are involved in another jointventure—along with an integrator andhis main supplier (STBC [Services TechniquesBenoît Crête] and Omron)—to explain to bothmaintenance electricians and students the insand outs of safety curtains and barriers.The tour will visit 10 cities at the pace of onea month in the province. (The last event of theseries is scheduled for Trois-Rivières on June 10next year.) The half-day events conclude witha discussion with workers and supervisors thatexplains the risks of being charged with criminalnegligence under Law C-21 (affecting thecriminal liability of organizations) for accidentsoccurring in the workplace. The seminar andlecture are presented as Part II of an educationalday, which also has a seminar on changes to theelectrical code.This tour is made possible by the involvementof EFC-Quebec Region. EFC acts as the officialumbrella association representing the electricalindustry at the Employers Health and SafetyCouncil (Centre patronal de santé et sécurité dutravail du Québec). This not-for-profit grouphelps organizations solve their health and safetyissues; it will delegate one of the three lawyersshown at top right as speaker for each of the10 events.Why Law C-21 is something you should knowLaw C-21 (Bill C-45) establishes criminal liabilityfor organizations and individuals when theyfail to take reasonable steps to prevent workplaceaccidents affecting workers or the generalpublic. It does more than just create additionallegal liability for directors, officers and corporatedecision-makers; it extends legal liability toall persons directing work in the workplace. Inthe case of death, the maximum penalty for anindividual convicted of criminal negligence islife imprisonment!There are three important elements to LawC-21:1. It elevates the stigma and penalty to that ofa crime with a permanent criminal record.2. It extends legal duties to a new level, toinclude foremen, lead hands—evenco-workers.3. It goes further than any OHS legislation inthe past because it makes employers responsiblefor the public at/near the workplace,as well as all persons affected by the work.Organizations should assess their current occupationalhealth and safety programs, trainingbudgets and commitment to workplace healthand safety. Compliance demonstrates that youand your organization are taking “all reasonablesteps” toward preventing bodily harm.Introducing a NEWrewards program designedexclusively for you.Contractor Plus isThe Home Depot’sNEW rewards programdesigned exclusively forcommercial customers.As a Contractor Plus member youcan collect rewards valued at up to6%* of your commercial credit cardpurchases, which can be redeemedfor Home Depot Gift Cards.Join now!If you don’t have an account, pick upan application at the contractor servicesdesk or apply online.If you already have a commercialcredit account register online atwww.contractorservices.ca/contractorplus*Maximum gift card redemption $50,000.See in-store or visit www.contractorservices.cafor a complete list of rules and regulations.INFO NO. 14HomeDepot_EB_Aug07.indd 18/20/07 8:53:47 AMwww. mag.com • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2007 • 13

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