Book Acquisitions October - November 2009 - DLSU-D

Book Acquisitions October - November 2009 - DLSU-D

Book Acquisitions October - November 2009 - DLSU-D

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NEW ACQUISITIONS OCTOBER-NOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong>SUBJECT/AUTHOR/TITLE/EDITION/IMPRINT/CALL NUMBERABU SAYYAF (ORGANIZATION)Azarcon, M. P. ( 2008). The final option : [a riveting account of the bloodiest jailbreakattempt by the Abu Sayyaf in a high-risk detention center at Camp Bagong Diwa].Quezon City : Union Pub. F HV 6433 .P6 .Az16 2008ABUEVA, JOSE VELOSO, 1928-Abueva, J. V., 1928- . (2008). Reinventing U. P. as the national university : learningfor truth, leadership and social transformation. Quezon City : Center for Leadership andDemocracy, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of thePhilippines. F LG 976 .Ab93 2008ACCOUNTINGWilliams, J. R. (2005). Selected chapters from financial and managerial accounting : thebasis for business decisions. (13 th ed.). Boston : McGraw-Hill. HF 5635 .W67 2005ACQUISITIONS (LIBRARIES)—UNITED STATESWilkinson, F. C. (2003). The complete guide to acquisitions management. Westport,Conn.: Libraries Unlimited. Z 689.5.U6 .W659 2003ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY—PHILIPINESConaco, M. C. G. (2003). Filipino adolescents in changing times. [Manila] :University Center for Women's Studies. F BF 724 .C741 2003AGED—LEGAL STATUS, LAW, ETC.—PHILIPPINESNolledo, M. S. (2007). The expanded senior citizens act of 2003 (Republic Act No. 9257)and implementing regulations. (3 rd ed.). Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store.F KPM 1464 .N721 2007ALGEBRA—STUDY AND TEACHINGPadua, A. L. (2008). Painless math : intermediate algebra. Pasig City : Anvil.F QA 154 .2 .P136 2008ALGEBRA—TEXTBOOKSHirsch, Lewis. (2006). Understanding elementary algebra with geometry : a course forcollege students. (6 th ed.). Belmont, CA : Thomson Brooks/Cole. QA 152.3 .H615 2006ALGEBRAS, LINEARBronson, R. (2007). Linear algebra : an introduction. (2 nd ed.). Amsterdam ;Boston : Elsevier. QA 184 .B789 2007ANARCHISM—HISTORYAnderson, B. R. O., 1936- . (2006). under three flags : anarchism and the anti-colonialimagination. Pasig City : Anvil Pub. F HX 828 .An23 2006ANTROPOLOGYZuleuta, F. M. (2006). Anthropological and sociological : concepts andperspectives. Mandaluyong City : National book Store. F GN 24 .Z849 2006Ember, C. R. (2007). Anthropology. (12 th ed., low price ed.). Jurong, Singapore :Pearson Education South Asia. GN 25 .EM13 20071

APPLIED ETHICSNew waves in applied ethics. (2007). Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. BJ 1031 .N42 2007AQUINO, BENIGNO S., 1932-1983Aquino, B. S. (2000). Testament from a prison cell. Makati, Metro Manila : Benigno S.Aquino Jr. Foundation. F DS 686.6.A6 .Aq56 2000ARCHITECTURE1001 buildings you must see before you die. (2007). New York : Universe.R NA 200 .A15 2007ARCHITECTURE, MODERN—20 TH CENTURYThe new mix : culturally dynamic architecture. (2005). Chichester : Wiley-Academy.NA 680 .N42 2005ART—STUDY AND TEACHINGMarcos, L. L. (2006). Introduction to the humanities visual and performing arts.F N 346.4.P5.M333 2006ARTS—STUDY AND TEACHING (ELEMENTARY)—UNITED STATESSikes, M. (2007). Building parent involvement through the arts : activities andprojects that enrich classrooms and schools. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press.NX 303 .Si29 2007ASIA—HISTORYTabing, M. C. (2007). Asian history and civilization. (2007 ed.). Quezon City :IBON <strong>Book</strong>s. F DS 33 .5 .AI66 2007ATTITUDE (PSYCHOLOGY)Maxwell, J. C., 1947- . (2006). The difference maker : making your attitude yourgreatest asset. Nashville : Nelson Business. BF 327 .M369 2006AUDITINGMessier, W. F. (2008). Auditing & assurance services : a systematic approach.(5 th ed.). New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HF 5667 .M563 2008AUTOMOBILES—TRANSMISSION DEVICES, AUTOMATIC—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRChek-Chart. (2004). Automatic transmission and transaxles : shop manual. (4 th ed.).N.J. : Pearson Education, Inc. TL 263 .Au82 2004 v.2BARTENDINGRojo, L. G. (2008). Bar and beverage service. Manila : Mindshapers.F TX 950.7.R638 2008BIBLECollege devotional Bible. (2007). Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan.BS 195 .N42 2007BIBLE—CRITICISM INTERPRETATION, ETC. —DICTIONARIESDictionary of biblical criticism and interpretation. (2007). London ; New York :Routledge. BS 440 .D561 2007BIOCHEMISTRYChemistry in context : applying chemistry to society. (<strong>2009</strong>). (6 th ed.)., McGraw-Hillinternational ed. Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education. QD 415 .C42 <strong>2009</strong>2

BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRYVoet, D. J. (2008). Principles of biochemistry. (3 rd ed.)., [international studentversion]. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. QP 541.2 .V858 2008BIOLOGYMader, S. S. (2008). Biology.QH 301 .M264 2008b(9 th ed.). Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education.BIOLOGY—LABORATORY MANUALSAmerica, R. B. (2002). Introduction to biology : laboratory manual. Mandaluyong City :National <strong>Book</strong>s Store. F QH 317 .Am35i 2002BROADCAST JOURNALISM—GREAT BRITAINBoyd, A., 1956- . (2008). Broadcast journalism : techniques of radio and televisionnews. (6 th ed.). Amsterdam ; Boston ; London : Elsevier/Focal. PN 4784 .B75 .B692 2008BUREAUCRACY—PHILIPPINESSta. Rita, M. G. C. (2008). Running a bureaucracy : a guidebook for localgovernment unit administrators, other public managers, and elected officials.[Quezon City] : Center for Local and Regional Governance, National College of PublicAdministration and Governance, University of the Philippines.F JQ 1411 .St11 2008BURIAL—FICTIONFaulkner, W., 1897-1962. (2004). As I lay dying. London : Vintage.PS 3511.A86 .As1 2004BUSINESS MATHEMATICSCervillon, C. C. (2003). Mathematics of investment : a work text. MandaluyongCity : National <strong>Book</strong> Store. F HF 5691 .C337 2003Slavin, S. (2007). Business math. Haboken, N.J. : Wiley. HF 5691 .Sl16 2007CATHOLIC CHURCH—STUDY AND TEACHINGBernardo, H. L. (2006). Responding to the call of justice and love : the social teachingof the Catholic church. (rev. ed.). Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store.F BX 1656 .B456r 2006CATTLE—BREEDINGKnowledge transfer in cattle husbandry : new management practices, attitudesand adaptation. (2006). Wageningen, The Netherlands : Wageningen Academic Publishers.SF 197 .K76 2006CHEMICAL APPARATUS—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.Khandpur, R. S., 1942- . (2007). Handbook of analytical instruments. New York :McGraw-Hill. QD 53 .K527 2007CHEMISTRY—DICTIONARIESDaintith, J. ed. (2005). The Facts on File Dictionary of Chemistry. (4 th ed.).New York : Facts on File. QD 5 .F119 2005CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC—TEXTBOOKSSmith, J. G. (2008). Organic chemistry. (2 nd ed., McGraw-Hill ed., International).Boston : McGraw-Hill. QD 253.2 .Sm61 20083

CHEMISTRY—TEXTBOOKSBettelheim, F. A., 1923- . (2007). Introduction to general, organic, andbiochemistry. (8 th ed., international student ed.). Belmont, CA : Thomson Brooks/Cole.QD 31.2 .B466 2007CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES—EDUCATION—UNITED STATESPierangelo, R. (2008). Teaching in a special education classroom : a step-by-stepguide for educators. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press. LC 4031 .P61c 2008CHINA—CIVILIZATION—1912-1949The Cambridge companion to modern Chinese culture. (2008). Cambridge, UK CambridgeUniversity Press. DS 775.2 .C144 2008CIVILIZATION, WESTERNKagan, D. (2001). The western heritage. N.J. : Pearson Education.CB 245 .K119s 2001Kagan, D. (2002). The Western heritage. (3 rd ed., brief ed.)., Upper Saddle River,N.J. : Prentice Hall. CB 245 .K119h 2002 v.2CLASSICAL FICTION—HISTORY AND CRITICISMThe Cambridge companion to the Greek and Roman novel (2008). Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press. PA 3040 .C144 2008COMMERCIAL STATISTICSOvedovitz, A. C. (2001). Business statistics in brief. Australia ; United States :South-Western College Pub. HF 1017 .Ov21 2001Berenson, M. L. (2004). Basic business statistics : concepts and applications. (9 th ed.).Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall. HF 1017 .B452 2004Bowerman, B. L. (2007). Business statistics in practice. (4 th ed.). Boston :McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HF 1017 .B676 2007COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE (ENGLISH)—HISTORY AND CRITICISMInnes, C. L. (2007). The Cambridge introduction to postcolonial literaturesin English. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. PR 9080 .In64 2007COMMUNICATION—PHILIPPINES—MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTSEthics and social responsibility in mass communication. (2007). Pasig City : Anvil Pub.F P 94 .Et37 2007COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT—CITIZEN PARTICIPATION—PHILIPPINESBalisi, A. J. R. (2005). Pagkamabuting mamamayan, pakikipagkapwa-tao,pagtutulungan : integrating local notions of citizenships and CBCRM frameworks.Quezon City : CBCRM Resource Center. F HN 720 .Z9 .B198 2005COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT—PHILIPPINES—MANAGEMENTLooking back, moving forward : Haribon's experiences in community-based resourcemanagement in the Philippines. (2006). Quezon City : Haribon Foundation.F HD 49 .C6 .L872 2006COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENTSoe, C., ed. (2008). Comparative politics 07/08. (25 th ed. ; annual ed.).Dubuque, IA : McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series. JF 51 .C738m 20084

COMPUTERSCapron, H. L. (2000). Computers : tools for an information age. (6 th ed., instructor's ed.).Upper Saddle River, N. J. : Prentice Hall. QA 76 .C74 2000_____________. (2002). Computers tools for an information age.Saddle River N.J. : Prentice Hall. QA 76 .C74 2002(7 th ed., Brief.). UpperShelly, G. B. (2002). Study guide for discovering computers 2002 : concepts for adigital world: : web enhanced. Boston : Course Technology. QA 76 .5 .Sh44e 2002____________. (2004). Discovering computers 2005 : a gateway to information, webenhanced. MA : Thomson course Technology. QA 76 .5 .Sh44g 2004____________. (2005). Discovering computers 2006 : a gateway to information, webenhanced . MS : Course Technology. QA 76 .5 .Sh44d 2005____________. (2007). Discovering computers 2007 : a gateway to information; webenhanced; complete. [International student ed.]. Boston , MA: Thomson CourseTechnology. QA 76 .5 .Sh44i 2007COMPUTER NETWORKSWhite, C. M. (2002). Data communications and computer networks : a business user'sapproach. (2 nd ed.). Boston, Mass. : Thomson/Course Technology.TK 5105.5 .W582 2002COMPUTER SECURITYCyber forensics : tools and practices. (2006). Hyderabad, India ICFAI University Press.QA 76.9.A25 .C992 2006CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY—PHILIPPINESArmas, A. (2006). Federalism : the next disaster? : political economy ofgovernment. Pangasinan : Manaoag Research House, Masroma Center.F JQ 1411 .Ar54 2006CONSUMPTION (ECONOMICS)—PHILIPPINESThe consumer's tree : an alternative approach to appreciating economics. (2007).(Expanded ed.). Mandaluyong City : <strong>Book</strong>s Atbp. Pub. F HB 801 .C766 2007CONTRACTING OUTReynolds, J. J. (2006). BPO Pacific Rim, Inc. : a subsidiary of JJR Group ofcompanies. Pasig City : Vibal Pub., House. F HD 2365 .R335 2006CONTRACTSDe Leon, H. S. (2008). Textbook on the Philippine constitution : by Hector S. De Leon.(2008 ed.). Manila : Rex <strong>Book</strong> Store. F JQ 1431 .D455 2008______________. (2008). The law on obligations and contracts. Manila : Rex <strong>Book</strong> Store.F KE 5621 .D377 2008COOKERY1001 foods you must try before you die. (2008). London : Cassell Illustrated.R TX 715 .A15 2008COOKERY—COMPETITIONS—UNITED STATESLeonard, E. G. (2006). American Culinary Federation's guide to culinarycompetitions : cooking to win! Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. TX 648 .L552a 20065

CORPORATION LAW—PHILIPPINESAralar, R. B. (2007). The corporation code of the Philippines and the securitiesregulation code law and jurisprudence : with the 2004 Philippine stock exchangecompliance and surveillance rules. (2007 ed.). Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong>Store. F KPM 956 .Ar12 2007COST ACCOUNTINGMaher, M. W., 1946- . (2006). Fundamentals of cost accounting. New York :McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HF 5686.C8 .M277 2006CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONBrandl, S. G. Criminal investigation. (2 nd ed.). Boston : Pearson Ally and Bacon.HV 8073 .B733 2008CRIMINAL JUSTICE—ADMINISTRATION, 0F—PHILIPPINESOaminal, C. P. V. (2005). Citizen's guide to the Philippine criminal justice system.Quezon City : Central <strong>Book</strong>s Supply. F KPM 3409 .Oa5 2005Narag, P. F. (2008). Notes on the Philippine criminal justice system. Quezon City :Central <strong>Book</strong> Supply. F KPM 3411 .N164 2008CRIMINAL LAW—PHILIPPINESPhilippines. (2007). Labor code of the Philippines. : The labor code of the Philippines andits revised implementing rules and regulations with appendices and abstracts ofselected supreme court decisions. (2007 ed.). Quezon City : Philippine Law Gazette.F KF 5616 .9 .L3 1974 .P538 2007The Revised Penal Code Act No. 3815, as amended with allied statutes and issuances.(2007). Caloocan City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store. F KF 5616.4 1932 .P538 2007CURIOSITIES AND WONDERSRipley's believe it or not! : prepare to be shocked! (2008). Orlando, Fla. : Ripley Pub.AG 243 .R482 2008CURRICULUM PLANNINGAquino, G. V. (2008). Curriculum innovation. Mandaluyong City : National<strong>Book</strong> Store. F LB 1570 .Aq56i 2008CUSTOMER SERVICES—MANAGEMENTMetters, R. 1960- . (2003). Successful service operations management. Mason,Ohio : South-Western. HF 5415.5 .M567 2003DATABASE MANAGEMENTPratt, P. J., 1945- . (2002). Concepts of database management. (4 th ed.). Boston,Mass. ; London : Thomson/Course Technology. QA 76.9.D3 .P889 2002DEATH MISCELLANEAWalsch, N. D. (2006). Home with God : in a life that never ends : a wondrousmessage of love in a final conversation with God. London : Hodder and Stoughton.BF 1999 .W168h 2006DECENTRALIZATION IN GOVERNMENT—CONGRESSESInternational Conference on Decentralization (3 rd : 2003 : Quezon City).Decentralization and good urban governance : papers and proceedings of the 3 rdInternational Conference on Decentralization. (2003). Quezon City : Center for Local andRegional Governance, (Asian Resource Center for Decentralization), National College of PublicAdministration and Governance, University of the Philippines. F JS 113 .In 82 20036

DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGYDeckard, K. D. [et al.]. (2005). Developmental psychology. Rochester, Kent : range<strong>Book</strong>s. BF 713 .D492 2005DIGITAL CINEMATOGRAPHYMotion blur 2: multidimensional moving.TR 860.W171 2007(2007). London : Laurence King.DISCOURSE ANALYSIS—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.The handbook of discourse analysis. (2003). Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers.P 302 .H191 2003DOCUMENTARY TELEVISION PROGRAMS—PRODUCTION AND DIRECTION—PHILIPPINESKenny, I. E. (2005). Making documentaries in the Philippines. Pasig City :Anvil. F PN 1992 .8 .D6 .K399 2005DRAWING—TECHNIQUEBarber, B. (2004). The fundamentals of drawing still life : a practical andinspirational course. London : Arcturus Pub. NC 730 .B233 2004EARTH SCIENCES—TEXTBOOKSButz, S. D. (2008). Science of earth systems.Delmar Learning. QE 28 .B985 2008(2 nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY : ThomsonECONOMETRICSDanao, R. A. (2002). Introduction to statistics and econometrics. Quezon City :The University of the Philippines Press. F HD 139 .D194 2002ECONOMIC ASSISTANCEManagement Committee, The Reality of Aid. (2008). The reality of aid 2008 : aid .effectiveness : "democratic ownership and human rights." Quezon City : IBON <strong>Book</strong>s.HC 60 .R229c 2008ECONOMICSSamuelson, P. A. (2004). Economics. (7 th ed.).HB 171.5.Sa49 2004NY: McGraw-HillEDUCATION—PARENT—PARTICIPATIONBridging school & home through family nights : ready-to-use plans for grades K-8.(2006). Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press. LB 1048.5 .B764 2006EDUCATION—PHILIPPINES—HISTORYJavier, Y. V., 1938- . (2005). The Filipinos : their education yesterday and today.[S.l : s.n.]. F LA 1292 .J328 2005EDUCATIONAL CHANGE—UNITED STATES—HISTORY—20TH CENTURYThe Jossey-Bass reader on school reform. (2001). (1 st ed.). San Francisco : Jossey-Bass. LA 216 .J793 2001EDUCATIONAL GAMESLudewig, Alexis. (2007). 101 great classroom games : easy ways to get your studentsplaying, laughing, and learning. New York : McGraw-Hill. LB 1029.G3 .L965 20077

EDUCATIONAL LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINESSarmiento, U. (<strong>2009</strong>). Education law and the private schools : a practical guidefor educational leaders and policy makers. (<strong>2009</strong> Rev. expanded ed.).FR KPM 1660.A32 1992 .Sa74 <strong>2009</strong>EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYTulio, D. D. (2008). Psychological, anthropological, sociological foundations ofeducation 1 : Doris D. Tulio. (2 nd ed.). Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store.F LB 1051 .T821 2008 bk. 1ELECTRIC LINES—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.Shoemaker, T. M., 1921- . (2002). The lineman's and Cableman's handbook.(10 th ed.). New York : McGraw-Hill. TK 3221 .K967 2002ELECTRONIC COMMERCESchneider, G. P., 1952- . (2007). Electronic commerce. (7 th annual ed.). Boston, Mass. :Course Technology. HF 5548.32 .Sch57 2007ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSINGO'Leary, Timothy J. (2004). Computing essentials 2004. (Complete ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.QA 76 .O12 2004ELIOT, T. S. (THOMAS STEARNS), 1888-1965—CRITICISM AND INTERPRETATIONCooper, J. X., 1944- . (2006). The Cambridge introduction to T.S. Eliot. Cambridge :Cambridge University Press. PS 3509 .L43 .C786 2006ENGINEERING GEOLOGYDas, B. M., 1941- . (2008). Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering. (3 rd ed.).Thomson. TA 775 .D26 2008ENGLISH LANGUAGE—COMPOSITION & EXERCISES—STUDY & TEACHING (ELEMENTARY)—GREAT BRITAINHarrett, J. (2006). Exciting writing : activities for 5 to 11 year olds. London : PaulChapman Pub. LB 1576 .H235 2006ENGLISH LANGUAGE—GRAMMAR—PROBLEMS, EXERCISE ETC.Mapp, L. G. (2001). Harbrace college workbook. (13 th ed.). Fort Worth, TX :Harcourt Brace College Publishers. PE 1112 .M322c 2001ENGLISH LANGUAGE—GREAT BRITAIN—COLONIESMesthrie, R. (2008). World Englishes : the study of new linguistic varieties.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PE 2751 .M564 2008ENGLISH LANGUAGE—PRONUNCIATION—PROBLEMS, EXERCISES, ETC.Hancock, M. (2003). English pronunciation in use. Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press. PE 1137 .H191 2003Hewings, M. (2007). English pronunciation in use : advanced. Cambridge :Cambridge University Press. PE 1137 .H494 2007Marks, J. (2007). English pronunciation in use : elementary. Cambridge :Cambridge University Press. PE 1137 .M342 2007ENGLISH LANGUAGE—STUDY AND TEACHING—FOREIGN SPEAKERSLarsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching.(2 nd ed.). Oxford : Oxford University Press. PE 1128 .A2 .L329t 20008

ENGLISH LANGUAGE—USAGERedesigning English. (2007). Abingdon : Routledge. PE 1074 .85 .R247 2007ENGLISH LITERATURE—ENCYCLOPEDIASThe concise Oxford companion to English literature. (2007). (3 rd ed.). Oxford : OxfordUniversity Press. R PR 19 .C748 2007ENGLISH POETRY—19 TH CENTURY—HISTORY & CRITICISM—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.The Cambridge companion to British romantic poetry. (2008). Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press. PR 590 .C144 2008ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING—PHILIPPINES—DICTIONARIESThe Language of environmental planning in the Philippines. (2004). Quezon City :School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Philippines, and UP Planning anddevelopment Research Foundation. FR GE 190 .P6 .L269 2004ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY—PHILIPPINESpolicies, laws, and regulations. (2006). Manila: Pollution Control Association of thePhilippines, Inc. and Environmental Management Bureau. F HC 460.E5 .P538 2006 v.1EURIPIDES—TRANSLATIONS INTO ENGLISHEuripides. (2007). Alcestis, Medea, Hippolytus. Indianapolis : Hackett Publishing.PA 3975 .AI16 2007EXISTENTIALISMTanzer, M. B., 1960- . (2008). On existentialism. Belmont, Calif. : ThomsonWadsworth. B 819 .T159 2008FANTASY FICTION, AMERICANLovecraft, Howard Phillips, 1890-1937. (2004). The dreams in the Witch House and otherweird stories. New York : Penguin <strong>Book</strong>s. PS 3523.O833 .D81 2004FAUST, D. CA. 1540—DRAMAGoethe, J. W., 1749-1832. (2005). Faust : the first part of the tragedy.Oxford ; New York : Penguin <strong>Book</strong>s. PT 2026.F2 .G554 2005FICTION—AUTHORSHIPRand, A. (2000). The art of fiction : a guide for writers and readers. New York : Plume.PN 3355 .R152 2000FILIPINO AMERICANS—ETHNIC IDENTITYPositively no Filipinos allowed : building communities and discourse. (2008). Pasig City :Anvil Pub. F F 184.F4 .P842 2008FILIPINO DRAMACasanova, A. P. (2008). Mga piling dulang Mindanao. Manila, Philippines : USTPub. House. F PL 6165 .4 .C263 2008FILIPINO LANGUAGE—COMPOSITION AND EXERCISESMasining na pagpapahayag : pasalita at pagsulat na diskurso (dulog modyular).(2008). Quezon City : C & E Publishing. F PL 6059 .M378 2008FILIPINO LANGUAGE—STUDY AND TEACHING (ELEMENTARY)Garcia, L. (2006). Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino : Filipino I, tinig.Cabanatuan City : Jimcy Pub. House. F PL 6051.K836 2006 .9

FILIPINO NOVELBalde, A. M. (2008). Awit ni kadunung. España, Manila : UST Pub. House.F PL 6165 .4 .B164 .Aw47 2008FINANCE, PUBLIC—AUDITING—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINESUrsal, S. B. (2008). Philippine government auditing : the government auditing codeas amended by administrative code of 1987. Quezon City : Good Governance <strong>Book</strong>s.F KPM 2744 .Ur7 2008FIRE PREVENTION—PHILIPPINESTadeo, S. C. (2005). How to prevent fire (safety measures and precautions) : savinglives and properties in case of fire. (Rev. ed.). Quezon City : MMA Publications.F TH 9593 .P6 .T121 2005FOOD HABITS—PHILIPPINESA taste of home : pinoy expats and food memories. (2008). Pasig City : Anvil.F GT 2853 .P6 .T186 2008FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENTBirchfield, J. C. (2008). Design and layout of foodservice facilities. (3 rd ed.).Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley. TX 911 .3 .M27 .B531 2008FORCED LABOR—SOVIET UNION—FICTIONSolzhenitsyn, A. I., 1918- . (2000). One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich..So47On 2000FOREIGN EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATION—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTSOberlechner, T. (2004). The psychology of the foreign exchange market.Chichester ; Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. HG 3821 .Ob25 2004GEOMETRYBass, L. E. (2005). Geometry tools for a changing world. Pearson Education South Asia.QA 445.P918 2005Cox, P. L. (2006). Prentice Hall informal geometry. Needham, Mass. : Prentice Hall.QA 453 .C839 2006GHOST STORIES, PHILIPPINEPerez, T. (2006). Maligayang pagdating sa Sitio Catacutan. Manila : Anvil Pub.F PL 6165 .4 .P49 .M295 2006 vGLASS BEADS—PHILIPPINES—PANDANAN ISLAND (PALAWAN)—HISTORYCayron, J. G. (2006). Stringing the past : an archaeological understanding of earlySoutheast Asian glass bead trade. Diliman, Quezon City : University of the PhilippinesPress. F NK 5440 .B34 .C318 2006HILIGAYNON SHORT STORIES—COLLECTIONSAsenjo, Genevieve L. (2007). Komposo ni Dandansoy : mga kuwento sa Hiligaynon atFilipino. España, Manila : UST Pub., House. F PL 5711 .As27 2007HOME AND SCHOOL—UNITED STATESGestwicki, C., 1940- . (2007). Home, school, and community relations. (6 th ed.).Clifton Park, N.Y. : Thomson Delmar Learning. LC 225.3 .G335 200710

HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYCariño, C. E. (2008). The hospitality industry : an introduction. Manila : MindshapersCo. F TX 911.C191 2008HUMAN BEHAVIOR—EFFECT OF ATTITUDE (PSYCHOLOGY) ONSoriano, O. G. (2003). Manual on human behavior and crisis management.Quezon City : Great <strong>Book</strong>s trading. F HM 1106 .So68 2003HYDROTHERAPYBatmanghelidj, F. (2003). Water : for health, for healing, for life : you're not sick,you're thirsty! New York : Warner <strong>Book</strong>s. RM 252 .B321 2003INDIGENOUS PEOPLES—PHILIPPINESMercado, L. N. (2008). Dancing with the music : missionary spirituality asexperienced with the indigenous peoples and communities in the Philippines.Quezon City : Institute of Spirituality of Asia. F GN 671 .P6 .M533 2008INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENTCooper, D. R. (2008). Business research methods. (10 th ed., International ed.).Singapore : McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). HD 30.4 .C784 2008INDUSTRIES—PHILIPPINESRafael A. R. (2005). Analysis of selected Philippine industries : mutual fund,credit card, pension fund, electric power, cement, and telecommunications services.Diliman, Quezon City : University of the Philippine Press. F HC 455 .An13 2005INDUSTRIES—PHILIPPINES—BENGUET (PROVINCE)—CASE STUDIESPeople, profit, and politics : state-civil society relations in the context of globalization.(2006). Quezon City : UP Third World Studies Center. F HC 457.B45 .P39 2006INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYJessup, L. M., 1961- . (2003). Information systems today. Upper Saddle River, N.J. :Prentice Hall. T 58.5 .J499 2003INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—ECONOMIC ASPECTSMcKeown, P. G., 1943- . (2003). Information technology and the networked economy.(2 nd ed.). Boston, MA : Thomson/Course Technology. HC 79.I55 .M199 2003INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—HISTORYMorrogh, E. (2003). Information architecture : an emerging 21 st century profession.Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall. T 58.5 .M834 2003INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—MANAGEMENTHonda, G. (2002). The essential guide to internet business technology. Upper SaddleRiver, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR. HD 30.2 .H755 2002INSURGENCY—PHILIPPINES—HISTORY—20 TH CENTURYBrokering a revolution : cadres in the Philippine insurgency. (2008). Quezon City :Ateneo de Manila University Press. F DS 686 .5 .B787 2008INTELLIGENCE SERVICESoriano, O. G. (2005). Handbook on police intelligence. Quezon City : Great<strong>Book</strong>s Pub. F HF 8255 .So68 200511

INTERNATIONAL FINANCE—CASE STUDIESDesai, M. A. (Mihir Arvind), 1968- . (2007). International finance : a casebook.Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley. HG 3881 .D451 2007ISLANDS—GUIDEBOOKS501 must-visit islands. (2008). London : Bounty <strong>Book</strong>s. G 500 .A83 2008JAVA (COMPUTER PROGRAM LANGUAGE)Deitel, P. J. (2007). Java : how to program. (7 th ed., Pearson International ed.).Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall. QA 76.73.J38 .D368 2007JOURNALISM—INDIA—HISTORYSharma, S. (2005). Journalism : reporting. New Delhi : Anmol Publications.PN 5372 .Sh23 2005JUNG, C. G. (CAR GUSTAV) 1875-1961Szemborski, C. P. (2000). Toward a Christian psychology : personality theory of CarlG. Jung. (2 nd ed.). [s.l.] : [s.n.], . BF 173 .Sz25 2000KALAW, EVA ESTRADAKalaw, E. E. (2008). A political journey. Manila : Anvil Pub.F DS 686.6.K34 .K124 2008KATIGBAK, MARIA KALAWMercado, M. A. (2007). Maria Kalaw Katigbak : a charmed life. Manila : Anvil Pub.F DS 686.6.K37 .M533 2007LABOR LAWS AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINESAralar, R. B. (2005). Labor Code of the Philippines : annotations and jurisprudence.(2005 ed.). Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store. F KPM 1220 .Ar12 2005 v.1LABOR—PHILIPPINESSibal, J. V. (2008). Philippine labor and the economy : course guidebook and selectedreadings 2008. Quezon City : Central <strong>Book</strong> Supply. F HD 5825 .A6 .Si11 2008LAITY—PHILIPPINES—CATHOLIC CHURCHTouching lives : tales of struggle, hopes of life, challenges of faith : towards a spiritualityof laypeople involved in Church renewal and social transformation endeavors in thePhilippines. (2008). Davao City : Lay Forum Philippines, Institute of Spirituality of Asia.F BX 920 .T642 2008LANGUAGE, MODERN—STUDY AND TEACHING (SECONDARY)—GREAT BRITAINMeeting the needs of your most able pupils : modern foreign languages. (2006).Manila : Tahanan <strong>Book</strong>s for Young Readers. F PS 9993.N54.N563 2006Ingram, G. (2008). Meeting the needs of your most able pupils : modern foreignlanguages. PB 35.In47 2008LAW—DICTIONARIES—LATINAndres, T. D. (2006). Dictionary of Latin Legal Terms and Other ForeignTerminologies. Quezon City: New Day Publishers. FR K 52 .L37 .An25 2006LAW—UNITED STATES—DICTIONARIESBlack's law dictionary. (2004). (8 th ed.).KF 156 .B53 2004St. Paul, M.N. : Thomson/West.12

LEADERSHIPBecoming a master manager : a competency framework. (2003). (3 rd ed.). Denvers,Mass. : Wiley. HD 57.7 .B389 2003LEADERSHIP—RELIGIOUS ASPECTS—CHRISTIANITYElmore, T. (2005). Habitudes : Images that form leadership habits and attitudes.(Imprint ed.). Singapore : Campus Crusade Asia. BV 4597 .53 .L43 .EI64 2005LEGAL ASSISTANT TO THE POOR—PHILIPPINESThe way forward : a policy resource book on legal empowerment of the poor in thePhilippines. (2008). (2 nd ed.). Quezon City : Economic, Social and Cultural Rights-Asia.F KPM 53 .92 .W364 2008LEGISLATORS—PHILIPPINES—BIOGRAPHYJoaquin, N., 1917- . (2006). Ed Angara : seer of sea & sierra. Quezon City : Universityof the Philippines Press. F KPM 110.A54 .J574 2006LIBERAL PARTY (PHILIPPINES)—HISTORYLiberal chronicles : 60 years of the Liberal Party, 1946-2006. (2006). [Manila] : LP 60 thAnniversary Organizing Committee. F JQ 1419 .A55 .L615 2006LINEAR MODELS (STATISTICS)Muller, K. E. (2006). Linear model theory : univariate, multivariate, and mixed models.Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Inter science. QA 279 .M914 2006LIQUORSWalton, S. (2007). The connoisseur's guide to spirits and liqueurs. London : ApplePress. R TX 951 .W178 2007LITERATURE—COLLECTIONSSebastian, E. L. (2006). Readings in world literature. Quezon City : C & E Pub.F PN 6014 .R227 2006LITERATURE, MODERN 20 TH CENTURY—HISTORY AND CRITICISMDaniel, Lucy. (2007). <strong>Book</strong>s. London : Cassell Illustrated. R PN 771 .B644 2007LIVESTOCK PRODUCTIVITY—CONGRESSESInternational Committee for Animal Recording. (2007). Session (35 th : 2006 : Kuopio,Finland). Breeding, production recording, health and the evaluation of farm animals :proceedings of June 6-10, 2006. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers.SF 5 .In82 2007LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS—EUROPE—CONGRESSESInternational Livestock Farming Systems Symposium (6th : 2003 : Benevento, Italy). (2006).Livestock farming systems : product quality based on local resources leading toimproved sustainability. Wageningen, The Netherlands : Wageningen Academic Publishers.SF 140.L65 .In82 2006LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (COMPUTER NETWORKS)Moulton, P., 1944- . (2003). SOHO networking : a guide to installing a small-office/home-office network.. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR.TK 5105 .7 .M862 2003LOGICMalitao, A. L. (2003). Essential logic. Manadaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store.F BC 108 .M295 200313

LOPEZ, EUGENIO H., 1901-1975Lopez, E. H., 1901-1975. (2001). Eugenio H. Lopez, Sr : pioneering entrepreneur andbusiness leader. (2 nd ed.). Quezon City : Center for Leadership, Citizenship andDemocracy, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of thePhilippines. F HB 126 .P63 .L881 2001LOVEFromm, E. (2006). The art of loving. New York : Harper Collins Publishers.BF 575 .L8 .F927 2006MALAY FICTION—WOMEN AUTHORS—HISTORY AND CRITICISMKintanar, T. B. (2008). Her story : women's narratives in modern Southeast Asianwriting. Pasig City : Anvil Pub. F PL 3508.4 .K626 2008MAN-WOMAN RELATIONSHIPS—DRAMAShaw, B., 1856-1950. (2000). Pygmalion : a romance in five acts. London: Penguin<strong>Book</strong>s. PR 5363.A4 .P992 2000MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGIntroduction to management accounting : a user perspective. (2000). Upper Saddle River,N.J. : Prentice Hall. F 5657.4 .In89 2000America, R. B. (2002). Introduction to management accounting : Upper Saddle River,N.J. : Prentice Hall. . F QH 317 .Am35i 2002Louderback, J. G. (2003). Managerial accounting. (10 th ed.). Mason, Ohio :Thomson/South-Western. HF 5657.4 .L926 2003Hilton, R. W. (2006). Cost management : strategies for business decisions. (3 rd ed.).Boston, Mass. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HF 5657.4 .H567c 2006Hansen, D. R. (2006). Management Accounting. HF 5657.4.H198 2006MARKETINGBrooks, J. R. (2001). Instructor's manual to accompany principles of marketing.(9 th ed.). N.J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc. HF 5415 .B791 2001MASS MEDIA—PHILIPPINEPhilippine communication today. (2007). Quezon City : New Day Publishers.F P 92.P6 .P538 2007MATHEMATICSScheinerman, E. R. (2006). Mathematics : a discrete introduction. (2 nd ed.,International student ed.]. Pacific Grove, Calif. : London : Brooks/Cole; ThomsonLearning [distributor]. QA 39.2 .Sch25 2006MATHEMATICS—HISTORYSherlock Holmes in Babylon : and other tales of mathematical history. (2004).Washington, DC : Mathematical Association of America. QA 21 .Sh54 2004Hellman, Hal, 1927- . (2006). Great feuds in mathematics : ten of the liveliestdisputes ever. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. QA 21 .H368 2006MICROECONOMICSHey, J. D. (2003). Intermediate microeconomics. London : McGraw-Hill.HB 172 .H511 200314

MICROSOFT EXCEL FOR WINDOWSShelly, G. B. (2000). Microsoft excel 2000 : complete concepts and techniques.Cambridge Mass. : Course Technology. HF 5548 .4 .M523 .Sh44 2000MICROSOFT OFFICEShelly, G. B. ( 2001). Microsoft Office 2000 : introductory concepts and techniques.(Enhanced ed.). Boston Mass. : Course Technology. HF 5548 .4 .M525 .Sh44i 2001bMicrosoft Office XP : new features guide changes from office 2000 to office XP.(2002). Boston, MA : Course Technology/Thomson Learning.HF 5548.4.M525 .M583m 2002Shelly, G. B. (2006). Microsoft Office 2003 : introductory concepts and techniques: course one. (2 nd ed. ; Instructor ed.). Australia : Thomson Course Technology.HF 5548.4.M525 .Sh44 2006MICROSOFT OFFICE (COMPUTER PROGRAM)Shelly, G. B. (2000). Microsoft word 2000 : introductory concepts and techniques.MA : Course Technology. Z 52 .5 .M523 .Sh44i 2000MIDDLE EARTH (IMAGINARY PLACE—FICTION)Tolkien, J. R. R., 1892-1973. (2007). Naru i chin Hurin : the tale of the childrenof Hurin. Boston : Houghton Mifflin. PR 6039.O32 .N167 2007MIGRANT AGRICULTURAL LABORERS—FICTIONSteinbeck, J., 1902-1968. (2006). The Grapes of wrath. New York : Penguin <strong>Book</strong>s.PS 3537.T3234 .G767 2006MODERNISM (LITERATURE)Lewis, P. (2007). The Cambridge introduction to modernism. Cambridge ; New York :Cambridge University Press. PN 56.M54 .L588 2007MOTION PICTURE ACTORS AND ACTRESSES—BIOGRAPHY—ENCYCLOPEDIAS501 movie stars. (2007). Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series.R PN 1998.2 .A83m 2007MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS AND DIRECTORS—BIOGRAPHY501 movie directors. (2007). Hauppauage, N.Y. : Barrons Educational Series.PN 1998.2 .A83 2007MYSTICISM—COMPARATIVE STUDIESObusan, T. B. (2008). Mystic or mistake : exploring Filipino Mysticism in Quiapo.Quezon City : Institute of Spirituality in Asia. F BL 625 .Ob8 2008MYTHOLOGYMythology : the illustrated anthology of world myth and storytelling. (2002).London : Duncan Baird. R BL 312 .M999 2002NAILS (ANATOMY)—CARE AND HYGIENE.Norton, S (2002). Instant nail care : fabulous nails in next to no time. London :Southwater. RL 94 .N827 2002NAKPIL, CARMEN GUERRERO, 1922-Nakpil, C. G., 1922-. (2007). Legends & adventures. Makati City : CirceCommunications. F DS 686 .616 .N34 .N146 200715

NARRATION (RHETORIC)—ENCYCLOPEDIASRoutledge encyclopedia of narrative theory. (2008). London ; New York : Routledge.R PN 212 .R765 2008NATIONALISM—HISTORYAnderson, B. R. O'Gorman, 1936- . (2003). Imagined communities : reflectionson the origin and spread of nationalism. (Rev. ed.; Philippine ed.). Pasig City : Anvil.F JC 311 .An23 2003NATIONALISM—PHILIPPINES—HISTORY—TO 19TH CENTURY.Rafael, V. L. (2006). The promise of the foreign : nationalism and the technics oftranslation in the Spanish Philippines. Pasig City : Anvil Pub. F DS 675 .R121 2006NATURE—RELIGIOUS ASPECTSRotor, A. V. (2003). The living with nature handbook. Manila : UST Pub., House.F BT 695.5 .R746l 2003Rotor, A. V. (2007). Living with nature in our times. Manila : UST Pub., House.F BT 695.5 .R746 2007NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS—PHILIPPINESDe Leon, H. S. (2004). law on negotiable instruments (with documents of title).(2004 ed.). Manila : Rex <strong>Book</strong> Store. F K 1054 .D42 2004NEIGHBORHOOD JUSTICE CENTER—PHILIPPINESRodriguez, R. (2003). The revised katarungang pambarangay : law, implementing rules,forms and case. Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store. F KPM 3755 .R618 2003NUMERACY—STUDY AND TEACHING (ELEMENTARY)Russell, R. (2007). Help your child with numeracy. London : Continuum.QA 141 .15 .R917 2007ONG, BOB—ANECDOTESOng, B. (2001). Abnkkbsnpla ko? : mga kuwentong chalk.Enterprises. F PN 6268.A8 .On3 2001Makati City : Visual PrintORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE—PHILIPPINESSustaining organizational empowerment : exploring opportunities for organizationdevelopment theory and practice building in the Philippines : OD theory and practicein the Philippines. (2005). Quezon City : CBCRM Resource. F HD 58 .8 .Su82 2005PAINTING TECHNIQUEGiddings, A. M. (2008). Oil painting for dummies. (1 st ed.). Indianapolis, IN : Wiley.ND 1417 .G36 2008PALMS-- ENCYCLOPEDIASRiffle, R. L. (2003). An encyclopedia of cultivated palms. Portland, Or. : TimberPress. R SB 317.P3 .R448 2003PEACE—RELIGIOUS ASPECTS.Chopra, D. (2005). Peace is the way : bringing war and violence to an end. (1 st ed.).New York : Harmony <strong>Book</strong>s. BL 65 .P4 .C455 2005PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY—PHILIPPINESDrug industry in the Philippines. (2001). Manila : IBON Workers Desk, Databank &Research Center, IBON Foundation. F HD 9672 .P52 .D842 200116

PHARMACOLOGYBasic & clinical pharmacology. (2007). (10 th ed., international ed.). New York : London :McGraw-Hill Medical ; McGraw-Hill [distributor]. RM 301 .B292 2007PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTIONCorpuz, R. M. (2008). Philippine history and constitution. Manila : Mindshapers.F JQ 1481 .C817 2008PHILIPPINE DRAMA (FILIPINO)Casaje, L. (2006). Mga premyadong dula. Manila : De La Salle University Press.F PL 6165.4.C35124 .P917 2006PHILIPPINE ESSAYS—COLLECTIONSThe Flip reader : being a greatest hits anthology from flip: the official guide toworld domination. (2008). Pasig City : Anvil.. F PS 9992 .5 .F648 2008PHILIPPINE LANGUAGE—RHETORIC (FILIPINO)Buensuceso, T. S. (2005). Retorika (Filipino 3 : para sa antas tersyarya).(Rev. ed.). Manila : UST Pub., House. F PL 6059 .B862 2005PHILIPPINE LITERATUREAguila, A. A. A. (2008). Philippine literatures : texts, themes, approaches.Manila : UST Pub., House. F PL 5538 .Ag93 2008PHILIPPINE LITERATURE FILIPINONadera, V. E. C. D., 1964-. (2000). Historyadora : Ikalawang Gantimpala/Nobela. QuezonCity : University of the Philippines Press. F PL 6165 .4 .N33 .H629 2000PHILIPPINE—LITERATURE (FILIPINO)Antonio, T. T. (2000). Piping-dilat. Manila : Philippine Centennial Commission.F PL 6165.4.A596 .P661 2000PHILIPPINE LITERATURE—HISTORY AND CRITICISMAbad, G. H. (2003). In Our people's story : Philippine literature English. Quezon City :University of the Philippines/Open University. F PL 5531 .A6 .Ab13 2003Lumbera, B. L., 1932- . (2005). Bayan at lipunan : ang kritisismo ni Bienvenido L.Lumbera. Espana, Manila : UST Pub., House. F PL 6141k .L97 2005PHILIPPINE POETRYDe la Cruz, K. (2008). Guhit ng talampakan = lines on the sole. Manila : UST Pub.,House. F PS 9993.D335 .G939 2008PHILIPPINE POETRY (ENGLISH)Cabalquinto, L. (2007). Mannahatta mahal : collected expatriate poems. Quezon City :University of the Philippines Press. F PS 9993 .C111 .M316 2007PHILIPPINES—CHURCH HISTORYCanlas, Reshley M. (2008). Experience and Kerygma : a critical study of Jose M. De Mesa'scontextual theological model. Quezon City : Giraffe <strong>Book</strong>s. F BR 1260 .C163 2008PHILIPPINES—CONSTITUTIONAL LAWThe 1987 constitution of the Philippines : with highlights and related rulings. (2007).Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store. F KF 5612.2 1987 .N721 200717

PHILIPPINES—FICTION (ENGLISH)Joaquin, N. 1917-2004. (2003). Cave and shadows. Manila : Anvil Pub.F PS 9993 .J62 .C315 2003Jose, F. S., 1924- . (2007). Sherds : a novel. (1 st ed.). Manila : Solidaridad Pub.House. F PS 9993 .J68 .Sh52 2007PHILIPPINES—HISTORYSison, J. M. (2006). Philippine society and revolution. (5 th ed.). [Manila] :Aklat ng Bayan. F DS 668 .Si83 2006Oliveros, R. (2007). Philippine history and government. (2007 ed.). Quezon City :IBON <strong>Book</strong>s. F DS 675 .P538 2007PHILIPPINES—HISTORY, MILITARY—19 TH CENTURYBerlin, D. L. (2008). Before Gringo : history of the Philippine military, 1830to 1972. Pasig City : Anvil Pub. F DS 682 .B455 2008PHILIPPINES—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT—1973-1986.Psinakis, S. E. (2008). A country not even his own. Pasig City : Anvil Pub.F DS 686.5 .P959 2008PHOTOGRAPHY, ARTISTICValenciano, V. C. (2002). Composition for photographers. San Juan : GV Production.F TR 654 .V234 2002PHYSICAL GEOLOGY—TEXTBOOKSCarlson, D. H. (2008). Physical geology : Earth revealed. (7 th ed.). Dubuque, IA :McGraw-Hill. QE 28 .2 .C197 2008PHYSICSSantisteban, C. J. C. (2007). Breaking through physics. Quezon City : C & E Pub.F QC 21 .2 .Sa59 2007PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGYRasco, E. T., 1950- . (2008). The unfolding gene revolution : ideology, science, andregulation of plant biotechnology. Manila : International Service for the Acquisition ofAgri-biotech Applications, SEAMEO Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Studyand Research in Agriculture. F SB 106.B56 .R183 2008PLAYSJose, F. S., 1924- . (2008). Balikbayan and muse : two plays. Manila : Solidaridad Pub.House. F PS 9993 .J68 .B198 2008PODCASTINGHarrington, R., 1972- . (2008). Producing video podcasts : a guide for mediaprofessionals. Burlington, MA ; Oxford : Focal. TK 5105.887 .H239 2008POLICE ETHICSPerez, D. W. (2007). Police ethics : a matter of character.Learning Asia. HV 7924 .P415 2007Singapore : ThomsonPOLITICAL SCIENCE—STUDY AND TEACHING—PHILIPPINESMaguigad, R. B. (2005). Politics and governance : fundamentals of political scienceand study of the 1987 Philippines constitution. Quezon City : Libro Filipino.F JA 88 .P6 .M276 200518

PRODUCTION MANAGEMENTPrentice hall custom business resources. (2005).TS 155 .P918 2005Boston : Pearson Custom Publishing.PSYCHICS—FICTIONCoelho, P. (2007). The witch of Portobello : a novel. (1 st International ed.). NewYork : HarperCollinsPublishers. PQ 9698.13.O3546 .W771 2007PSYCHOLOGY, PATHOLOGICALGiles, B. (2005). Abnormal psychology.RC 454 .Ab73 2005Rochester, Kent : Garage <strong>Book</strong>s.PSYCHOLOGY—PHILIPPINESNavarro, A. M. (2007). Mga babasahin sa agham panlipunang Plipini : sikolohiyangPilipino, pilipinolohiya at pantayong pananaw. Quezon City : C & E Pub.F BF 108.P6 .B112 2007QUANTITY COOKERY—PHILIPPINESRuiz, A. J. (2006). Quantity food production in the Philippines. Manila :Merriam & Webster <strong>Book</strong>store. TX 820 .R859 2006RADIO BROADCASTING—PHILIPPINESEnriquez, E. L. (2008). Appropriation of colonial broadcasting : a history ofearly radio in the Philippines, 1922-1946. Diliman, Quezon City : The University of thePhilippines Press. F PN 1991.3.P6.En72 2008RAMA (HINDU DEITY)—FICTIONNarayan, R. K., 1906-2001. (2006). The Ramayana : a shortened modern prose versionof the Indian epic (suggested by the Tamil version of Kamban). New York : Penguin<strong>Book</strong>s. PR 9499.3.N3 .R141 2006READING COMPREHENSIONReading Association of the Philippines. (2008). Developing comprehension in youngreaders : lesson plans from RAP conventions. [volume1]. Manila : Anvil Pub.F LB 1573 .7 .R227 2008 v.1READING—PHONETIC METHODJones, S. A. (2007). Phonics and beginning reading. Singapore : McGraw-Hill.LB 1573 .3 .J725 2007READING (SECONDARY)Effective practice for adolescents with reading and literacy challenges. (2008). New York :Routledge. LB 1632 .Ef36 2008RELIGIOUS POETRYSherwood, P., ed. (2004). Glimpses of heaven : a treasury of . AG, Switzerland : AuroraProductions. PN 6110.R4.G498 2004REALITY—FICTIONOkri, B. (2007). Starbook : a magical tale of love and regeneration. London : Rider..Ok6St 2007REPORT WRITINGWeidenborner, S. (2001). Writing research papers : a guide to the process. (6 th ed.).Boston : Bedford/St.Martin's. LB 1047.3 .W426 200119

REPORTERS AND REPORTINGPalmones, A. B. (2006). The reporter's rules of engagement. [Quezon City] : Vibal Pub.House. F PN 4781 .P185 2006RESEARCHKatigbak, R. K. (2008). Becoming a guru : an introduction to advanced research.Mandaluyong City : Anvil Pub. F Q 180 .A1 .K156 2008RESEARCH—METHODOLOGYCaintic, H. E. (2008). Scientific research manual. Quezon City : C & E Pub.F Q 180 .55 .M4 .C123 2008RESTAURANTS—LOCATIONArduser, L. (2003). Restaurant site location : finding, negotiating and securing the bestfood service site for maximum profit. Ocala, FL : Atlatic Pub. TX 911 .3 .L62 .Ar29 2003RIZAL, JOSE, 1861-1896—CRITICISM AND INTERPRETATIONAlmario, V. S. (2008). Si Rizal : nobelista : pagbasa sa Noli at Fili bilang nobela.Quezon City : The University of the Philippines Press. F PQ 8897 .R5 .AI62 2008RURAL DEVELOPMENT—PHILIPPINESDe Dios, H. B. (2006). The dynamics of accountability. Quezon City : CBCRMResource Center/CBNRM Learning Center. F HT 421 .D36 2006RUSSIAN LITERATURE—HISTORY AND CRITICISMEmerson, C. (2008). The Cambridge introduction to Russian literature. Cambridge :Cambridge University Press. PG 2951 .Em33 2008SANTOS, JOSE LADERAAni ng wika 2006. (2007). Manila : Komisyon sa wikang Filipino Sangay ng Impormasyonat Publikasyon. F PL 5543 .An51 2007SCHOOL MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION—UNITED STATES—ENCYCLOPEDIASEncyclopedia of educational leadership and administration. (2006). Thousand Oaks,Calif. : Sage. LB 2805 .En19c 2006 v.1SCIENCE FICTION, AMERICANSimmons, D. (2004). Hyperion. London : Gollanz. .Si47Hy 2004SCIENCE FICTION—STORIES, PLOTS, ETC.Classics of science fiction and fantasy literature. (2002). Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press.PN 3433.4 .C569 2002 v.2SCIENCE—STUDY AND TEACHING (ELEMENTARY)Salandanan, G. G. (2002). Teaching children science. Quezon City : Katha Pub.F LB 1585 .Sa31 2002SEMICONDUCTORSSison, L. G. (2008). Introduction to semiconductor devices and circuits. Quezon City :University of the Philippines Press. F TK 7871.85.Si83 2008SERVICE (THEOLOGY)Jefferson, L. D., 1958- . (2006). Called : "Hello, my name is Mrs. Jefferson, I understandyour plane is being hijacked-- " : 9:45 a.m., Flight 93, September 11, 2001. Chicago :Northfield Pub. BT 738 .4 .J357 200620

SHORT FILMS—PRODUCTION AND DIRECTIONIrving, D. K. (2006). Producing and directing the short film and video. (3 rd ed.).Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier. PN 1995.9.P7 .R22 2006SHORT STORIES, FILIPINO—COLLECTIONSRivera, F. G. (2005). Tuhug-tuhog : 25 maiikling kuwento ng pag-ibig atpakikipagsapalaran ng mga OFWs. Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store.F PL 6165.4.R58 .T818 2005SHORT STORIES, PHILIPPINE (ENGLISH)Jose, F. S., 1924- . (2008). Short stories. Manila : Solidaridad Pub., House.F PS 9993 .J68 .Sh81 2008Cuartero, N. (2008). At large, at leisure. Manila : UST Pub., House.F PS 9993 .C8 .At1 2008SOCIAL MOVEMENTS—PHILIPPINESSegovia, R. E. (2003). Inside the mass movement : a political memoir. Pasig City :Anvil Pub. F HM 881 .Se37 2008SOCIAL SCIENCE—STATISTICAL METHODSLind, D. A. (2006). Basic statistics for business & economics. (5 th ed.). Boston :McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HA 29 .L640 2006SOUTH ASIA—HISTORY—TEXTBOOKSYong, M. C. (2007). From colonies to independent nations : selected studies inSoutheast Asian history. Singapore : Pearson Education South Asia.DS 525 .Y8 2007SPACE COLONIES—FICTIONReynolds, A., 1966- . (2000). Revelation space. (Ace hardcover ed., Ace 1 st ed.).New York : Ace <strong>Book</strong>s. .R333Re 2000SPIRITUALITYContext and expressions of Filipino spirituality. (2004). Quezon City : Center forSpirituality-Manila. F BV 4501 .2 .C676 2004 v.3Spirituality face to face with globalization.Manila. F BV 4501 .2 .Sp48 2005 v.4(2005). Quezon City : Center for Spirituality-Spirituality and interfaith dialogue. (2006). Quezon City : Institute of Spirituality in AsiaPublications. F BV 4501 .2 .Sp48 2006 v.5SPIRITUALITY—PHILIPINES—CONGRESSESColloquium on Research Methodologies in the Study of Spirituality in the Philippines (2004 :Quezon City, Philippines). (2005). Hiyang : papers of the Colloquium on ResearchMethodologies in the Study of Spirituality in the Philippines, June 28-30, 2004, TitusBrandsmaCenter, New Manila, Quezon City, Philippines. Quezon City : Center forSpirituality-Manila. F BL 2130 .H642 2005STATISTICS—TEXTBOOKSUrdan, T. C. (2005). Statistics in plain English. (2 nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J. :Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. QA 276.12 .Ur2 2005STEIN, EDITH, SAINT—1891-1942Padua, M. M. O. (2007). Contemplating woman in the philosophy of Edith Stein.Manila : Far Eastern University Publications. F B 3332 .S67 .P136 200721

STORYTELLING ON—AUTHORSHIPKenny, I. E. (2008). Storytelling on film and video : the writer and the craft. Manila :Anvil. PN 1996 .K399 2008STRATEGIC PLANNING—CASE STUDIESDavid, F. R. (2003). Strategic management : cases. (9 th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J . :Prentice Hall. HD 30.28 .D28f 2003STUDENT TEACHING—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.Atienza, S. M. (2007). Student teaching work text. (Rev. ed.). Manila : Rex <strong>Book</strong>Store. F LB 2157 .A3 .St94 2007SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE—PHILIPPINESThe constitution of Sweden : the fundamentals laws and the Riksdag act. (2000).Stockholm Sweden : Sveriges riksdag. K KV 2064.5 2000 .C766 2000Garcia, A. G. (2005). The journey and beyond : SEARCA's experiences in sustainableagriculture and community-based natural resources management. Los Baños, Laguna :SEAMEO/SEARCA. F S 495 .5 .S86 .G165 2005SWINEGaining the edge in pork and poultry production : enhancing efficiency, quality and safety.(2007). Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers. SF 395 .G128 2007TATTOOING—PHILIPPINESTatû : a guidebook for tattoo artists and body piercers. (2002). Manila : Remedios AIDSFoundation. F GN 419.3 .T189 2002TECHNICAL WRITINGVicente, C. C. (2004). Technical writing. (rev. ed., 2004.). Quezon City : UNI-ED Inc.F T 11 .T226 2004Manalo, P. E. (2007). Technical and report writing : Paterna E. Manalo, Virginia E.Fermin. Mandaluyong City : National <strong>Book</strong> Store. F T 11 .M311 2007TECHNICAL WRITING—PHILIPPINESAlcantara, R. D. (2003). Technical writing for Filipino students.Makati City : Katha Pub. F T 11 .A116 2003(2 nd ed.).TERM HUMAN RIGHTS—PHILIPPINESCompendium of terms and phrases on human rights. (2002). Quezon City : Institute ofHuman Rights, University of the Philippines, Law Center. F KPM 2460 .C738 2002TERRORISM—PHILIPPINESThe US and the war on terror in the Philippines. (2008). Manila : Anvil.F DS 686 .64 .Un31 2008TEXT MESSAGES (TELEPHONE SYSTEMS)—POETRYRivera, F. G. (2005). Makata sa cellphone : Iba't ibang pindot na dalit, diona, tanaga,at iba pang tulang sari-sari't mga bersong sala-salabid. Manila : UST Pub. House.F PL 6165 .4 .R58 .M289 2005 vTHEATER—STUDY AND TEACHING (ELEMENTARY)McKean, B. (2006). A teaching artist at work : theatre with young people inEducational settings. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann. PN 2075 .M193 200622

THEOLOGY, DOCTRINAL—PHILIPPINESTesoro, D. R. M. (2004). The rise of Filipino theology. Pasay City : Paulines Pub.,House. F BT 30 .P5 .T284 2004THINKING AND KNOWINGGiles, B. Thinking and knowing. (2005). Rochester, Kent : Grange <strong>Book</strong>s.BF 311 .T348 2005TIMUR, 1336-1405—DRAMAMarlowe, C., 1564-1593. (2003). The complete plays. London : Penguin <strong>Book</strong>s.PR 2661 .R662 2003TOURISMSinha, P. C. (2006). Global tourism policies, laws & action plans : select case studiesand model approaches. New Delhi : SBS Publishers & Distributors. G 115 .A1 .G51s 2006TOURISM—INDIAAccommodation management and tourism.G 155 .A1 .Ac27 2006(2006). New Delhi : Sonali Publications.TOURISM—SOCIAL ASPECTSDayal, S. (2006). Handbook of tourism ethics. New Delhi, Ind. : Akansha PublishingHouse. G 115 .A1 .H191 2006TRADITIONAL MEDICINE—PHILIPPINESRotor, A. V. (2008). Living with folk wisdom. Manila : UST Pub., House.F GN 477 .R746 2008TRAFFICGaghan, S. (2000). Traffic : screenplay by Stephen Gaghan. New York : Faber &Faber. PN 1997. T654 .T676 2000TRAFFIC ENGINEERING—PHILIPPINESSigua, R. G. (2008). Fundamentals of traffic engineering. Diliman, Quezon City :University of the Philippines. F HE 333.Si27 2008TRAGEDYWallace, J. (2007). The Cambridge introduction to tragedy. Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press. PN 1892 .W155 2007TWINS—FICTIONSteel, D. (2006). Coming out. New York : Delacorte Press. .St32Co 2006ULO, DATUIleto, R. C., 1946- . (2007). Magindanao, 1860-1888 : the career of DatuUto of Buayan. Manila : Anvil Pub. F DS 666 .M23 .I13 2007UNITED STATES—POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENTBurns, James MacGregor. (2000). Government by the people. N.J. : Prentice Hall.JK 274 .B937 2000WATER—ANALYSIS—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.Kaur, K. (2007). Handbook of water and wastewater analysis. New Delhi :Atlantic Publishers. QD 142 .K166 200723

WINE AND WINE MAKING1001 wines you must try before you die. (2008). London : Cassell illustrated.R TP 548 .A15 2008WITCHES—IRELAND—FICTIONCoelho, Paulo. (2008). Brida. London : Harper Collins Publishers.PQ 9698.13.O3546 .B763 2008WOLFSON, SUSAN J., 1948-Byron, G. G. & Byron, B., 1788-1824. (2005). Selected poems. New York :Penguin <strong>Book</strong>s. PR 4353 .W833 2005WOMEN TEACHERS—FICTIONHeller, Z. (2005). Notes on a scandal : what was she thinking? New York : Picador..H367No 2005WOODY PLANTS—GREAT BRITAINMiller, D., 1940-. (2008). 400 trees and shrubs for small spaces. Portland : TimberPress. SB 435.6.G7 .M613 2008WORLD HISTORYCrossley, P. K. (2008). What is global history? Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA :Polity. D 20 .C884 200824

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