Internal Prosthetic Manual - BioHorizons

Internal Prosthetic Manual - BioHorizons

Internal Prosthetic Manual - BioHorizons

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BAR OVERDENTURE SCREW-RETAINEDClinical 3 - Verify accuracy of impression and bar passivityRemove the Healing Abutments from the implants with the .050”(1.25mm) Hex Driver. Make sure the prosthetic platforms are free ofbone and soft tissue.Place the framework (verification bar) onto the implants using theAbutment Screws and hand-tighten with the .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver.Take a radiograph to ensure the framework is seated completely on theimplants.Confirm passive fit by removing the bar and reattaching to the most distalimplant with a single screw. Passive fit is verified if the remaining copingswithin the framework rest passively on the implants.Remove the framework, reattach to the working model and return to thelaboratory.Replace the Healing Abutments with the .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver.Send to Lab• Passive bar (if not passive follow steps below)• Working modelClinical 4 - Correcting a non-passive framework (if required)If a bar framework does not fit passively, determine where the frameworkshould be cut and mark. Remove from the patient’s mouth and replacethe Healing Abutments on the implants. Replace bar on working modeland section the framework where necessary with a very thin separatingdisk and a high-speed handpiece. Remove the Healing Abutments andattach the sectioned framework to the implants with the AbutmentScrews and hand-tighten. Lute the sectioned framework together witha fast-setting autopolymerizing resin. Remove the sectioned, resinsecuredframework from the mouth. DO NOT reattach the frameworkto the working model. Return to the laboratory for laser assembly.Send to Lab• Sectioned and luted bar (DO NOT ATTACH BAR)• Working modelshop online at www.biohorizons.com87

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