CZ - CA - MZ - MA and MZF - MF enclosures for special applications ...

CZ - CA - MZ - MA and MZF - MF enclosures for special applications ...

CZ - CA - MZ - MA and MZF - MF enclosures for special applications ...

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<strong>CZ</strong> - <strong>CA</strong> - <strong>MZ</strong> - <strong>MA</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>MZ</strong>F - <strong>MF</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>special</strong> <strong>applications</strong><strong>enclosures</strong>:size “66.16”..............................from page 166size “57.27”............................. from page 184size “77.27”............................. from page 198size “104.27”........................... from page 212hoodswith double top entryhoodswith double front entryinserts with screw fixing centre distance:66 x 16 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CZ</strong>AV/<strong>MZ</strong>AV/<strong>MZ</strong>FV 25...)57 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V/<strong>MF</strong>V 10...)77.5 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V/<strong>MF</strong>V 16... <strong>and</strong><strong>CA</strong>F/<strong>MA</strong>F/<strong>MF</strong>F 16...)104 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V/<strong>MF</strong>V 24... <strong>and</strong><strong>CA</strong>F/<strong>MA</strong>F/<strong>MF</strong>F 24...)description part No. entry part No. entry part No. entry part No. entryPg M Pg Mwith pegs <strong>for</strong> 1 leverused with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “66.16” <strong>CZ</strong>AV 25 L216 16 x 2 <strong>MZ</strong>AV 25 L220 20 x 2with pegs <strong>for</strong> 1 lever, without adaptor *used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “66.16” <strong>CZ</strong>FV 25 L216 16 x 2 <strong>MZ</strong>FV 25 L220 20 x 2with pegs <strong>for</strong> 2 lever- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 10.213 13,5 x 2 <strong>MA</strong>V 10.220 20 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 16.216 16 x 2 <strong>MA</strong>V 16.220 20 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 16.221 21 x 2 <strong>MA</strong>V 16.225 25 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 24.221 21 x 2 <strong>MA</strong>V 24.232 32 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 24.229 29 x 2with pegs <strong>for</strong> 2 lever, without adaptor *- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “57.27” CFV 10.213 13,5 x 2 <strong>MF</strong>V 10.220 20 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” CFV 16.216 16 x 2 <strong>MF</strong>V 16.220 20 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” CFV 16.221 21 x 2 <strong>MF</strong>V 16.225 25 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” CFV 24.221 21 x 2 <strong>MF</strong>V 24.232 32 x 2<strong>special</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong>with pegs <strong>for</strong> 2 lever- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>F 16.221 21 x 2 <strong>MA</strong>F 16.225 25 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>F 24.221 21 x 2 <strong>MA</strong>F 24.225 25 x 2with pegs <strong>for</strong> 2 lever, without adaptor *- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” CFF 16.221 21 x 2 <strong>MF</strong>F 16.225 25 x 2- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” CFF 24.221 21 x 2 <strong>MF</strong>F 24.225 25 x 2* enclosure without adaptor, threaded on the body, to dimensions in mm dimensions in mmbe used only with a complete cable clamp.<strong>CZ</strong>AV/<strong>CZ</strong>FV L2 <strong>and</strong> (<strong>MZ</strong>AV)/<strong>MZ</strong>FV L2<strong>CA</strong>F/CFF <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong>F/<strong>MF</strong>F29(30)PgMDPg/M70.585.5 max<strong>CA</strong>*27*66*16*B4379.5<strong>CA</strong>V/CFV <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong>V/<strong>MF</strong>VD36PgMpart No. A* B C D<strong>CA</strong>F/CFF 16.221 / <strong>MA</strong>F/<strong>MF</strong>F 16.225 77.5 93.5 76 40<strong>CA</strong>F/CFF 24.221 / <strong>MA</strong>F/<strong>MF</strong>F 24.225 104 120 76 50EC*) screw fixing centre distanceTypeE 4/4X/12dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without noticeA*B27*43part No. A* B C D E<strong>CA</strong>V 10.213/<strong>MA</strong>V 10.220 57 73 82 (84.5) 26 (28.5) 70<strong>CA</strong>V 16.216/<strong>MA</strong>V 16.220 77.5 93.5 89 (90.5) 35 (30) 76<strong>CA</strong>V 16.221/<strong>MA</strong>V 16.225 77.5 93.5 90.5 40 76<strong>CA</strong>V 24.221/<strong>MA</strong>V 24.232 104 120 90.5 (91) 50 76<strong>CA</strong>V 24.229 104 120 90.5 50 76CFV 10.213/<strong>MF</strong>V 10.220 57 73 -- 28.5 (26) 70CFV 16.216/<strong>MF</strong>V 16.220 77.5 93.5 -- 30 (35) 76CFV 16.221/<strong>MF</strong>V 16.225 77.5 93.5 -- 40 76CFV 24.221/<strong>MF</strong>V 24.232 104 120 -- 50 76*) screw fixing centre distance236

CQ <strong>and</strong> MQ - <strong>CZ</strong>AC <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>C<strong>enclosures</strong>:size “49.16”...............................from page 162size “66.16”...............................from page 166size “44.27”...............................from page 176size “57.27”...............................from page 184size “77.27”...............................from page 198size “104.27”.............................from page 212<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>special</strong> <strong>applications</strong>enlarged hoods,side or top entryhoodswithout entry, to be piercedinserts with screw fixing centre distance:49 x 16 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CZ</strong>AC 15 L)66 x 16 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CZ</strong>AC 25 L)44 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>C 06 L)57 x 27 mm ( <strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>C 10)77.5 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>C 16)104 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>C 24)104 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> CQO / MQO <strong>and</strong> CQV / MQV)description part No. entry part No. entry part No. part No.Pg M with 2 pegs with 4 pegsused with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27”- with pegs <strong>for</strong> two levers, side entry CQO 24 36 MQO 24.40 40- with pegs <strong>for</strong> two levers, top entry CQV 24 36 MQV 24.40 40with pegs <strong>for</strong> levers- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “49.19” <strong>CZ</strong>AC 15 L- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “66.16” <strong>CZ</strong>AC 25 L- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “44.27” <strong>CA</strong>C 06 L- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>C 10 L <strong>CA</strong>C 10- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>C 16 L <strong>CA</strong>C 16- used with <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>C 24 L <strong>CA</strong>C 24dimensions in mmCQO <strong>and</strong> MQO53dimensions in mm<strong>CZ</strong>AC L104*120Pg/M27*4397117.5A*B16*36part No. A* B C<strong>CZ</strong>AC 15 L 49.5 63 64.5<strong>CZ</strong>AC 25 L 66 79.5 70.5C<strong>special</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong>*) screw fixing centre distanceCQV <strong>and</strong> MQV53PgM<strong>CA</strong>C L87C104*12027*43A*B27*43*) screw fixing centre distance<strong>CA</strong>CTypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied <strong>for</strong> CQO<strong>and</strong> CQV 24, MQO <strong>and</strong> MQV 24.40)dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without noticeA*B27*part No. A* B C<strong>CA</strong>C 06 L 44 60 72<strong>CA</strong>C 10 - <strong>CA</strong>C 10 L 57 73 70<strong>CA</strong>C 16 - <strong>CA</strong>C 16 L 77.5 93.5 76<strong>CA</strong>C 24 - <strong>CA</strong>C 24 L 104 120 76*) screw fixing centre distance43C237

<strong>CA</strong>N <strong>enclosures</strong> size “104.27” st<strong>and</strong>ard versioninserts:pageCD .......................... 64 poles + m 45CDD ...................... 108 poles + m 58CQE ........................ 46 poles + m 77CN .......................... 24 poles + m 83CCE ........................ 24 poles + m 92CNE, CSE................ 24 poles + m 93CSS ........................ 24 poles + m 101CMSE ........ 10+2 (aux) poles + m 118CMCE ........ 10+2 (aux) poles + m 118CX .......................... 4/8 poles + m 133MIXO ........................ 6 modules 137÷151hoods <strong>for</strong> ribbon cabledual closureseals<strong>for</strong> ribbon cable hoodinsert centre distance:104 x 27 mmNEWdescription part No. part No.NEWwith levers, side entry <strong>CA</strong>N 24ribbon cable seals (supplied separately)- a slot <strong>for</strong> cable sizes 18.8 x 5.8 mm CRN 1- a slot <strong>for</strong> cable sizes 63.8 x 5.1 mm CRN 2- a slot <strong>for</strong> cable sizes 36 x 9 mm CRN 3- not pre-drilled CRN Pdimensions in mm110 max.12043<strong>CA</strong>NTypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied)dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without notice238

C<strong>MA</strong>N <strong>enclosures</strong>size “104.27” 830V insulated versioninserts:pageCME .............. 10 + 2 (aux) poles + m 119CME, CMCE .. 16 + 2 (aux) poles + m 124hoods <strong>for</strong> ribbon cabledual closureseals<strong>for</strong> ribbon cable hoodinsert centre distance:104 x 27 mmNEWdescription part No. part No.NEWwith levers, side entry C<strong>MA</strong>N 16ribbon cable seals (supplied separately)- a slot <strong>for</strong> cable sizes 18.8 x 5.8 mm CRN 1- a slot <strong>for</strong> cable sizes 63.8 x 5.1 mm CRN 2- a slot <strong>for</strong> cable sizes 36 x 9 mm CRN 3- not pre-drilled CRN Pdimensions in mm110 max.12043C<strong>MA</strong>NTypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied)dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without notice239

CYR - CHI<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>special</strong> <strong>applications</strong>cable passing hoodsdegree of protection IP54cable passing housingsdescription part No. part No.with pegs <strong>for</strong> two levers- 3 holes <strong>for</strong> round cables Ø 5 ÷ 13.5 mm CYR 16.3- 4 holes <strong>for</strong> round cables Ø 5 ÷ 13.5 mm CYR 24.4with two levers- <strong>for</strong> hoods CYR 16.3 CHI 16- <strong>for</strong> hoods CYR 24.4 CHI 24CYR <strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> round cablesdimensions in mmdimensions in mmThe CYR <strong>enclosures</strong> are used in installations thatrequire a passage <strong>for</strong> round cables <strong>for</strong> data transmission(e.g. computers or PLC) via equipment such ascomm<strong>and</strong> or control panels, ensuring a good conditionof the cable connections.The <strong>enclosures</strong> are in two parts <strong>and</strong> have sealinggaskets to preserve the degree of protection of theequipment. The <strong>enclosures</strong> also contain a rapid cableblock device.Acable passing4347AB5945.5 629CYRThe CYR 16.3 <strong>and</strong> 24.4 can be used with the bulkhead<strong>enclosures</strong> CHI 16 <strong>and</strong> CHI 24 respectively.part No. A grommet entry nr.CYR 16.3 93.5 ø 5 / 13.5 3CYR 24.4 120 ø 5 / 13.5 4part No A BCHI 16 153 115.5CHI 24 179.5 142.5CHI housings panel cut-out in mmø 4.5AB3235TypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied <strong>for</strong>CYR 16.3 <strong>and</strong> CYR 24.4)part No A BCHI 16 86 103CHI 24 112 130dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without notice240

CYG - CHI<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>special</strong> <strong>applications</strong><strong>enclosures</strong>:size “77.27”..............................from page 198<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> in-line jointsdegree of protection IP65bulkhead housings<strong>for</strong> in-line jointinserts with screw fixing centre distance:77.5 x 27 mmN.B.: the <strong>enclosures</strong> ensure IP66 protection (or IP65cover versions) rating when mated <strong>and</strong> locked with theclosing levers.The door only ensures mechanical protection, butdoes not ensure IP65 protection rating.description part No. part No.without housings (to be ordered separately)made in two halves CYG 16use with CYG <strong>for</strong> in-line joint- with one lever, without cover CHI 16 L- with one lever <strong>and</strong> cover CHI 16 LS- with two levers CHI 16- with pegs CHI 16 C- with pegs <strong>and</strong> aluminium cover CHI 16 CS- with pegs <strong>and</strong> plastic cover CHI 16 CPCYG 16 in-line joint- the joint is made with the CYG 16 enclosure <strong>and</strong> twobulkhead housings “size 77.27” with one or two levers(to be ordered separately).- the joint is ideal <strong>for</strong> use with extension connections<strong>and</strong>/or as adaptor.- made in two halves to facilitate conductor cabling.- two inserts in various combinations may be inserted inthe joint (to be ordered separately):dimensions in mm50dimensions in mmCHI 16 L7429» female/female inserts (as adaptor joint)» male/male inserts (as adaptor joint)» female/male inserts (as extension joint)1031163243115.5CHI 16 LS45.5 6CYG9729115.545.5 6CHI 161535929115.545.5 6CHI C29115.5 45.5 6TypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied <strong>for</strong> CYG 16)CHI 16 CS/CP7429dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without notice115.545.5 6241

CH-<strong>CA</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>special</strong> <strong>applications</strong><strong>enclosures</strong>:size “44.27” .............................from page 176size “57.27” .............................from page 184size “77.27” .............................from page 198size “104.27” ...........................from page 212bulkhead mounting housings<strong>for</strong> central leversurface mounting housings,high construction with 2 entries<strong>for</strong> central leverinserts with screw fixing centre distance:44 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> CHI <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>P/<strong>MA</strong>P 06...)57 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> CHI <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>P/<strong>MA</strong>P 10...)77.5 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> CHI <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>P/<strong>MA</strong>P 16...)104 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> CHI <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>P/<strong>MA</strong>P 24...)NEWNEWdescription part No. part No. entry part No. entryPgMbulkhead mounting with pegs <strong>for</strong> central leversize “44.27”size “57.27”size “77.27”size “104.27”CHI 06 YCCHI 10 YCCHI 16 YCCHI 24 YCsurface mounting, high construction, with pegs, <strong>for</strong> central leversize “44.27” <strong>CA</strong>P 06 YC229 29x2 <strong>MA</strong>P 06 YC232 32x2size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>P 10 YC229 29x2 <strong>MA</strong>P 10 YC232 32x2size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>P 16 YC229 29x2 <strong>MA</strong>P 16 YC232 32x2size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>P 24 YC229 29x2 <strong>MA</strong>P 24 YC232 32x2panel cut-out bulkhead mounting housings in mm dimensions in mm dimensions in mmø 4.5CHI YC<strong>CA</strong>P YC <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong>P YC<strong>special</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong>3235ABA 45.5 6part No. ACHI 06 YC 82.5CHI 10 YC 95.5CHI 16 YC 115.5CHI 24 YC 142.529Pg/MBAPg/M4557part No A B C<strong>CA</strong>P 06 YC / <strong>MA</strong>P 06 YC 82 70 74<strong>CA</strong>P 10 YC / <strong>MA</strong>P 10 YC 93.5 82 74<strong>CA</strong>P 16 YC / <strong>MA</strong>P 16 YC 117 105 81<strong>CA</strong>P 24 YC / <strong>MA</strong>P 24 YC 144 132 81CØ 5.54part No. A BCHI 06 YC 52 70CHI 10 YC 65 83CHI 16 YC 86 103CHI 24 YC 112 130TypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied)dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without notice242

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>special</strong> <strong>applications</strong><strong>enclosures</strong>:size “44.27”..............................from page 176size “57.27”..............................from page 184size “77.27”..............................from page 198size “104.27”............................from page 212hoods with central leverhoods with central leverinserts with screw fixing centre distance:44 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>O/<strong>MA</strong>O <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V 06...)57 x 27 mm ( <strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>O/<strong>MA</strong>O <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V 10...)77.5 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>O/<strong>MA</strong>O <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V 16...)104 x 27 mm (<strong>enclosures</strong> <strong>CA</strong>O/<strong>MA</strong>O <strong>and</strong> <strong>CA</strong>V/<strong>MA</strong>V 24...)NEWNEWdescription part No. entry part No. entry part No. entry part No. entryPg M Pg Mside entry, high constructionsize “44.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 06 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>O 06 YX25 25size “44.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 06 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>O 06 YX32 32size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 10 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>O 10 YX32 32size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 10 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>O 10 YX40 40size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 16 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>O 16 YX32 32size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 16 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>O 16 YX40 40size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 24 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>O 24 YX32 32size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>O 24 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>O 24 YX40 40top entry, high constructionsize “44.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 06 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>V 06 YX25 25size “44.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 06 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>V 06 YX32 32size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 10 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>V 10 YX32 32size “57.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 10 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>V 10 YX40 40size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 16 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>V 16 YX32 32size “77.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 16 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>V 16 YX40 40size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 24 YX21 21 <strong>MA</strong>V 24 YX32 32size “104.27” <strong>CA</strong>V 24 YX29 29 <strong>MA</strong>V 24 YX40 40dimensions in mm<strong>CA</strong>O..YX <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong>O..YXPgMCdimensions in mm<strong>CA</strong>V..YX <strong>and</strong> <strong>MA</strong>V..YXPg/MC<strong>special</strong> <strong>enclosures</strong>A 43A 43BBTypeE 4/4X/12(certification being applied)dimensions indicated are not binding<strong>and</strong> may be changed without noticepart No. A B C<strong>CA</strong>O 06 YX/<strong>MA</strong>O 06 YX 60 66 72<strong>CA</strong>O 10 YX/<strong>MA</strong>O 10 YX 73 66 70<strong>CA</strong>O 16 YX/<strong>MA</strong>O 16 YX 93.5 76 76<strong>CA</strong>O 24 YX/<strong>MA</strong>O 24 YX 120 84 76part No. A B C<strong>CA</strong>V 06 YX/<strong>MA</strong>V 06 YX 60 66 87 max<strong>CA</strong>V 10 YX/<strong>MA</strong>V 10 YX 73 66 85<strong>CA</strong>V 16 YX/<strong>MA</strong>V 16 YX 93.5 76 91<strong>CA</strong>V 24 YX/<strong>MA</strong>V 24 YX 120 84 91243

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