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<strong>HTI</strong> LEADERSHIPSECONDMENTSLeadership secondments allow a cross fertilisation of ideas between the education and business sectors.They usually involve host organisations giving teachers substantial projects to complete within giventimescales. Today, <strong>HTI</strong> also brokers secondments, via its Take5 programme (see below), for businessemployees to work alongside leadership teams in educational institutions. Schools and colleges benefitfrom specialist management expertise and the business secondees gain from undertaking stretchingprofessional development opportunities.HISTORY OF THE LEADERSHIP SECONDMENT PROGRAMME<strong>HTI</strong> was formed in 1986 by a group of business leaders who wanted to contribute to raising educationalstandards in the UK. They were concerned that school leavers did not fulfil the employment needs ofindustry in an increasingly changing, global business environment. Despite significant progress, <strong>HTI</strong>believes that this is still mainly true today. Initially secondments lasted for an academic year and werelargely filled by heads and deputies. Today the programme is more flexible, allowing duration, cost andtiming to be customised to suit host organisations. <strong>HTI</strong> also helps choose the best teacher for the job,irrespective of his/her position on the education career ladder.AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME<strong>HTI</strong> aims to:• provide opportunities for understanding employability issues for tomorrow’s employees• facilitate partnerships and dialogue between business and education• develop transferable skills in senior educationalists• enhance leadership and management skills within education.BENEFITS TO ORGANISATIONS HOSTING TEACHER <strong>SECONDEE</strong>SHost organisations gain:• a cost-effective interim manager, who does not add to the headcount, to complete valuable projects• a proficient people-manager and multi-tasker with excellent communication skills• the objective thinking of an external consultant, but someone who also puts ideas into practice• an opportunity to fulfil CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policies and enhance brand image.www.hti.org.uk5

BUSINESS PEOPLE BENEFITFROM SECONDMENTSTO SCHOOLSThe innovative Take5 programme was launched by <strong>HTI</strong> in 2004. Endorsed by the DfE (Department forEducation), the programme involves seconding business people into education institutions for fivedays to work on time limited projects that offer benefits to both partners. This gives aspiring leadersfrom business the opportunity to step outside the corporate box and enhance their skills on stretchingassignments in unfamiliar territory, while school and college leadership teams benefit from specialistmanagement expertise.<strong>HTI</strong> has had an outstanding response to the programme. Companies of all sizes, including entrepreneursand small businesses, have shown high levels of support, offering skills ranging from HR, marketing andcommunications to strategic planning, IT consultancy and financial management. They see Take5 as aflexible and affordable way of putting something back into the community, as well as providing their staffwith professional development opportunities.“I read an article about Take5 in theFinancial Times and thought it sounded likea really good initiative. Education is thekey to the country’s success and, as abusinessman and entrepreneur, it’s in myinterests to do what I can to support it.”Adrian Critchlow, Entrepreneurwww.hti.org.uk7

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PROJECTS BYBUSINESS SECTORThe following pages provide summaries and case studies of the projects that businesses have offeredto secondees from 1986 to December 2010. They are designed to illustrate the sorts of projects thatprospective host organisations might consider suitable for teacher consultants. There is also a list ofprojects undertaken by business people in schools via the <strong>HTI</strong> Take5 programme.The document has been subdivided by business sector to enable readers to quickly find informationrelevant to them. The sectors may not equate to those found in stock exchange listings but have beengrouped to best describe the secondment programme, ie:AutomotiveCharities and Trade AssociationsConstruction and EngineeringFinancial and Management ConsultancyFood ManufacturingIT, Communications and MediaLegalManufacturingPharmaceutical and MedicalPublicRetail and ServicesTransportUtilities and EnergyNo attempt has been made to take account of mergers, takeovers and re-branding unless well-known bythe general public. Company and employee names and designations are those captured in <strong>HTI</strong>’s recordsat the time of secondments. A full list of host organisations, with names and dates of secondees, issupplied in Appendix 3.www.hti.org.uk9

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AUTOMOTIVEThe following companies have hosted secondees:Rolls-RoyceWMG (Warwickshire Manufacturing Group) and Rover GroupTwo secondees have been associated with the Rover Group, one in 1993/4 who developed and managed an educationbusiness partnership centre, the other via WMG in 1997/8.EXAMPLES OF PROJECTSAt Rolls-Royce, between 1988 and 1989, Caroline Macaulay and Michael Neill worked on communications projectsencompassing:• a strategy for clearer, cost effective communications• the effective use of English within the company• a company-wide audit of the need for foreign language training.Mike VybiralWMG and Rover1997/8Mike Vybiral researched how to improve the transfer of learning at WMGto the Rover Group. Based at Warwick University, WMG offered postexperience education for managers and technical professionals in engineeringmanufacture, as well as conducting industrially relevant research anddevelopment.Mike also developed the Business Value-Added Process, a scheme designed toensure that knowledge, understanding and skills acquired ‘in the classroom’ ledto business benefitswww.hti.org.uk11

CHARITIES ANDTRADE ASSOCIATIONSOrganisations from these sectors that benefited from hosting secondees include:ENCAMS (Environmental Campaigns Limited, formerly the Tidy Britain Group)Engineering CouncilGTS (Glass Technology Services)<strong>HTI</strong>TRADA (Timber Research and Development Association)EXAMPLES OF PROJECTSTwo secondees worked to promote the image of engineering as a career for students.• TRADA asked two teachers to create a website and paper resources for recycling timber and waste managementprocesses.Rodger DaviesENCAMS2001/2Rodger Davies worked on the Active Citizenship Project that focused ondeveloping materials for school students. The project was both web andpaper-based and promoted active citizenship at individual, school andcommunity levels with an emphasis on rights and responsibilities.“Rodger has made a valuable contribution to the ENCAMS website. He has beenparticularly proactive in establishing relationships with other organisationswhose resources are now linked to our website. We are delighted with theresult.” Simon Chapman, Director, Regions and Programmes, ENCAMS.Mark HelliwellGTS2001/2In 2001/2, secondee - Mark Helliwell - was asked by GTS to promote anddevelop materials which fostered an understanding of glass recycling and usesfor glass products throughout the UK. Mark Helliwell’s recommendations ledthe project team to significantly change their original plans.“This will have a much greater educational impact. Mark has become avaluable team member.” Andy Hartley, Environmental Manager, GlassTechnology Services Ltd.www.hti.org.uk13

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CONSTRUCTIONAND ENGINEERINGThe following companies have taken advantage of <strong>HTI</strong>’s leadership secondments programme:Lucas Engineering SystemsUnited Engineering SteelsWimpey ConstructionEXAMPLES OF PROJECTSWithin these companies, secondees:• introduced computers for use by quantity surveyors• reviewed the staff appraisal system• researched company culture• established a careers counselling service• organised career development workshops.Pat DudalLucas Engineering Systems1990/91Pat Dudal’s secondment to Lucas Engineering Systems was to examine a more effective programme of managementdevelopment for staff, a training plan and a model for careers development within Lucas. Following the secondmentPat’s experience and outcomes were disseminated via a partnership advisory role with Birmingham LEA.www.hti.org.uk15

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FINANCIAL ANDMANAGEMENT CONSULTANCYIn these sectors, the following organisations have participated in the secondments scheme:Britannia Building SocietyCap Gemini Ernst & YoungDerbyshire Building SocietyErnst & YoungGoldman Sachs Investment BankHSBCLinklaters LLPLloyds TSB BankNatWest BankMidland BankPearl AssurancePricewaterhouseCoopersRoyal and Sun AllianceThis sector is well represented, as shown by the extensive list of companies which have recognised the value of the externalperspectives that teacher consultants can bring to their operations. Many have been ‘serial’ hosts. For example, Lloyds TSBBank has hosted 13 secondees since 1989, initially with TSB Bank. PwC is now hosting its 15th secondee.Likewise, since 1988 HSBC has sponsored nine secondees, four of whom were attached to HSBC Education Trust. The firstsecondee was hosted by Midland Bank before its acquisition by HSBC.The banks and building societies have hosted 30 secondees in total. Two presidents of <strong>HTI</strong>’s Council have come from marketleaders in the banking sector; Sir Nicolas Goodison, Deputy Chairman of Lloyds TSB Group (now retired) and Sir John Bond,then Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc.This sector has also been quick to take up the opportunity of participating in the innovative Take5 programme launched by<strong>HTI</strong> in 2004. (See case study on page 19)“I have worked with three <strong>HTI</strong> secondeesat HSBC and each of them has broughtsomething different to the bank.”David Lewis, Community Banking Manager, HSBCwww.hti.org.uk17

EXAMPLES OF PROJECTSThere are many examples of projects that companies in this sector have entrusted to teacher secondees. Most have been inthe HR field. They are too numerous to mention here but the following list gives an indication of typical undertakings:• a review of and improvements to graduate recruitment, selection and retention• the development of a website for recruitment• the delivery of HR training to business leaders• updating the ‘preferred suppliers’ list and checking the feasibility of putting it onto the bank’s Intranet• the development of a job description process• the development and piloting of an NVQ qualification in banking• the creation of a computer-aided learning package with the use of interactive video• IIP (Investor in People) accreditation.Mike KingLloyds TSB2000/1In 2000/01 Mike King was seconded to the HR department atLloyds TSB Bank in Bristol. He was given the important task ofreviewing and renewing the contracts of companies to which thebank had outsourced work. Through his excellent negotiatingskills, he helped the bank to save £192,000.Luke BurtonHSBC Education Trust2004/5In 2004/5, working as part of a small team based at HSBC’sUK headquarters in Canary Wharf, Luke Burton contributedto projects ranging from national golf and sailing initiativesto raising the profile of HSBC’s governors’ programme. Healso performed an ambassadorial role, representing the Trustnationally and internationally.Luke’s line manager, Richard Hunter, gave his work a ringingendorsement with the words, “Luke was able to support HSBCEducation Trust with his knowledge of current education practiceand his awareness of the issues facing schools. This was essentialfor his task of selecting projects for support or when respondingto government education initiatives from a business perspective.He brought a range of new and different interpersonal skillsto the work of the Education Trust and was able to act as anambassador for the work of the Education Trust in a range ofsettings within schools and business. Everyone agreed that therewere tremendous benefits for both sides.”18<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Belfasttake Thirteen Secondees in 5 YearsPwC in Northern Ireland were so impressed with thecontributions made by secondees that it has taken thirteenin 5 years. William Slater worked on two projects during hissecondment from March to May 2004. The first involvedidentifying best e-learning practice at schools throughoutEngland to inform DfES policy and strategy. The secondinvolved collecting data for a DfES project evaluatingacademy schools. “William fitted in extremely well to ourresearch team and contributed very effectively to all aspectsof the research,” commented David Armstrong, Partner,Assurance/Business Advisory Services, PwC. “In particular, hewas able to use his experience of teaching and managementin schools to help us interpret our research data inmeaningful and practical ways.”Jeremy Taylor, in contrast, worked on a curriculum project forthe Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinationsand Assessment and contributed to the development ofa policy for the Department of Education on English asan Additional Language. Highlighting the value of bothsecondees, David said, “William and Jeremy were both verydifferent personalities working in totally diverse ways, butthat’s been good. Their personalities suited their individualsecondments and they were both up for everything we askedof them - exactly what we wanted.”Carmel McKinney completed her project in three months,early in 2005. She worked with a team of consultants onthe preparation of the third annual report on one of PwC’seducation projects. It involved gathering, presenting andanalysing qualitative and quantitative data. She also helpedprepare bids for competitive tendering to other clients.Enthusiastic about her contribution, David observed, “Carmelbrought extensive hands-on experience of the educational‘coal face’ and a deep understanding of the strategiclandscape and stakeholders in Northern Ireland education.Her secondment truly was a win-win situation.”Lloyds TSB Bank DroppedDevelopment Manager, Dan Cook,into the Education Deep End!Kevin Boyle, Headteacher of Oaklands School,Winsford, was no stranger to <strong>HTI</strong> secondmentshaving been seconded to HSE in 1996, so hejumped at the opportunity to host Lloyds TSBBank Development Manager on the <strong>HTI</strong> Take5programme.Kevin felt that it was not well known locally thatthe school was a centre for pupils with specialeducational needs. Dan Cook, with the bank’ssupport, agreed to help the school produce aflier targeted at all local primary schools. Danwas pleased to use his skills in a different setting.Although involved in marketing at Lloyds TSBBank, he acknowledged that it had been mostlyin internal markets within the University forLloyds TSB. “The project at Oaklands School hasbeen outward looking and given me a chance tobroaden my learning, skills and knowledge byworking in a school. It has been very rewardingin both a personal and professional way,” saidDan, when asked about the benefits of the Take5programme.www.hti.org.uk19

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FOOD MANUFACTURINGSeveral companies involved in the manufacture of food have used the expertise of teachers to enhance the outcomes ofprojects. In fact, a director of Northern Foods was one of the visionary business leaders who contributed to the founding of<strong>HTI</strong>. Sponsoring companies in this sector include:Bass PLC – which hosted two secondeesColman’s of NorwichEden ValeGrand MetropolitanJ Whitbread PLCNestleNorthern FoodsPork Farm BowyersUnited BiscuitsAn SME, in this sector, namely Cleone Foods, has participated in the Take5 programme seconding an HR specialist to help aschool with recruitment. (See the case study on page 23.)EXAMPLES OF PROJECTSProjects completed by <strong>HTI</strong> secondees in this sector have been very wide ranging, from acting as production manager for threemonths to introducing an NVQ in food manufacture. Other projects included:• researching into best practice for maternity benefits• acting as production section manager of warehousing, responsible for raw materials, packaging and dispatch• marketing a new product• reviewing company policy for partnerships with education.“The secondee brought senior managementcompetencies and professionalism into thecompany and sustained credibility at atime of organisational change. The projecthelped move the business forward.”Steve Brooker, Personnel Director,Eden Vale, about secondee, Jeanette Petheridge.www.hti.org.uk21

Claude ScottColman’s of Norwich1990In 1990, the founding President of <strong>HTI</strong>, SirMichael Colman, arranged for Colman’s ofNorwich to host secondee, Claude Scott. Heproduced a manual on environmental issueswhich led to savings of £150,000 and developeda system for monitoring the performance ofsuppliers.“Jane left us with an incredibly useful pieceof work that we can apply to all of ourwork experience activities. Having Janehas given us a valuable insight into currenteducation practices and we’ve now got verypositive links with a local school.”Steve Brooker, Personnel Director,Eden Vale, about secondee, Jeanette Petheridge.22<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Janice Welsh goes from Caribbean Pattiesback to School to Help with RecruitmentAs HR Manager, Janice Welsh is a key member of CleoneFoods’ staff. The company is the UK’s largest manufacturerof Caribbean Patties. The Island Delight brand is firmlyestablished as the market leader with a 55 percent shareof the sector. The business has a prestigious customerbase including leading multiple retailers and food serviceoperators.“It was a set of lucky coincidences that brought me incontact with Calthorpe School via <strong>HTI</strong>,” said Janice. DeputyHeadteacher, Judith Humphry, wanted some professionalhelp in recruiting an HR Manager. Janice was able to assistnot only with composing the job advert and identifyingpublications in which to advertise but also with shortlistingcandidates and the interviewers’ preparation. She has evengiven some simple suggestions which will vastly improve andstreamline the whole recruitment process.The experience has been a fantastic learning opportunityfor the school. Janice agreed that the learning has been twoway. She said, “I have gained knowledge about the educationsystem and it has been interesting to see how other sectorsdo things. It has also given Cleone Foods a chance to putsomething back into the community.”Lester DaviesBass PLC1997/8Bass PLC (now Six Continents Plc) was soimpressed with Lester Davies’ skill in 1997/8that it immediately took another secondee. Theywere made responsible for:• the New Deal initiative and data protectionpractice within the company• performance and change management• being part of a working group for divisionalresource competencies• recruitment, selection and trainingprocedures.“By sponsoring a secondee I hoped we would getan external perspective which would challengethe status quo. Lester certainly didn’t disappointme. Not being a permanent employee, he couldask the ‘naive or dumb’ questions without loss offace. Lester provided a breath of fresh air to themany people with whom he came into contact atBass.” Reg Sindall, Group HR Director.www.hti.org.uk23

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IT, COMMUNICATIONSAND MEDIAIn these sectors, the following organisations have participated in the secondments scheme:121 Consulting3T ProductionsBECTA (see also Public)BTDigital ClassicsIBMICLImmersive EducationKingston CommunicationsMicrovitec plcReutersYellow Pages (part of Yell Sales Ltd)Most of the above companies hosted two secondees but IBM had four. Digital Classics and 3T Productions are good examplesof SMEs that benefited from the multi-tasking abilities for which teachers are renowned.This sector is one of the many that has benefited from seconding business people into educational institutions. Theentrepreneur, Adrian Critchlow, is just one example. (See the case study on page 27.)EXAMPLES OF PROJECTSSome of the many assignments completed during secondments were:• working as content manager, researcher, team leader and customer liaison officer for interactive media solutions• reviewing key skills training and induction processes• redesigning a website• writing a manual comparing entry qualifications across EU countries.“[Secondees] bring with them current knowledgethat is essential to the development processand a whole host of useful contacts ranging frominterested colleagues to subject advisors andrepresentatives from professional associations.”Donna Burton-Wilcock, Director of Education, Immersive Education,about secondees, Andy Fishburne and Ray Shaw.www.hti.org.uk25

Julie Andrew and Jennifer EmersonReuters2002/3Both Julie and Jenny were seconded to Reuters for shortperiods (three months and six weeks respectively) in2002/03. They were responsible for developing a learningmethodology framework for internal training and formulatinga structure for both internal and external qualificationscertification.Their success was acknowledged by Charles Jennings,Head of Global Learning, Reuters, when he said, “The two<strong>HTI</strong> secondees who joined the Reuters learning team inLondon brought a fresh view at an important time. Julieand Jennifer provided valuable input to development of astandard learning methodology and a rigorous certificationprogramme, both of which have now been rolled out acrossthe company globally.”Andrew Shaw121 Consulting1996In 1996, Andrew Shaw worked in the training andeducation arm of 121 Consulting. When Andrewjoined, the company had started recruiting newgraduates rather than people with experienceas they had done previously. Andrew completeda training needs analysis for these new recruitsand developed an induction programme.“We got a very able manager who was highlymotivated. He was objective and brought a freshperspective to the task. We were able to providea clear remit which Andrew followed withoutneeding close management. He was used todealing with many different stakeholders and thishelped him with his project.”Jerry Nottingham, Chairman, 121 Consulting.“From the moment he started hissecondment, Leon Cych has been aproactive member of the Online Classicsteam, full of enthusiasm for the task athand and ideas of how to realise it. Wehighly value his educational and human skillsas well as his determination to succeed.”Nicole Bachmann, Head of Marketing, Digital Classics.26<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Entrepreneur Goes from Transforminga Listed Building to Helping theTransformation of a SchoolWhen David Lodge took over Countess Anne Church of Englandprimary school in Hatfield as the fifth head in two years, theschool had serious weaknesses. He is turning the school aroundand focusing on how to sustain improvement in the long-termwith the help of entrepreneur, Adrian Critchlow. Having builtup and sold an online hotel booking business for £90million,Adrian is busy transforming a Grade 1 listed building inCambridge into the most eco-friendly luxury hotel in the UK.He read about Take5 in the Financial Times and was intrigued.“It’s very easy for people to sit back and criticise state schoolsfrom an uninformed position,” he says, “but when you gointo a school like David’s you can’t fail to be impressed by thededication of the people and how much they achieve withlimited resources.”Adrian is helping David to create a five-year strategy that willput Countess Anne in a strong position within the community,secure stakeholder ‘buy-in’ and optimise use of resources.Already Adrian’s unconventional way of looking at things hassparked embryonic plans to transform an under-used outdoorswimming pool into a valuable community amenity.Danny Eason & John O’KeefeBectaX2010BectaX was a unique Becta project to bringtogether specialists in education and new mediaindustries to explore future learning for pupils.<strong>HTI</strong> provided executive search for Becta torecruit 13 secondees in 2010.Danny Eason, Headteacher of Fishburn PrimarySchool in Sunderland and John O’Keefe, AssistantHeadteacher and Head of ICT at Arden LanguageSchool, Solihull twittered with 12 other ExecutiveLeaders in their roles as Consultants sourced fortheir expertise at the Wellcome Collection inLondon in March 2010. A series of discussionsculminated in a live broadcast event whichincluded the voice of learners around the UK todrive the focus of the event.Danny said “Being part of the BectaX group hasopened up new opportunities for our Schoolthrough social media and relationships withother participants. It is now on our developmentplan and we have ideas which will enable all ofour learners to stretch themselves”.www.hti.org.uk27

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LEGALIn thIs sector, the following organisation has participated in the secondments scheme:Linklaters LLPEXAMPLES OF PROJECTSSome of the assignments completed during this secondment were:• developed flagship Community Investment programme• created links with local schools.Lynn DaltonLinklaters LLP2007In 2007, Lynn Dalton was recruited through <strong>HTI</strong> to join theCommunity Investment team at Linklaters LLP, a global corporatelaw firm. Lynn was seconded for a year from her role as DeputyHead at Clapton Girls Technology College, London to helpLinklaters LLP develop their community investment strategy.Lynn’s background in education was fundamental to the successof the project. Using her knowledge of education in generaland experience of Hackney schools in particular, Lynn was ableto develop an achievement strategy for the firm which focuseddirectly on the needs of the young people in Hackney. Designedto support the development of communication and employabilityskills in all schools in one London borough, the flagship awardwinning programme called Linking Work with Learning is nowentering its second phase of funding and development.www.hti.org.uk29

MANUFACTURINGWith the decline in the UK’s manufacturing base, many of the companies in this sector hosted secondees within the first tenyears of <strong>HTI</strong>’s existence. Host companies include:Allfor Group and Griffiths GroupBunzl plcCorus (formerly British Steel) – which hosted four secondeesCourtauldsFoseco Foundry InternationalGKN plc – which hosted two secondeesICI Fibres (now DuPont)Pilkington Glass Ltd – which hosted two secondeesPrecision Steel CoilSylvania GTETriplex Safety Glass Co LtdEXAMPLES OF PROJECTSNot surprisingly with a wide range of different manufacturers, examples in this sector were very varied. They included:• the application of Total Quality Management systems to shop floor operations• using a knowledge of chemistry to improve the processing properties of nylon• proposals to solve absenteeism resulting in a decrease of 12 percent within three weeks• managing an education risk awareness programme through the medium of drama for 15/16 year olds• the development of a supermarket display pack for fluorescent lamps.Frank Thomas’ Interpersonal SkillsHelp CompanyGlobe trotting was on Frank Thomas’ agenda in 1999 when he interviewedFoseco Foundry International senior managers in Hong Kong, China,Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Thailand, India, South Africa, Dubai,Europe, North and South America. He aimed to review and improve internalcommunications for the company.Dorothy Chilton adds Credibilityto Education Bursary SchemeIn 2000, Dorothy Chilton played a significant role in developing Corus’ Ahead ofthe Future course when she was given the task of reviewing and updating thecontent. “Dorothy played a crucial role by giving the course materials a newfocus and relevance to headteachers. She gave indispensable credibility to theprogramme.” Steve Payne, Principal, Ashorne Hill Management College.www.hti.org.uk31

PHARMACEUTICALAND MEDICALThe number of companies represented in this sector is small but two are notable for taking more than one secondee at a timeand on an annual basis for a number of years. The host organisations include:Baxter HealthcareGlaxoSmithKline – which hosted nine secondeesHoechst UKReckitt & Colman PLCSmith & Nephew Medical Ltd – which hosted five secondeesEXAMPLES OF PROJECTSSecondees were given projects which ranged from HR to assignments that drew on the technical and academic knowledge ofthe individual teachers. Here are some examples:• completion of a communications audit and recommend improvements• conduction of an HR quality survey• the design of a database to measure key performance indicators• the relaunch and revitalisation of the company suggestion scheme• the technical development of an animal health product.“[The secondee] brought a new set of skills...whichwere invaluable. We are using him like a consultantand it is proving to be both beneficial in businessterms and cost effective.”Colin Ward, IT Manager, Smith & Nephew Medical Ltd.“Jane Still made a tremendous contribution to thecompetitiveness of Baxters...”Graham Hull, HR Director, Baxter Healthcare.“The company gets a consultant, who is relativelyinexpensive and doesn’t add to the headcount.”Gareth Samuel, Manager, Smith & Nephew Ltd.www.hti.org.uk33

GlaxoSmithKline Entrust a Critical Project to <strong>HTI</strong> SecondeesBetween 1989 and 2001, GlaxoSmithKline gave eight secondees the critical task of ensuring that 4,000 employeeswere competent in the use of a new software system which changed the way people worked and the culture of thecompany. The £120m project was necessary because all employees had to achieve and adhere to the US Food andDrugs Administration standards in order to retain the £6bn sales of the company. Initially, they were responsible forrecruiting and training 100 employees as trainers for the rest of the workforce. Previously, a ninth secondee had beeninvolved in setting up and managing Development Centres. These were designed to develop managers, enhance theirleadership skills and feed into the performance management process.34<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Royalty Impressed by the Secondment ProgrammePrince Charles was introduced to the work of <strong>HTI</strong> secondee, Barrie Salt, at Reckitt & Colman Plc by the then Director of<strong>HTI</strong>, David Coulson.www.hti.org.uk35

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PUBLICNot only is this sector one of the best represented for hosting secondees, but the total number of 66 secondees is the largest.The organisations listed below hosted secondees:BBCBecta (British Educational Communications and Technology Agency) – which hosted 25 secondeesBenefits AgencyDCA (Department for Constitutional Affairs)DfES (Department for Education and Skills) – which hosted 40 secondeesDTI (Department for Trade and Industry) – which hosted three secondeesEnvironment AgencyFSA (Financial Services Authority)HMRC – which hosted two secondeesGTC (General Teaching Council) – which hosted two secondeesHSE (Health & Safety Executive) – which hosted seven secondeesLSC (Learning and Skills Council)MoD (Ministry of Defence)NBPCT (North Birmingham Primary Care Trust) – which hosted two secondeesNCSL (National College for School Leadership)Office of the Deputy Prime MinisterPost Office Counters LtdThe Cabinet OfficeTTA (Teacher Training Agency)EXAMPLES OF PROJECTSSecondees who were attached to organisations within the public sector were asked to undertake many diverse projects. Someof them incorporated:• evaluating and developing the role of management information systems across UK schools• setting up a virtual community for newly appointed headteachers• launching a CD about working in partnership for business and schools• designing and piloting new training for the government’s HIP (Headteacher Induction Programme)• monitoring, reviewing and making recommendations for improved internal communication• developing ‘Tax Matters’ website for students.“Angela Rundle was a self-starter who enjoyed achallenge and was keen to take on responsibility.She had drive, energy, enthusiasm and was ableto focus on outcomes.”Rob Gibbons, Assistant Director, Development and Diversity, MoD.www.hti.org.uk37

Mike Collins was Invaluable to the Office of The DeputyPrime MinisterThe Office of the Deputy Prime Minister selected Mike Collins, DeputyHeadteacher, Hengrove Community College, Bristol, for a 12 monthsecondment to work within the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit. Liaising withstakeholders, Mike’s role was to explore how the extended schools agendacould help with neighbourhood renewal and youth engagement. The projectwas part of the government’s long-term plan to ensure that no one is seriouslydisadvantaged by where they live.“Having someone with senior school management experience who was ableto share his school experience with policymakers, civil servants and othersecondees from different disciplines has proved invaluable,” said Susan King,Head of Neighbourhood Management and Wardens Team. She went onto say, “As a senior manager, he was immediately effective, maximising hiscontribution to the one year secondment. He always spoke with authorityand was influential both within and outside government. He applied bestmanagement and project management expertise and took responsibility for thewhole youth engagement project.”HSE’s Aim Reached in Record Time by <strong>HTI</strong> Secondee1998In 1998, Bronwen Freake achieved HSE’s objective for risk assessment andmanagement to become integral to the school curriculum far sooner than wasthought possible.“Bronwen was perfect for the role. She ‘hit the ground running’. It wasremarkable how quickly she adapted to working at HSE.” John McGuiness,Head of Chief Scientist Unit, HSE.“Ben had superb interpersonal skills and haddrive, energy and enthusiasm for the job in hand.He certainly enabled the BBC to connect betterwith its audience.”Louise Wass, Interactive Executive for Schools Online Production, BBC.38<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Secondee Brings Creativity to the DCAJames Wood, Head of Social Sciences and Citizenship at Hertswood School inBorehamwood, was seconded to the DCA for 12 months in 2005.James worked on a number of projects related to educating people on theirrights and responsibilities and specifically how these can be integrated into thenational curriculum. Atul Sharda, Consumer Strategy Manager, was enthusiasticabout James’ work. He commented, “Having a teacher secondee has beenof great benefit to the DCA’s Education, Information and Advice Strategyproject. By having ready access to James’ experience we became aware ofissues earlier and were able to form practical solutions. There was also a realbenefit in having a teacher who could challenge ideas that affect teachers andlearners. The key quality that James brought was the insight into the deliveryof policy at a local school level. James was able to steer clear of departmentalissues and focus on delivering practical strategies.”Atul went on to recommend the secondments scheme to other companies as away of bringing creativity into an organisation.Sir William Atkinson stretches Becta’s thinkingSir William Atkinson, Head of Phoenix High School, London became one of 17Expert Consultants recruited by <strong>HTI</strong> for Becta between 2006 and 2009. Eachrepresented primary, secondary, FE and HE sectors to support Becta’s thinkingas they developed ‘Next Generation Learning’.“Sue Ayres was an exemplar to everyone atthe Trust of how to complete a job within tightdeadlines by effectively managing time andclearly focusing on the task.”Dr. Jammi Rao, Director of Public Health, NBPCT.www.hti.org.uk39

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RETAIL AND SERVICESAlthough only five companies in this sector have taken <strong>HTI</strong> secondees, they were responsible for recruiting a hefty 50. Fortyfourwere seconded to Tesco Stores in 1999. They facilitated the development of Tesco Schoolnet 2000, an archive of life inBritain, as seen through the eyes of school children, for display in the Millennium Dome. The five companies are:J Sainsbury plc – which hosted three secondeesKingfisher plcMarriott HotelsRank GroupTesco Stores Ltd – which hosted 44 secondeesEXAMPLES OF PROJECTSMost of the projects undertaken in the five companies in this sector were within the HR arena. Here are a few examples:• an assessment of the effectiveness of the graduate recruitment programme and recommendations for future policy• an analysis and review of the policy on management appraisal• formulation of education business partnership policies• revision of recruitment, induction and performance management processes.Marie Horton Makes an Impact at MarriottHotels in 10 daysTwo Marriott hotels in Bristol were delighted to have MarieHorton attached to them for 10 days in 2001. Her excellentconsultancy skills were called upon to develop a strategy formarketing the hotel industry as a career to school students.Lisa Miles (now Lisa MilesMowbray) was one of the 44teachers who became advisorson the Tesco Schoolnet 2000project in 1999Despite her short stay, Marie Horton made a significantcontribution. “It is important that students on work experienceleave us with a lasting positive impression about working forMarriott Hotels. Marie has given us the strategy to achieve this.Her work will make an enormous difference.”Claire Marriott, Marriott Hotels.www.hti.org.uk41

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TRANSPORTThe 21 secondees for this sector were exclusively placed with Railtrack, British Rail and various other train operatingcompanies.The railway companies have been huge supporters of <strong>HTI</strong>’s secondment scheme. Secondees were employed on internalcommunications projects during the sensitive privatisation period when exceptional interpersonal skills were needed.Teachers not only provided these skills but also brought the objectivity of an outsider in solving problems.At least three secondees, worked on projects which were designed to attract female employees to positions normally held bymen eg drivers, signallers and guards. One secondee, in particular, made company managers realise that cosmetic changeswere not enough and that the content, terms and conditions of the jobs needed changing if more women were to berecruited.Again, the objective views of secondees were successful in solving railway safety challenges. One worked on preventingdrivers from passing red signals and another on how trespass and vandalism on the railway could be reduced. The vastmajority of secondees were involved in HR projects such as reviewing and recommending changes to the procedures forrecruitment and retention, induction, appraisal and delivering and devising training for staff, eg NVQs. They were alsodeployed on many projects to assess the quality of provision and performance, including customer service, which was crucialduring privatisation. IIP accreditation was another area in which secondees excelled. Five secondees were the perfect solutionto developing and enhancing education business links.“Caroline Faulkner’s secondment enabled us ‘tosee ourselves as others see us’ in a unique way.As an independent resource, she was able to gainthe confidence of front line staff to obtain theirviews on how to make improvements.”Hugh Dunglinson, South Eastern Train Company.www.hti.org.uk43

Secondee’s Project ReducesTrespass and VandalismWorking for Railtrack in 1999, Headteacher JuliaShepard, with support from Railtrack, the localcommunity and the press, reduced trespass andvandalism in the Leicester area over Easter by40% compared with 1998. “This is a concreteexample of how an outsider working as a peercan bring about significant change in the way weconduct our business,” said Richard Fearn, ZoneDirector (Midlands), Railtrack.“Julia Shepard was an excellent secondee whosignificantly exceeded our expectations. This isthe third time I have taken <strong>HTI</strong> secondees and oneach occasion I have been very pleased with theresults.”Richard Fearn, Zone Director (Midlands), RailtrackSecondee encourages women to takeroles in the railwaysAnne Harrison, Senior Adviser for Sheffield LEA was secondedto British Rail in 1998/99 to encourage women to take roles inthe railways which had traditionally been filled by men. Sheadvised that cosmetic changes were not enough and thatcontent, terms and conditions of the jobs should be changed ifmore women were to be recruited.44<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

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UTILITIES AND ENERGYThe following companies have hosted secondees:Anglian WaterBiffa Waste/Entrust/Severn Trent – which hosted three secondeesBP (British Petroleum)British Nuclear FuelsEsso plcNational Grid – which hosted three secondeesNational PowerNorthern Ireland Electricity – which hosted nine secondeesSevern Trent plc – which hosted seven secondeesSouth West Water plcWelsh WaterYorkshire Water Enterprises LtdYorkshire Water Services LtdEXAMPLES OF PROJECTSWithin these companies, secondees:• assisted with a customer consultation survey• identified appropriate NVQs for staff• wrote a handbook on Quality Circles• worked at the company’s education centres which teach children about the water cycle, the use of water, waterconservation, recycling, sustainability, microbiology and the treatment of water and sewage• evaluated a software package• undertook a training needs analysis.“<strong>HTI</strong> helped develop the business and theindividuals.”Neil Jackson, Personnel Manager, Northern Ireland Electricity.www.hti.org.uk47

<strong>HTI</strong> Secondee Helped Implement Company’sReorganisationAnnette Croft had to deliver the bad news to employees facing redundancyas part of a company reorganisation at National Grid in 1993. After thesecondment she said, “My experience of managing sometimes difficultrelationships with a huge variety of people in a school setting was perfectpreparation for the job at National Grid.”Severn Trent is a Keen Supporterof the Secondments SchemeSevern Trent has been an enthusiastic supporterof the secondment scheme. Seven secondees haveworked for Severn Trent since 1990. In addition, threesecondees have worked for Biffa Waste (a Severn Trentcompany). All but two have worked at the company’seducation centres which teach children about the watercycle, the use of water, water conservation, recycling,sustainability, microbiology and the treatment of waterand sewage. Secondees worked as managers of thecentres and also produced educational material forthem.Two secondees helped to develop an online environmental audit resource (www.thinkleadership.org.uk) which enablesschools to assess and improve their performance in five areas: energy, air quality, biodiversity, waste and water andbenchmark themselves against other schools. www.thinkleadership.org.uk was launched at the Houses of Commons inOctober 2002 to an audience that included Rt Hon Michael Meacher MP, then Secretary of State for the Environment(above second left).“<strong>HTI</strong> provided a valuable two way exchange ofsupport, skills and practices between our businessand education.”John Ong, Manager, National Grid.48<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

APPENDIX 1WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE DO<strong>HTI</strong> IS INDEPENDENT,NOT FOR PROFIT, NON PARTISAN25 years’ experience of successfully managing crosssectorexchange for school and college leaders.Seen by our supporters as a safe and respectedforum for cross-sector engagement.Supported at top level by education, business andgovernment.<strong>HTI</strong> EQUIPS SCHOOL LEADERSWITH RELEVANT SKILLSSchools and colleges prepare young people for life. <strong>HTI</strong> has alwayspioneered a greater respect for cross-sector understanding throughpartnerships with schools, businesses and the public sector.EXCHANGE &NE<strong>TWO</strong>RKSLEADERSHIPDEVELOPMENTADVOCACY &CHALLENGE• for senior teachers to take Stretchassignments in business and thepublic sector• for business and public sectormanagers to work with schoolleadership teams (Take5)• Strategic Forum cross-sectordinners and events involvingemployers, education &government• alumni networks, business forum,conferences and seminars• international exchanges of teacherson behalf of DfE• bespoke leadership developmentfor individuals and teams• multi-agency support programmes• leadership developmentprogrammes on behalf of NationalCollege• workforce reform programmes onbehalf of TDA, CWDC & DfE• school business managerdevelopment• interactive e-learning packages forstudents’ emotional development• thought leadership• cross-party advice and support• cross-sector engagement betweenschool leaders, employers andpublic sector• environmental sustainability• Go4it awards to supportemployabilitywww.hti.org.uk49

APPENDIX 2aOURPATRONSMiles Templemanis Director General of the IoD and Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> PatronsPreviously he was ManagingDirector of the Whitbread Beer Company and Non-Executive Chairmanof YO! Sushi. He was Marketing Executive for Daz, Ribena, Lucozade andLevi’s jeans.Tom Brownis HR Director for Rolls-Royce plc.Prior to this, Tom was the SeniorVice President, Human Resourcesfor Brambles Industries Limited inAustralia and Group HR Directorfor Allied Domecq plc in the UK.Rachel Campbellis Global Head of PeoplePerformance and Culture anda member of KPMG Europe’sBoard.Sir Michael Colmanwas Chairman of Reckitt andColman from 1985 - 1995 and<strong>HTI</strong>’s first president. Now retiredfrom corporate life, Sir Michael hasstarted at the bottom again, buildinga peppermint-growing businessfrom scratch on his farm, whichhas launched the ‘Summerdown’products range into the specialityfood trade.Digby, Lord Jones ofBirmingham Kt.was <strong>HTI</strong>’s President until July 2007.He wrote ‘Cotton Wool Kids’ for <strong>HTI</strong>which resulted in the Go4it award. Heis a corporate Ambassador & Advisorto a number of companies and HRHThe Duke of York in his capacity asSpecial Representative to UK Trade& Investment. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Leicester TigersRugby Club plc.Bob Gilbertis a retired corporate lawyer andChairman of the Paintbox Group ofCompanies.Sir Paul Judgeis President of the CIM and theAssociation of MBAs, Chairman ofEnterprise Education Trust, DigitalLinks International, St Dunstan’sCollege and Schroder IncomeGrowth Fund plc. Director of theUK Accreditation Service, ENRCplc, Standard Bank Group Ltdof Johannesburg, Tempur-PedicInternational Inc of Kentucky andAbraaj Capital of Dubai.50<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

John Allwoodis a Non-Executive Director of TalkTalk plc and Carphone Warehouseplc. He is also a Governor of ExeterUniversity and mentors smallbusinesses. He was previously ChiefExecutive of Orange UK and heldsenior positions in a number ofNational Newspaper Groups.Norman Askewis Chairman of the Board ofGovernors of ManchesterUniversity, Taylor Wimpey plc andIMI plc. Previous positions includeChairman of Kidde plc and ChiefExecutive of British NuclearFuels plc.Sir Christopher Ballwas founding Chairman of theNational Advisory Council for Careersand Educational Guidance, Wardenof Keble College, Oxford, Chancellorof the University of Derby andDirector of Learning at the RSA.Now retired from corporate life,Sir Christopher devotes his time tohelping small charities raise funds.Sir John Banhamis chairman of Johnson Mattheyplc and Spacelabs Inc. He is alsothe senior Independent Directorof AMVESCAP plc and CyclacelPharmaceuticals Inc, as wellas a Non-Executive Director ofMerchants Trust plc. Previously hewas Chairman of Whitbread plcand Director General of the CBI.Mary Chapmanchairs the Institute of CustomerService and is a Council Memberfor Brunel University. She wasChief Executive of the CharteredManagement Institute. She is aNon-Executive director with theRoyal Mint, the National LotteryCommission, the GDST and TheArchbishops’ Council of the Churchof England.Dame Julia Cleverdon,DCVO, CBEis Vice President of Business in theCommunity (BITC) and a SpecialAdviser to the Prince’s Charitieson responsible business practice.She was Chief Executive of BITCfrom 1992-2008. Dame Julia is alsoChair of Teach First.Ian Ferguson CBEis Chairman of Trustees ofMetaswitch Networks, which isconsistently in the top 10 of theSunday Times 100 Best Companiesto Work for and recipient of theQueen’s Award for Innovation in2010. He is on the Board of theYoung People’s Learning Agency,UK Skills and the ApprenticeshipAmbassadors Network.Dr Geraldine Kenney-Wallaceis Chair of Chi 3 Photonics, havingbeen Group Director and founderof the successful £18m e-Learningbusiness for the City & Guilds Group.Formerly she was a ManagingDirector at BAE Systems plc.Tony Mackayis a founding member of the NationalCollege’s Governing Council. He isExecutive Director of the MelbournebasedCentre for Strategic Education,Australia and Honorary Fellow inthe Graduate School of Education atThe University of Melbourne. Tonyspecialises in the areas of school andsystem leadership, improvement andinnovation.www.hti.org.uk51

Tim Melville Ross CBEis Chairman of The HigherEducation Funding Council forEngland, DTZ, Manganese Bronzeand Royal London Insurance.He was previously Chairman ofBovis Homes, Chief Executive ofNationwide Building Society andDirector General of the Institute ofDirectors.Jim Oatridge OBEis Non-Executive Director atthe Northern Ireland Authorityfor Utility Regulation (NIAUR),Wolverhampton City PCT,Animal Health, a private sectororganisation, and two not-for-profitorganisations. He was previouslyGroup Services Director withSevern Trent Plc and Chair of <strong>HTI</strong>from 1996 to 2008.Baroness Morris of Yardleyis Patron for <strong>HTI</strong>’s 25th anniversaryyear. She is Chair of the StrategyBoard at the Institute of EffectiveEducation at the University ofYork, a member of the House ofLords and is active in a number oforganisations in both educationand the arts. She is an externaldirector of the Performing RightsSociety.Ian Powellis Chairman and Senior Partner ofPricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Ianis also a member of the five-manNetwork Leadership team whichleads the international network ofPwC firms. He leads the ‘CentralCluster’ of the PwC Network, whichspans 97 countries and accounts forhalf of PwC’s worldwide revenues.Sir Mike Rakeis Chairman of BT Group plc. He isChairman of the UK Commissionfor Employment and Skills,Chairman at EasyJet plc, as wellas a Director of Barclays PLC,McGraw Hill Inc and the FinancialReporting Council. From May 2002to September 2007 Sir MichaelRake was Chairman of KPMGInternational.Elizabeth Reidis Chief Executive of SSAT. TheTrust has over 5,700 memberschools and educationalorganisations. She serves onthe board of the University ofArts London, City and IslingtonCollege, the Enterprise EducationTrust, the Fashion Retail Academyand the Qualifications andCurriculum Development Agency.Sir Martin Sorrellis CEO of WPP, the world’slargest global advertising andmarketing services group. Throughthe group’s 100+ operatingcompanies (including renownedinternationally-respected agenciessuch as JWT, Ogilvy and Y&R), WPPprovides communications servicesto national, multinational andglobal clients.Dr Bill Walshwas <strong>HTI</strong>’s founding Chairmanfrom 1986-1996. He was a formerDirector of Reckitt & Colman whohas led education and businesslinks in Hull. He has continuedto be Chairman of ConnexionsHumber and of the Advisory Boardof Hull University Business School.52<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Jackie Ormeis Chief Executive of the CharteredInstitute of Personnel andDevelopment, which has 135,000members working in peoplemanagement and development. Jackiepreviously spent 12 years working forPepsiCo, including 7 years leading theUK and Ireland HR function and sittingon the UK Executive Board of PepsiCoInternational.Michael Osbaldeston OBEwas Director of Cranfield Schoolof Management from 2003-2009.Prior to this he was Head of GlobalLearning at Shell International andwas Chief Executive of AshridgeBusiness College from 1990-1999.Heather Rabbattsis the Non-Executive Chairman atShed Media and also holds a numberof other board appointmentsincluding the Royal Opera House,the UK Film Council, Board ofGrosvenor, Great Britain and Irelandand was formerly Head of Educationat Channel 4.Sir Ken Robinsonis an internationally recognisedleader in the development ofcreativity, innovation and humanresources. He has worked withgovernments in Europe, Asiaand the USA, with internationalagencies, Fortune 500 companiesand not-for-profit corporations.Dame Marjorie Scardinois Chief Executive of Pearson plc, theinternational media group whoseprimary business operations includePearson Education, the FinancialTimes Group and Penguin Group.Formerly Chief Executive of TheEconomist Group, she holds variousNon-Executive directorships and is amember of a number of charitableand advisory boards.Mark Tayloris the Dean of Warwick BusinessSchool and Professor of Finance.He is a leading internationalauthority in open economymacroeconomics and internationalfinance. Previously a Fellow ofUniversity College, Oxford, he hasalso held chairs at City UniversityBusiness School, at Liverpool andat Dundee Universities.Robert Walkeris currently Chairman of WHSmith PLC, Travis Perkins PLC andAmericana International HoldingsLimited and also a Non-ExecutiveDirector of Tate and Lyle PLC. Hewas previously Chairman of WilliamsLea and BCA Europe and has servedon a number of FTSE 100/250Boards.Mick Watersis president of the CurriculumFoundation and Chair of 360°People. Previously, he was Directorof Curriculum at QCA, helpingschools to rethink their approach tocurriculum design. He advises BlackCountry Challenge Schools.Simon Woodroffe OBEis <strong>HTI</strong>’s Go4it Patron. Simonopened YO! Sushi in 1997.Today, the group has 60 sitesaround the world, serving 3 millioncustomers per year. Simon openedYOTEL in 2007, a hotel conceptoffering luxury in a very smallspace.www.hti.org.uk53

APPENDIX 2bOURGOVERNANCEDr Noorzaman RashidDirector, Board and Leadership Services, Harvey NashChair of <strong>HTI</strong> TrusteesHelen GlennieChief Financial Officer,Constellation Europe LimitedChair of <strong>HTI</strong> Audit CommitteeRichard HallLearning Manager – Finance& Governance, LloydsBanking GroupMike OrtonHR Director, Ince & CoChair of <strong>HTI</strong> RemunerationCommitteeGrier PalmerPrincipal Teaching Fellow,Strategic Management,Academic Director,Executive Programmes,Chair (acting), Teaching andLearning Group, WarwickBusiness SchoolFiona TimothyChairman, CashfacJo UpwardDirector of 21CN CustomerExperience, BT54<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

David ArmstrongPartner – Consulting,PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPKevin BoyleHeadteacher,Oaklands SchoolRay Campsieformer Group Head ofDevelopment, HSBCHoldings PlcJane FrostDirectorIndividual Customers, HMRC,Vice Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> TrusteesPeter HoneyFounder ofPeter Honey Publications LtdLucinda HuntHead, Notting Hill & EalingHigh School, GDSTNeil SherlockPublic Affairs Partner, KPMGMartin WardDeputy General Secretary,Association of School andCollege Leaderswww.hti.org.uk55

APPENDIX 3LIST OF HOST ORGANISATIONSAND THEIR <strong>SECONDEE</strong>SEvery attempt has been made to ensure there are no errors or omissions in this list. Company names, jobtitles, schools and names of secondees are those recorded in <strong>HTI</strong>’s records at the time of secondments.These details may have altered since then. Some of the records were incomplete and cannot be updateddue to the passage of time. We apologise for any inaccuracies. Please advise <strong>HTI</strong> if you have informationwhich could update these records so that they can be captured for future editions.Host OrganisationSecondee Details and Year of Secondment121 Consultancy Shaw, Andrew, Headteacher Kirk Hallam Technology College Derbyshire 1996/73T ProductionsCoulson, Roy, Teacher and Head of Community and External Affairs Deanery High School Wigan1999/2000Allfor Group Bonser, Keith, Deputy Head Sir Gilbert Claughton School (with Griffiths Group) 1989Anglian Water Richmond, Jane, Deputy Head St Luke’s Primary School Cambridge 1997/8Bass Plc (now Six Continents Plc) Davies, Lester, Headteacher Chadsmead Primary Lichfield 1997/8Folkard, Sue, Deputy Head Byng Kendrick Birmingham 1998/9Baxter Healthcare Still, Jane, Deputy Head Rosemary Musker High School Thetford 1997/8BBC Franklin, Ben, Head of Supportive Studies and Inclusion Plume School Maldon 2001/2Becta (British Educational Anstey, Pete, Deputy Head Moseley School Birmingham 1996/7Communications and Atkinson, Sir William, Headteacher Phoenix High School 2006/7Technology Agency) Boyle, Kevin, Headteacher, Oaklands School 2007/09Bibby, Dame Enid, Self Employed Educational Consultant 2006/7Brennan, Mo, Headteacher The Hillcrest School & Community College 2006/7Creissen, Terry, Headteacher Colne Community School 2006/7France, Annette, Headteacher Heart of England School 2006/7Gater, Steve, Headteacher Walker Technology College 2006/7Grundy, Sir Mark, Headteacher Shireland Language College 2006/7Harrison, Bob, Self Employed Educational Consultant 2006/7Henry, Tony, Principal City College, Birmingham 2006/7Hill, Clive, Director of IT and Facilities, Sutton Coldfield CollegeMann, Sunania, Principal Nescott College 2007/09Nichols, Evelyn, FE Consultant 2007/09Mortimer, Paul, Headteacher Hollingworth High School 2006/7Phipps, Keith, Head of Geography King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys 2006/7Pope, Roger, Headteacher Kingsbrudge Community College 2006/7Pugh, Rosie, Headteacher Castledyke Primary School 2006/7Turrell, David, Headteacher Sir Bernard Lovell School 2006/7BectaX Annette France, Headteacher Chipping Campden School 2010Boyle, Kevin, Headteacher, Oaklands Special School 2010Briscoe, Wendy, Headteacher Queen Victoria School Dudley 2010Eason, Danny, Headteacher Fishlawn Primary School 2010Fell, Shawn, Headteacher Harlington Upper School 2010Fey, Katherine, Head of Economics Croydon High School 2010Hollins, Keith, Headteacher Westwood College 2010Mangham, Cat, Headteacher Fairfield School, Bristol 2010Mortimer, Paul, Headteacher Isle of Sheppey Academy 2010O’Keefe, John, Assistant Headteacher Arden School, Solihull 2010Shaw, Andy, Headteacher Wigmore High School 2010Sutton, Mark, Headteacher Hagley Park Sports College 2010Turrell, David, Headteacher Sir Bernard Lovell SchoolBenefits Agency Thompson, Mark, Headteacher Myrtle Springs School Sheffield 1995/656<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Biffa Waste (see also Davies, Martin, Head of Maths Stoke Park School & Community College Coventry 2000/1Severn Trent and Entrust) Goodchild, Phil, Deputy Head Nether Hall School Leicester Biffa 1996/7Jones, Trevor, Headteacher Moscow International School 1997/8BP (British Petroleum) Hopkin, Cenfyn, Head of a special school West Glamorgan 1990/1Prescott, Bob, Headteacher Wolfreton School Hull 1989/90Waterhouse, Beryl, Deputy Head 1989/90Bradford Engineering Council Pelleschi, Alun, Deputy Head Belle Vue Girls’ School 1994/5Britannia Building Society Davies, Peter, Director Staffordshire EBP (with National Power) 1992/3Hemmings, Neil, Deputy Head Trentham High School Stoke on Trent 1994/5British Council Matty, Pamela, Principal Grove School Dawson Road Birmingham 2004/5British Nuclear Fuels Grindle, Jim, 1989/90British Rail Brookman, Alan, Headteacher Hatfield High School Doncaster 1986/7Hedge, Jeanie, 1991/2Hill, Geoff, TVEI Evaluator London 1990/1Hinkley, Tony, Deputy Head Ellowes Hall School Dudley1990/1Krachai, John, Deputy Head 1991/2Landon, Graham, Deputy Head Hailsham Community College 1991/2Lane, David, Headteacher Bull Farm Middle School Mansfield 1994/5Morton, Peter, Advisor Essex LEA 1991/2 prior to the company’s formationPlayer, John, Deputy Head Stowmarket High School 1994/5Shaw, Eileen, Deputy Head Cressex School High Wycombe 1991/2Sherman, Keith, Deputy Head Hillcrest School and Community College Dudley 1991/2British Steel Chilton, Dorothy, Deputy Head Katharine Lady Berkley’s School Gloucestershire 2000/1(See also Corus) Fothergill, Alan, Headteacher Alcester High School 1992/3MacIntyre, Paul, Senior Teacher Beaumont Leys School 1991/2Thompson, Zoe, Assistant Head Archbishop Michael Ramsey Technology College London 2005/6BRS & T York (British Rail Signal Harrison, Anne, Senior Officer Sheffield LEA 1989/90and Telecommunications)BT (British Telecom) Guile, David, Deputy Head Langdon Park School Tower Hamlets 1991/2McCarthy, Patrick, Headteacher Eaglesfield School Greenwich 1997/8Rigby, Gordon, Head of Design and Technology GNVQ West Hill School Stalybridge BT 2001Bunzl plc Yea, Jean, Headteacher Wyken Croft Primary School Coventry 2001/2Cabinet Office Trimble, Paul, Assistant Headteacher, Whitefield School 2005/06Cambridge Programmefor IndustryTones, Mike, Inspector LEA DurhamCap Gemini Harvey, Deryn, Headteacher Willow Tree Primary School Northolt 2000/1Ernst & YoungCity & Guilds Pinn, Lesley, Director of Learning, Vocational ICT & Business Faculty The Priory School 2006Colman’s of Norwich Scott, Claude, Headteacher Thorpe St Andrews School Norwich 1990/1(See also Reckitt & Colman)Corus (See also British Steel) Chilton, Dorothy, Deputy Head Katharine Lady Berkley’s School Gloucestershire 2000/1Fothergill, Alan, Headteacher Alcester High School 1992/3MacIntyre, Paul, Senior Teacher Beaumont Leys School 1991/2Thompson, Zoe, Assistant Headteacher, Archbishop Michael Ramsey Technology College 2005/6Courtaulds Pickvance, Beryl, Deputy Head Carlton Bolling School 1986CRAC - Development for Life Lambert, Gary, Assistant Headteacher, Bishop Wulstan Catholic School 2007DCA (Department for Wood, James, Head of Social Science Hertswood School Borehamwood 2005/6Constitutional Affairs)Department of Education, Dorrian, Patrick, Teacher Christian Brothers’ School 2006Northern Irelandwww.hti.org.uk57

Derbyshire Building Society Obhi, Kamljit, Education Policy Officer Leicester City Council 2005DfES (Department for Aspland, Linda, Deputy Head Attleborough High School Norfolk 2002/3Education and Skills)Beach, Rosemary, Head of Careers Education Heart of England SchoolBalsall Common Coventry 2002/3Bradshaw, Peter, Consultant 2000Brett, Peter, Senior Lecturer St Martin’s College Carlisle 2003/4Campbell, Lorrin, Senior Manager Sedgeberrow First School Sedgeberrow 2003/4Charters, Francis, ICT Co-ordinator Worcester Learning and Behavioral Support Service 2002/3Connole, Rosemarie, Headteacher Oliver Quibell Community Infant School Newark 2002/3Cunningham, Michael, Headteacher Flimby Primary School Maryport 2003/4Cramphorn, Jill, London (with ICL )1990/1Hayward, Jeremy, Lecturer,Institute of Education London 2003/4Linsley, Janet, Deputy Headteacher Teesdale School Barnard Castle County Durham 2004/5Mackessy, Helen, Bursar St Bernadette Mixed Junior School Lambeth 2004Marels, Gill, First Deputy The Winston Churchill School, St Johns, Woking 2002/3Martin, John, Headteacher Castle Hill Junior School Basingstoke 2002/3Moreton, Paul, Assistant Headteacher Sharnbrook Upper School Bedfordshire 2003/4Packer, Brian, Vice-Principal Pastoral and Personnel Ibstock Community CollegeLeicestershire 2003/4Pittaway, Chris, Senior Deputy Headteacher St Christopher’s School Wrexham 2003/4Plant, David, Deputy Head Winifred Holtby School Hull 2002/3Porritt, Vivienne, Headteacher Thamesmead School Shepperton 2004Rowe, Don, Director The Citizenship Foundation London 2003/4Smart, Sarah, County Advisor for Drug and Alcohol Education Surrey LEA 2004Smith, Karen, Health Link Officer and Citizenship Development Manager NottinghamEducation 2004Sohal, Balbir, Cultural Diversity Support Coordinator Coventry LEA 2003/4Swainston, Tony, Assistant Headteacher Benton Park School Leeds 2003/4Sumerfield, Jacqueline, Headteacher, Lostock Primary School Bolton 2002/3Thorpe, Kathleen, Deputy Head Wolfreton School Kirkella Yorkshire 2002/3Tandy, John, Deputy Headteacher The Oldershaw School Wallasey 2004Vind, Andi, Head of Citizenship/PSHE King Richard School Portsmouth 2003/4Wild, Ken, Headteacher The Topsham School Devon 2002/3Wilson, Marianne, Advanced Skills PSHE Teacher Allerton High School Leeds 2004Digital Classics Cych, Leon, ICT Co-ordinator All Souls Junior School Westminster 2000/1DTI (Department for Briscoe, Wendy, HeadteacherGraiseley Primary School Wolverhampton (with the <strong>HTI</strong> Trust) 2004Trade and Industry) Harkness, Graeme, Vice Principal, Leasowes Community College Dudley 2000/1Mathews, Alastair, Education Consultant 2000/1Eden Vale Petheridge, Jeanette, Shropshire County Council LEA 1993/4ENCAMS (EnvironmentalBray, Rosalind, SENCO and Co-ordinator of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)Campaigns Limited – formerly St Mark’s CE Primary School Manchester 2000/1the Tidy Britain Group)Davies, Rodger, Head of Physics Sharples School Bolton,2001/02Kwiecinski, Barbara, Director of Student Development Firth Park School Sheffield 1999/2000Saunders, Martin, Head of 6th Form College Yorkshire Martyrs School Bradford 1998/9Walker, Robert, Science Faculty Manager Huddersfield New College 1998/9Engineering CouncilGiles, Glenice, Headteacher Wycombe West and Collegiate Centre High Wycombe1994/5Entrust (see also Severn Trent Davies, Martin, Head of Maths Stoke Park School & Community College Coventry 2000/1and Biffa Waste) Goodchild, Phil, Deputy Head Nether Hall School Leicester 1996/7Jones, Trevor, Headteacher Moscow International School 1997/8Lewis, Philip, Deputy Head Rhosddu CP School (with <strong>HTI</strong> Trust) 1999/2000Ernst & Young Evans, Anne, Vice Principal The Village College Melbourn 1993/4Esso plcHumphries, Kathy, Headteacher Kings Copse Primary School Hampshire(with Learning Through Landscapes) 1997/8Eurostar Lees, Mary-Lou, Birmingham EBP 1994/5Financial Services Authority Chapman, John, Assistant Head Verulam School St Albans 2005/6Financial Services Skills Council Jones, Simon, Alumni School 2007Foseco Foundry International Thomas, Frank, Headteacher Ralph Allen School Bath 1999/2000GKN Higgins, Mary, Deputy Head, Lea Mason Secondary School 1991/2Robinson, David, Consultant Dudley LEA 1989/9058<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Glass Technology Services Helliwell, Mark, Head of Technology Abbeydale Grange School Sheffield 2001/2GlaxoSmithKline Darroch, Anthony, Head of English and Drama Edenham High School Bromley 2000/01Lambert, Andrew, ICT Director Fortismere Technology College 2000/01McDonald, Anthony, Headteacher St John’s Primary School Kenilworth 2000/01Sharda, Meena, Programme Manager South Birmingham College 1998/9Terry, Stan, Deputy Head Icknield Community College Oxford 1998/9 and TRADA 2001/2Warwick, Shobi, Curriculum Manager North West London College 1997/8Watson, Malcolm, Headteacher John Willmott School Sutton Coldfield 1998/9Wilson, Justin, Departmental Head West Hill School Stalybridge 1998/9Young, Clive, Windsor and Maidenhead LEA 2000/01Goldman Sachs Investment Bank Hunt, Lucinda, Head of Science Wimbledon Girls School 2000/1GoSkills Hodson, Patsy, Assistant Headteacher, Hesketh Fletcher CofE High School, Atherton 2006Grand Metropolitan Perkins, Alan, Deputy Head Essex 1989/90Great Northern West Blackshaw, Philip, Deputy Head Cressex School High Wycombe 1993/4Anglian TOCGriffiths Group Bonser, Keith, Deputy Head Sir Gilbert Claughton School (with Allfor Group) 1989GTC (General Teaching Council) Day, Liz, Deputy Head Dulwich Hamlet Junior School Dulwich 2001/2Thomas, Fiona, Senior Manager Herne Church of England Infants School Herne 2001/2Hoechst UK Roberts, Morton, Headteacher Brooksbank School Halifax 1987/8HMRC Trinder, Linda, Head of Business and Enterprise Mill Hill County High School 2008HSBC (See also Midland Bank) Prickett, Bill, Head of Science Stopley Grant Maintained High School 1997/8Sinclair, Paul, Manager Newham Sixth Form College London 2001/02Williams, Teresa, Headteacher Onslow St Audrey’s School Hatfield 1998/9HSBC Education Trust Burton, Luke, Deputy Headteacher Stratford School London 2004/5Doolin, Malcolm, Assistant Head Brampton Manor School East Ham London 2002/3Honeybul, John, Deputy Headteacher Rokeby School Stratford East London 2003/4Hunter, Richard, Headteacher Courthouse Green Primary School Coventry 2001/2Wray, Bradley, Headteacher Thorpe Hall Primary Walthamstow London 2000/1HSE (Health & Safety Executive) Boyle, Kevin, Headteacher Greenbank Residential School Cheshire 1996/7Frazer, Pete, Headteacher West Derby Comprehensive School Liverpool 1996/7Freake, Bronwen, Deputy Head Greenbank Residential School Cheshire 1998/9Horswell, Michael, Deputy Headteacher The Arnewood School 2010Maddison, Indira, Teacher Gilmour Infants School Liverpool 1997/8Reynolds, Caroline, Senior Teacher Avonmouth CE Primary School 2000/01Summers, David, Headteacher Kingsland Community College Dunstable 1995/6<strong>HTI</strong>/<strong>HTI</strong> Fellowships Billinge, Roger, Headteacher Lancastrian School Knutsford 2003Briscoe, Wendy, Graiseley Primary School Wolverhampton (with the DTI )2004Burrows, Mark, Headteacher Wilmcote Primary School 2010Castle, Russ, Head of Personal Development and Head of House, Trinity School, Newbury 2004Easton, Barbara, Deputy Headteacher The King’s Church of England School 2006Farrimond, Jane, Director of Drama and Performing Arts Sir Bernard Lovell School 2005/6Fox, Rory, Director of Braintree Sixth Form Notley High School 2010Hutchinson, Peter, Headteacher Brookes High School Launceston Tasmania 1992/3Lewis, Philip, Deputy Head Rhosddu CP School (with Entrust) 1999/2000Martin, Helen, Advisor Staffordshire LA 2009O’Donoghue, Dean, Key Skills Manager Tamworth and Lichfield College 2004/5O’Leary, Mick, Deputy Head The Compton School Barnet 2003/4Patey, Rosemary, Senior Assistant Headteacher Bridgnorth Endowed School 2004Reeves, Peter, Deputy Head Dawlish Community College 2004/5Stapleton, Nicola, Vice Principal The King’s School Wolverhampton 2005Topping, Paul, Deputy Head Idsall School Shifnal Shropshire 2004Wheeler, Anita, Headteacher LutleyPrimary School 2007Wright, Lindsey, Deputy Head Heart of England School West Midlands 2004/5IBMBerry, Carol, Head of Modern Foreign Languages The Appleton SchoolSouth Benfleet 1999/2000Field, Barbara, Vice Principal Weald College 1990/1Oakes, Stephen, Acting Head Medway Community College Kent 2000/1Penny, James, Senior Teacher Ryde High School Isle of Wight 1998/9www.hti.org.uk59

ICI Fibres Brookes, Anthony, Headteacher Thorne Grammar School 1992/3ICLCramphorn, Jill, London 1990/1 (with DfES)Jenkins, David, Head Education and Training Staffordshire Training and Enterprise Council 1990/1Immersive Education Fishburne, Andy, Department ICT Manager St Anne’s Convent School Southampton 2001/02Shaw, Ray, Head PSE Personal and Social Education Banbury School, Banbury 2001/02Invest NI O’Halloran, Elaine, Head of Business Studies Dominican College 2007Simons, Ian, Head of ICT Wellington College 2007Wilmont, Peter, ASD Teacher Cedar Lodge Special School 2006J Sainsbury plc Daniels, David, Davenant Foundation School Loughton 1993/4Solbe, Joan, Deputy Head Coopers School Chislehurst 1990/1Vesotzky, Richard, Headteacher Crawford Primary School London 1991/2J Whitbread PLC Roberts, John, Education Advisor Sheffield LEA 1990/1Kingfisher plc Kay, Carole, Headteacher Haberdashers Aske’s Girls’ School Lewisham 1991/2Kingston Communications Gooder, John, Deputy Head Wolfreton School Hull 1994/5Watson, Denise, OBE, Headteacher Chaucer School Sheffield 1995/6Learning and Skills Council Pipe, Michele, Headteacher Kingstanding School Kingstanding Birmingham 2002/3Learning Through Landscapes Humphries, Kathy, Headteacher Kings Copse Primary School Hampshire (with Esso plc) 1997/8(See also Esso Plc)Linklaters LLP Dalton, Lynn, Deputy Headteacher Clapton Girls Technology College 2007/8Lloyds TSB Bank Davies, Jeff, Assistant Head Brimsham Green School Bristol 2001/2(See also TSB Bank) Hounsell, Christine, Senior Teacher Oldfield School Bath 1999/2000King, Michael, Assistant Headteacher Chew Valley School Bristol 2000/1Taylor, Ian, Deputy Head Hayesfield School Bristol 1997/8Lloyds TSB Foundations Gray, Diane, Headteacher, Beoley First School Beoley 2000/1Hudson, Joyce, Headteacher Lambert School Stratford-upon-Avon (with the TTA) 1997/8Lucas Engineering SystemsDudal, Pat, Deputy Head, Aston Manor School BirminghamGadsby, Mike, Birmingham Education Business Partnership 1989/90Marriott Hotels Horton, Marie, GNVQ Teacher Withywood Community School Bristol 2001Massey Ferguson O’Brien, Dermot, Headteacher Yarnfield Primary School Birmingham 1994/5Microsoft Ltd Speirs, Eileen, Deputy Headteacher Galston Primary School 2006/7McVitie’s (See also United Bester, Jane, Head of GNVQ Willesden High School 2001Biscuits)Microvitec plc Bowmaker, Ian, Headteacher Rhodesway School Bradford 1987/8Midland Bank (See also HSBC) Halpin, Jenny, Headteacher Norden High School Blackburn 1988/9MoD (Ministry of Defence) Rundle, Angela, Headteacher St. Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School Fulham 2001/2National Grid Croft, Annette, Senior Teacher Beauchamp College 1993/4Graham, Tony, Vice Principal King Edward VII Community College Coalville 2000/1Stockton, Sonja, Headteacher Light Hall School Shirley 1998/9National Power Davies, Peter, Director Staffordshire EBP (with Britannia Building Society) 1992/3NatWest Bank Curtis, Ronald, Education Business Advisor Essex 1992/3Smith, Nigel, Vice Principal Sawtrey Community College Huntingdon 1995/6Stevens, Marilyn, Headteacher Cardwell Primary School Greenwich 1996/7Warne, Diane, Deputy Head Plashet School Eastham 1991/2NCSL (National College forKapur, Tarun, Executive Headteacher Ashton-on-Mersey, Broadoak School,School Leadership) Parrs Wood High School 2010Sahota, Preet, Headteacher West Heath Junior School, Birmingham 2003Wilkins, Michael, Chief Executive and Academy PrincipalOutwood Grange Academies Trust200960<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

Neighbourhood Culbert, Monica, Principal Good Shepherd Nursery School 2008Renewal Unit McMahon, Gerard, Principal Corpus Christi College 2007/8Nestle Bennett, Jill, Headteacher Oriel High School Great Yarmouth 1991/2Duxbury, Bill, Headteacher Queen Katherine School Kendal 1986/7NBPCT (North Birmingham Ayres, Sue, Deputy Head Arthur Terry School Sutton Coldfield 2002/3Primary Care Trust) Bryant, Deirdre, Pastoral Coordinator Hollywood Primary School Birmingham 2005/6Northern Foods Coulson, David, Headteacher 1987/8Northern Ireland Electricity Drennen, Gerald, Principal Comber High School 1994/5Frost, Robert, Headteacher Glengormley High School Newtonabbey 1992/3Keegan, Geraldine, Dame, Headteacher St Mary’s Girls’ Secondary School Londonderry 1990/1Kelly, Frank, Deputy Director Regional Training Unit 1991/2McClelland, Norman, Headteacher Lisnagarvey High School Lisburn 1990/1O’Halloran, Mairead, Deputy Head St. Louise’s Comprehensive College 1989/90Rolston, Brian, Vice Principal City of Armagh High School 1989/90Wallace, Gerald, Headteacher Cambridge House Boys Grammar School Ballymena 1993/4Weir, Rosemary, Headteacher Bloomfield Collegiate School Belfast 1991/2NSE (Network South East) James, Julia, Deputy Head Moatbridge School Eltham 1992/3Oil Spill Response Harvey, Nicola, Teacher Netley Abbey Junior School 2006/7Office of the Deputy Collins, Mike, Senior Deputy Headteacher Hengrove Community College Bristol 2005/6Prime MinisterPearl Assurance Cherry, Philippa, Vice Principal Bretton Woods Community School Peterborough 1996/7Pilkington Glass Foster, Robert, Deputy Head Aspull High School 1990/1Trimingham, Peter, Headteacher Campsmount School 1989/90Pork Farm Bowyers Chater, John, Headteacher Haywood School Nottingham 1995/6Post Office Counters Ltd Caulfield, Mike, Headteacher Bishop Douglas RC School Barnet 1990/1Walters, Cecilia, Headteacher St Gemma’s Secondary School Belfast 1992/3Precision Steel Coil Bateson, John, Headteacher Hillcrest School and Community College 1989/90PricewaterhouseCoopers Cogger, Jean, Headteacher Sydenham Infant and Primary School 2007Johnston, Ruth, Head of Foundation and KS1 Balymagee Primary School 2008McGuinness, Joseph, Principal St Matthews Primary School 2008McKinney, Carmel, Principal Vere Foster Primary School Belfast 2005McKittrick, Paul, Head of Business Studies Carrickfergus Grammar School 2009Murray, Anne, Headteacher Oakwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School 2006Scott, Christopher, Principal Seagoe Primary School 2006Simpson, Karen, Teacher Harberton School 2010Slater, William, Senior Manager Methodist College Belfast 2004Taylor, Jeremy, Fleming Fulton School Belfast 2004/5Wallace, Jillian, Principal Kirkistown Primary School 2008Warnes, Melanie, Headteacher The Castle School 2010Railtrack Lloyd, Richard, Senior Teacher Park View School Birmingham 2001/2Shepard, Julia, Headteacher Oakfield School Swindon 1999/2000Rank GroupPowell, Angela, Lecturer Tourism Birmingham College of Food,Tourism & Creative Studies 1999/2000Reckitt & Colman PLC Salt, Barrie, Headteacher South Hunsley School 1986(See also Colman’s of Norwich) Hobson, Yuvon, Deputy Head Kendray Primary School South Yorkshire 1996/7Regional Railways Mullen, Howard, Headteacher Ken Stimpson Community School Peterborough 1992/3Reuters Andrew, Julie, Teacher St. George’s School London 2002/3Emerson, Jennifer, Deputy Head Parson’s Green C of E School Colchester 2002/3Rolls-Royce Macaulay, Caroline, Deputy Head Aldridge School Walsall 1989/90Neill, Michael, Headteacher Culey Green School Solihull 1988/9Rothmans International Howson, Paul, Headteacher Great Marlow School Marlow 1995/6Services Ltdwww.hti.org.uk61

Rover Group May, Brian, Birmingham City LEA, 1993/4Vybiral, Mike, Vice Principal Beauchamp College Leicestershire(with Warwickshire Manufacturing Group) 1997/8Rowntree Mackintosh Hayton, Keith, Headteacher Fulford School York 1987/8Royal Agricultural Society of England Hughes, Neil, Department for Environment & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2007/8Royal and Sun Alliance Knight, Merrial, Senior Teacher Hayesfield Technology School 2001Royal Mail Sisum, Charles, Headteacher Wisewood Secondary School Sheffield 1994/5Royal Ordnance Plc Seddon, Frank, Headteacher Wentworth High School 1989/90School Food Trust Cooke, Karen, Headteacher Sunnymede Junior School 2006/7Maguire, Anita, Assistant Headteacher, Leytonstone Business and EnterpriseSpecialist School 2007Severn Trent (See also Biffa Allder, Derek, Deputy Headteacher 1991/2Waste and Entrust)Davies, Martin, Head of Maths Stoke Park School & Community College Coventry(with Entrust & Biffa Waste) 2000/1Dewer, Rosemary, 1994/5Goodchild, Phil, Deputy Head Nether Hall School Leicester (with Biffa Waste and Entrust) 1996/7Herrick, Philip, Head of Physics City of Leicester School 2000/1Jones, Trevor, Headteacher Moscow International School (with Biffa Waste and Entrust) 1997/8McDermott, John, Director of Staffordshire Education Business Partnership 1990/1Stokes, Susan, Centre for Education and Industry Warwick University 1993/4Sheffield LEA Spooner, Roy, Headteacher Norfolk Comprehensive School 1993/4Shropshire Regional Railways Wrench, Jamie, LEA 1991/2Smith & Nephew Medical Ltd Davidson, Mike, Deputy Head St Mary’s College Hull 1995/6Hoey, Edwin, Headteacher Goole Grammar School Humberside 1988/9Parry, Gareth, Deputy Head Longcroft School Beverly 1996/7Pipkin, Rob, Deputy Head St Mary’s College Hull 1997/8Ward, Martin, Principal Wyke Sixth Form College Hull 1993/4South Eastern Train Bloomfield, Phil, Headteacher Fitzharry’s School Abbingdon 1994/5Operating Company Faulkner, Caroline, Deputy Head Bexhill High School 1995/6South West Water plc Osborne, Dennis, Deputy Head Braunton School and Community College 1997/8SSAT Spokes, Steve, Assistant Headteacher, The City Academy, Bristol 2007/8Sylvania GTE Allenby, Harry, Headteacher Salt Grammar School 1986/7Tesco Stores LtdAger, Richard, Deputy Director Maths, Science and TechnologyUniversity of Central England 1999/2000Atkinson, Peter, ICT Co-ordinator Pinehurst Junior School Liverpool 1999/2000Austin, Nicholas, Head of English St Bede’s IC Comprehensive Cambridge 1999/2000Ball, Stuart, Teacher Llantilio Pertholey CV Primary School Pontypool 1999/2000Blomfield, James, Teacher Christ Church Primary School Folkestone 1999/2000Bradshaw, Peter, Consultant 1999/2000Brown, Alf, Head of Science Westwood High School Croydon 1999/2000Browne, Anthony, Senior Manager St Ambrose College Altrincham 2000David, Francis, The Selhurst High School 1999/2000Davies, Chris, Deputy Head Churchfields County Junior School 1999/2000Dickie, John, Educational Development Officer Renfrewshire Council 1999/2000Doherty, Martin, Vice Principal Glendermott Primary School Bally Shaskry 1999/2000Down, Jane, Advisory Teacher Bridgend 1999/2000Gee, Alison, Senior Teacher Wintringham School Lincolnshire 1999/2000Hartley, Michael, Teacher Isobel Mair School Glasgow 1999/2000Hay, Christopher, Teacher Ascham House School Gosforth 1999/2000Hill, Linda, Supervisory Lecturer DeMontfort University Bedford 1999/2000Jones, Sarah, Physical Education Teacher, Kingston-upon-Hull 1999/2000Hobden, John, Project Officer Homerton College Cambridge 1999/2000Lang, Geraint, Head of ICT Westcroft Special School Wolverhampton 1999/2000Lockhart, Tricia, ICT Teacher Wycombe High School 1999/2000Lowes, David, Deputy Head Alkrington CP School 1999/2000MacGregor, Jennifer, ICT Co-ordinator King’s Meadow Primary School Midlothian 1999/2000Marron, Christopher, Headteacher, Cherry Grove Primary SchoolMcBride, Donald, Teacher Boys Model School Belfast 1999/200062<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

McGuire, Lesley, Henry Beaufort School 1999/2000Messeter, Hilary, Teacher Marlborough Primary School Hounslow 1999/2000Mitchell, Jenny, Deputy Head Waldegrave School for Girls Twickenham 1999/2000Moss, Malcolm, Head of Technology St Benedict’s College Colchester 1999/2000Miles Mowbray, Lisa, ICT Co-ordinator Field Court Junior School Gloucestershire 1999/2000Mulryne, Kevin, Claverdon Primary SchoolMungall, Peter, Teacher St Mary’s Primary School Dundee 1999/2000Neale, Susan, Educational ConsultantNoble, Ian, Deputy Head Broadclyst Primary School Broadclyst 1999/2000Patton, Simon, Consultant 1999/2000Pickford, Shirley, Teacher Hampstead School London 1999/2000Plumb, Derek, Assistant Head Thorncliffe School Barrow-in-Furness 1999/2000Powell, Stephen, Teacher Brook Weston CTC Corby 1999/2000Roberts, Gill, Deputy Head Altwood School Maidwenhead 1999/2000Russell, Anthony, Head of Department St Colman’s College Newry 1999/2000Scott-Brown, Hamish, Class Teacher Braehead Primary School Stirling 1999/2000Slee, Kenneth, Head of Technology St Gregory’s RC High School Manchester 1999/2000Tansey, Lynne, Head of ICT St Benedict’s RC High School Alcester 1999/2000Thompson, Kevin, Head of Department Queen Anne High School Dunfermline 1999/2000Thompson, Peter, Head of House Tideway School Newhaven 1999/2000Timothy, William, ICT Co-ordinator Leiston Middle School Leiston 1999/2000Wilson, Christopher, Senior Teacher Wales High School Rotherham 1999/2000The Cabinet Office Trimble, Peter, Assistant Headteacher Whitefield School Cricklewood 2005/6The Environment Agency Gill, Sonia, Supply Teacher Essex Greenwich 2001/2Transport for London Castle, Russ, Head of Personal Development Educational Consultant 2007/8Chamberlain, Duncan, Educational Consultant 2007/8Graham, Tony, Educational Consultant 2008Hickey, John, Resources Ltd 2008Philips, Zac, City of London Academy 2008Williams, Terry, Educational Consultant 2008TRADA (Timber Research and Ford, Carolyn, Education Consultant 2001/2Development Association) Terry, Stan, Deputy Head Icknield Community College Oxford 1998/9 and GlaxoSmithKline 2001/2Triplex Safety Glass Co Ltd Cook, Linda, Principal Education Officer Bradford City Council 1992/3TSB Bank Bond, Mike, Deputy Head 1989/90(See also Lloyds TSB Bank) Conolly, Eric, Deputy Head John Willmott School Sutton Coldfield 1995/6Hardy Brian, Deputy Head Ridgewood High School Stourbridge 1991/2Haynes, Andre, Headteacher Birmingham 1994/5Lacey, Stephen, Training Consultant Coventry City LEA 1993/4Walker, Neil, Advisory Teacher Saltwells EDC 1990/1Walters, David, 1992/3TTA (Teacher Training Agency) Hudson, Joyce, Headteacher Lambert School Stratford-upon-Avon (with Lloyds TSB Bank) 1997/8Turner & Townsend Swaine, Denis, Deputy Headteacher St Pauls Way Community School 2006Tillman, Philip, Deputy Headteacher Deputy Head, Arden School, Solihull 2007United Biscuits (See also Bester, Jane, Head of GNVQ Willesden High School 2001McVitie’s)United Engineering Steels Timothy, Phil, Headteacher 1987/8Warwickshire Manufacturing Vybiral, Mike, Vice Principal Beauchamp College Leicestershire (with Rover Group) 1997/8GroupWelsh Water Davies, David, Deputy Head Ysgol Gyfn Ystalyfera Swansea 1992/3West Water plc Nainby, David, Headteacher Great Torrington School South 1992/3Wimpey Construction Hepworth, David, Headteacher Sowerbridge School Calderdale 1988/9Yell Sales Ltd Mottram, Judy, Deputy Head Chadsmead Primary School Lichfield 2001Yellow Pages Jennings, Kevin, Deputy Head St Mary’s CE Primary School Slough 1999/2000Kinnon, Marilyn, 1998/9Yorkshire Water Enterprises Ltd Allsop, Stewart, Headteacher 1990/1Yorkshire Water Services Ltd Foster, Pat, Advisor South Devon LEA 1990/1www.hti.org.uk63

Great Guns MarketingHersh Guy<strong>HTI</strong>Iceandlemon ltd.IncertJ.P Morgan Chase & CoJohnson Controls LtdJohnson PartnershipJWTKPMGLloyds TSB, University forLuther PendragonMacLeod Media ServicesMark CookMax Fordham LLPMedia Taylor Ltd.Nigel GoodingRowland Jones Consulting LtdStonehouse AssociatesTechnology Innovation CentreTrans4mationTurner and TownsendJackson, Liz, Managing Director, seconded to Costello Technology College, Basingstoke, to enhancecollege’s profile to within the community to increase student intake and attract staffGuy, Colleen, Partner, seconded to Downs Way School, Oxted to coach teaching staff on preparingfor Performance Management and to undertake a review for IIPOpie, Roger, Director, seconded to Corsham Primary School, Wiltshire, to introduce a goal settingculture within the schoolWilliams, Teresa, Consultant, seconded to Banbury School, Banbury, to help implement the conceptof Emotional Intelligence in the schoolWooding, Steve, Director, seconded to Hastingsbury School and Community College, Hastingsbury,to re-brand and re-market school via the logo, website, prospectus etcGarbett, Ken, Director, seconded to St Paul’s C of E Primary School, Manchester and also DidsburyCE Primary School, Greater Manchester, to review the use and training of ICTO’Connor, Joe, Global Cash and Reconciliations, seconded to The Bishop of WinchesterComprehensive School, Bournemouth, to re-brand the school to the local communityDomm, James, seconded to Bower Park School, Romford, to promote the image, facilities andsuccesses of the schoolButt, Saj, seconded to Oak Farm Community School, Farnborough, to promote the image of theschool in the local communityJohnson, Vic, Partner, seconded to Wightwick Hall Community Special School, Wolverhampton, tore-design and develop buildingsEden, Kate, Senior Strategic Planner, seconded to Vauxhall Primary School, London, to help improvethe school’s image and relationships with the communityBirch, Lisa and Burniston, Louise, seconded to Highbury Grove School, London, to help raise theprofile of the school in the local community and prepare for IIP applicationCook, Daniel, Development Manager, seconded to Oaklands School, Winsford, to review school’simage and publicationsGuthrie, Daniel, Partner, seconded to City of London Academy to market the new school to the localcommunityMacLeod, Andrew, seconded to Southam College to encourage local businesses to support theschool by providing practical illustrations of the curriculumCook, Mark, Sole Trader, seconded to Tindal Primary School, Birmingham, to support the seniorleadership team to re-organise the structure of the schoolRichie, Adam, Partner, seconded to Soho Parish C of E Primary School, London, to review, updateand implement management policies for sustainability including lower: energy bills,water and waste productionTaylor, Richard, Sole Trader, seconded to Henry Compton Secondary School, London, to help to raisethe school’s profile and communicate the recent improvementsGooding, Nigel, Sole Trader, seconded to Dawlish Community College, Devon, to focus on college’ssenior management teamRowland Jones, Simon, Director, seconded to Mount Pleasant Junior, Shrewsbury, to promote theschool and develop links with local businesses and organisationsHalland, John, Director, seconded to Christopher Whitehead High School, Worcester, to assist withstrategic planningAli-MacLachlan, Islah, Product Design Group Leader, seconded to Chadsmead Primary School,Lichfield, to introduce the concept of emotional intelligence to parents and childrenCotter, Nick, Director, seconded to South Gloucestershire LEA to complete a comparative analysis ofleadership and management behaviourDunn, Louise, seconded to Bournville School and Sixth Form Centre to develop a system ofcommunication, consultation and feedback with stakeholders, that informs the school developmentplanning and promotes the school’s aimswww.hti.org.uk65

APPENDIX 4OBITUARIESIt is with great sadness that the deaths of the following secondees are reported.Mike Caulfield who was placed with Post Office Counters Ltd in 1990/1 when he was Headteacher,Bishop Douglas RC School, Barnet.John Dickie who was placed with Tesco Stores Ltd in 1999/2000 when he was Educational DevelopmentOfficer Renfrewshire Council.David Hepworth who was placed with Wimpey Construction in 1988/9 when he was Headteacher ofSowerbridge School Calderdale.Carol Kay who was placed with Kingfisher plc in 1992 when she was Headteacher, Haberdashers Aske’sGirls’ School.John McDermott who was placed with Severn Trent in 1990/1 when he was Director of StaffordshireEducation Business Partnership.Anthony McDonald who was placed with GlaxoSmithKline in 200/01 when he was Headteacher St John’sPrimary School Kenilworth.Peter Morton who was placed with one of the train operating companies prior to the formation of BritishRail in 1991/2 when he was Advisor Essex LEA.Chris Pittaway who was placed with DfES in 2003/04 when he was Deputy Head at St Christopher’sSchool Wrexham.Roy Spooner who was placed with Sheffield LEA in 1993/4 when he was Headteacher NorfolkComprehensive School.66<strong>HTI</strong> | Secondee Almanac Two

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