The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;92 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.no <strong>faith</strong> in the hearer unless there isunerring authority in the speaker an authority founded uponsuch certain knowledge as precludes the possibility<strong>of</strong> falling into error on his part, and including suchunquestioned veracity as to prevent his deceivinghim who accepts his word.You admit infallible certainty in the physicalsciences ; why should ityou deny in the science <strong>of</strong>salvation? <strong>The</strong> mariner, guided by his compass,knows, amid the raging storm and the darkness <strong>of</strong>the night, that he is steering his c<strong>our</strong>se directly tothe city <strong>of</strong> his destination; and is not an infallibleguide as necessary to conduct you to the city <strong>of</strong> Godin heaven ?It isvery strange that the Catholic Church mustapologize to the world for simply declaring that shespeaks the truth, the whole truth, and nothing butthe truth.Children <strong>of</strong> the Catholic Church, give thanks- toGod for having made you members <strong>of</strong> that Communion in which you are preserved from all errorsin <strong>faith</strong>, and from all illusionin the practice <strong>of</strong> virtue. You are happily strangers to those interiorconflicts, to those perplexing doubts, and to thatfrightful uncertainty which distract the souls <strong>of</strong>those whose private judgmentis their only guide.You are not, like others, drifting helplessly oveithe ocean <strong>of</strong> uncertainty, and &quot;carried about byevery wind <strong>of</strong> doctrine.&quot; You are not as blind

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