Capability Reviews: Progress and Next Steps - The Civil Service

Capability Reviews: Progress and Next Steps - The Civil Service

Capability Reviews: Progress and Next Steps - The Civil Service

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It is recognised that developing the capacity to deliver more with less will be asignificant <strong>and</strong> pertinent challenge for the MoJ, with tight budgetary constraints <strong>and</strong>an ambitious delivery agenda, as outlined, for example, in Lord Carter’s recentlypublished review of prisons, Securing the Future: Proposals for the Efficient <strong>and</strong>Sustainable Use of Custody in Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales, published on 5 December 2007.ConclusionDCA had made significant progress against its areas for action <strong>and</strong> was able tobring these capabilities into the MoJ, together with the learning <strong>and</strong> developmentfrom those parts of the Home Office that joined the new Department. However, therewas a similarity in the areas of development identified for both DCA <strong>and</strong> the HomeOffice, which now need to be addressed by the new Department. Whilst importantprogress has already been made in establishing the Department <strong>and</strong> its newsystems, processes <strong>and</strong> ways of working, a considerable amount of work stillremains. This will provide a real challenge for the future.20 THE DEPARTMENT

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