02-23-2013-Weekend - Wise County Messenger

02-23-2013-Weekend - Wise County Messenger

02-23-2013-Weekend - Wise County Messenger

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8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Saturday, February <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>RUNAWAY BAYPolice chief position open, code officer createdY ERIKA PEDROZAepedroza@wcmessenger.comThe City of Runaway Baywill add two staff positionsto the payroll following thecouncil’s meeting Tuesdaynight.After approving amendmentsthat made a city ordinanceon the police chief positionuniform with a morerecent personnel policy (adoptedin 2010), the councilapproved posting the jobopening.The ordinance originallyrequired the police chief toreport to the mayor daily.Although the position is tobe appointed by the council,the chief is to daily report tothe city administrator (filledin the interim by OnetaBerghoefer) and to the councilat its monthly meetings,as outlined in personnelpolicy.The new job descriptionalso excludes the duty ofserving as public safety directorand eliminates requiredpatrol hours.The changes were discussedat a work sessionFeb. 13.“It makes the two thesame,” Mayor Robert Ryansaid.The position will be postedthrough March 22 beforethe selection process is initiated.Rex Richie has servedin the interim since DrewPaschall resigned last year.Later in the meeting,the council also created apart-time, contracted codecompliance officer position.Because the city cannot contractpast the end of the fiscalyear, the position is forsix months.“That gives us time toevaluate the performanceand need thereafter,” Ryansaid.The post will earn amonthly $500 salary — a$3,000 impact on this budget.Berghoefer said she’dbeen in contact with someonewho holds the requiredlicenses and permits but declinedto give a name.Because the position iscontracted, the city cannotstipulate the hours worked.“They work at their owndiscretion,” Berghoefer said.But the hired hand is toreport to her weekly, themayor added.Pooling timeIn related personnel matters,the council approvedthe formation of a voluntarysick-leave pool at the requestof employees wantingto donate their sick days to aco-worker in need.According to the ordinance,to use time from thepool, an employee must: contribute at least oneeight-hour period to the sickpool annually; have exhausted all oftheir own approved time off; be using it for personal,catastrophic ailments, notto care for a family member;and not request more than120 days a year (240 total)or one-third of the pooledtime.The pool will be administeredby a committee comprisedof department headsand one council memberappointed by the mayor,and once time is donated,it cannot be returned. Cityemployees get 12 sick daysa year.The city will make a onetimematch of the hours donatedby individual employeesto get the pool started.“I’ve had experience withsomething similar in thepast,” Ryan said. “It’s notused very often, but whenit’s needed, it’s needed.”In other news Berghoefer shared anote of praise submittedthrough the city’s website.A man from Temple washaving trouble getting incontact with his daughter,who just moved to RunawayBay over the weekend. So hecalled the police departmentand had them check on her.He was “very impressedwith the timeline in whichthe response was handled.”The note continued with,“You have a wonderful communityand a very good policedepartment.” Councilman Neil Petersreceived the green light totalk with golfball manufacturersand other companiesabout advertising on thecity’s water tower, whichlookslike a golfball atop atee. Although no price wasset, the council discussedcharging $100,000 up-frontto be featured on the watertower for 10 years. “I thinkI may be underpricing it,”Peters said. “That moneywould be used to rehab andrepaint the water tower andadd the logo.” Councilmembers awardeda $6,800 contract to BasicIDIQ to install handicapped-accessiblerampsat City Hall, to be paid forwith funds allocated for municipalbuilding repairs. Thecouncil postponed a decisionto install ramps at the policeand fire buildings pendingadditional research. The council approvedroutine items — minutesfrom the Jan. 15 regularmeeting and Feb. 13 worksession; the police department’sracial profiling report,as required by the state; andthe January financials, accountspayable, activity reportsand journal entries.BY ERIKA PEDROZAepedroza@wcmessenger.comCrime in Bridgeport was uplast year compared with 2011— but it was still below the2010 level.That’s what the city councilheard during the police department’sannual report atits regular meeting Tuesday.In all, there were 167 crimeincidents reported in 2012, upfrom 139 in 2011 but less thanthe 2010 total of 209. Lastyear’s numbers include: 83 larceny/theft reported— up from 69 in 2011 but lessthan the 107 in 2010; 59 assault — up one from2011 but less than the 63 in2010; 19 burglaries — up from11 in 2011 but less than 34 in2010; four forcible rapes — uprom zero in 2011 and 2010;ndBRIDGEPORTReport: Crime rate higher in 2011 two motor-vehicle thefts— up one from 2011 but lessthan the four in 2010.For the third-straight year,there were no murder or manslaughter/negligenceincidents,and for the second yearin a row, no burglary reports(there were two in 2010).Arrests were down to 384from the 525 in 2011, as wellas calls for service — 46,979in 2012 from 49,407 in 2011.There were also less citationswritten last year than the8,193 issued in 2011. The 2012total of 6,955 includes 1,937citations and 5,018 warnings(down from 2,373 and 5,820,respectively, in 2011).Motor vehicle accidents increasedfrom last year’s 56to 77 in 2012. About half occurredon U.S. 380.Code enforcement worked413 cases including 184 tallgrass and weeds; 144 junkand debris; 47 junk vehicles,30 parking violations andeight substandard structures.Areas of significant clean-upinclude the tire farm at FarmRoad 21<strong>23</strong> at Texas 114; the100 block of Lake Road; thelot at Halsell and 20th streets;and a demolished house thathad caught fire at 12<strong>02</strong> StevensStreet.The police department alsorequested, and was granted,authorization to apply for agrant through the CriminalJustice Division of the Officeof the Governor to purchase11 in-car, digital video recordingsystems for each patrolunit. The updated equipmentwould replace antiquated, inconsistentVHS systems thatyield poor-quality recordingsand are cumbersome to store.The $50,000 grant is reimbursableand does not requirea match from the city but, ifgranted, would warrant anannual fee of $4,500 for hardwareand software upgradesand maintenance.In other news The council granted toCatalina Parra, owner of LaCampechanita Taco Stand,a special exception allowingthe mobile food unit to permanentlypark at its currentlocation, 2008 Chico Highway,as long as the unit is in operationby Parra’s ownership andhas no structural changes. During the workshopportion of the meeting, councilmembersdiscussed theconstruction of a dog parkat Payne Park, establishinga city recreation center andimplementing a recycling program. As routine business, theminutes of the Feb. 5 meetingwere approved and thepayment report for Feb. 7through Feb. 20 in the amountof $665,245.81 reviewed.SO MUCH PLANNINGGOES INTO RETIREMENT.HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT TAXES AS WELL?It’s likely that your retirement income may come frommany sources, such as Social Security, pension distributions,a 401(k) or IRA withdrawals. That’s why, if taxes are aconcern for you, it’s important to choose the right investmentsfor your portfolio. At Edward Jones, we have many optionsthat can give you more control over your taxes, so you canenjoy what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax advice. You shouldconsult with a qualified tax specialist for professional advice on your specific situation.Call today to see how our unique, face-to-face approachmakes us best-suited to help long-term investors meet theircurrent needs and future financial goals.Randy Bowker, CFP®, AAMS®Financial Advisor.940-627-5987ADS@WCMESSENGER.COM1816 S Fm 51Suite 1816 2200 S. Hwy 51 Suite 2200Decatur, TX TX 76<strong>23</strong>4940-627-1620 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPCWISE COUNTY CRIME REPORTTHURSDAY, FEB. 1400 BLOCK OF COUNTYOAD 4845 — A woman gotnto an argument with herusband on Valentine’s Dayue to his heavy drinking.00 BLOCK OF COUNTYOAD 4845 — A maneported that “unknowneople” were banging on hisoor.00 BLOCK OF BIG SALTYRIVE — A man threatenedo burn down his neighbor’souse.00 BLOCK OF GREENWOODOAD — Various familyembers got into anrgument. One was arrested.00 BLOCK OF PRIVATEOAD 3<strong>23</strong>0 — A manhreatened to hurt anotheran. When he didn’tccomplish what he wanted,he threatened to call theman’s boss and get him fired.FRIDAY. FEB. 15100 BLOCK OF CEDAR —An air conditioning unit wasburglarized from a home inBriar.100 BLOCK OF COUNTYROAD 1790 — A man got intoan argument with someonehe was letting camp on hisproperty.SATURDAY, FEB. 1612500 BLOCK OF NICHOLASPLACE — Someone in Georgiahad acquired the credit cardnumber of a man in Rhomeand used it to make onlinepurchases.INTERSECTION OF FARMROAD 407 AND U.S. 81/287— Deputies pulled over areckless driver south ofDecatur. Three people in thevehicle were arrested forpossession of a controlledsubstance and possession ofmarijuana.INTERSECTION OF FM 51 ANDCOUNTY ROAD 4191 — Anassortment of children werethrowing pine cones at eachother.SUNDAY, FEB. 17900 BLOCK OF FOSSIL RIDGE— A man reported that hisneighbor shot a stray dog.2000 BLOCK OF COUNTYROAD 3672 — A man spottedsomeone stealing a piece ofwood from his yard. Deputiesresponded and discoveredthe suspect had outstandingwarrants. He was arrested andtaken to <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Jail.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Tax TipsIMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT DEPENDENTS AND EXEMPTIONSWhile each individual tax return is unique, there are some tax rules that affect every person who files a federalincome tax return. These rules involve dependents and exemptions.Exemptions reduce taxable income. There are two types of exemptions: personalexemptions and exemptions for dependents. You can deduct $3,800 for each exemptionyou claim on your 2012 tax return.Personal exemptions. You usually may claim one exemption for yourself on your taxreturn. You also can claim one for your spouse if you are married and file a joint return.If you and your spouse file separate returns, you may claim the exemption for yourspouse only if he or she had no gross income, is not filing a joint return and was not thedependent of another taxpayer.Fred H.Ray III,EA*, ABA**1414 Chico HwyBridgeport, TX76426940-683-2838*Enrolled Agent with the Internal RevenueService**Accredited Business AdvisorGET YOURTAX SERVICELISTED HERECall Lori, Kelly, Laura or Lisafor more information940-627-5987ads@wcmessenger.comMaria’sINCOME TAX SERVICEProfessional & AffordableEstoy aqui tambien para ayudar lacomunidad hispana.1932 Hickory St., RhomeE-File ProviderOffi ce: 817-636-22<strong>02</strong>Cell: 817-914-2700Evening Appointments Availablemariahurtado@1scom.netC MCShellySessumsTAX SERVICEAll your Bookkeeping & TaxNeeds Year Round. EveningAppointments Available.940-627-6288DecaturCOOK, MCDONALD& COMPANYEdie C. McDonald, CPAW. Ray Cook Jr., CPA, CFF303 W. MAINDECATUR, TEXAS 76<strong>23</strong>4940-627-5611CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS809 WW RAY CIRCLE, SUITE 1<strong>02</strong>BRIDGEPORT, TEXAS 76426940-683-5583 FAX: 940-683-5550Equal Opportunity/Equal access institutionJackie’sTax &BookkeepingLocated at: 1013 Halsell St.• BridgeportStarting 1040 EZ’s for $25Additional charge for banking feesFree Electronic Filing940-683-0099H. Frank ThorntonCertified PublicAccountant2000 S. CollegePO Box 690Decatur, TX 76<strong>23</strong>4940-627-1<strong>02</strong>3Spillar, Mitcham,Eaton & BicknellL.L.P.Certified Public Accountants730 North FreewayFort Worth, TX 761<strong>02</strong>817-877-5050

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