The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY. 91Church will be continuous, without any interval <strong>of</strong>absence, to the consummation <strong>of</strong> the world.And this is also the sentiment <strong>of</strong> the Apostle <strong>of</strong>the Gentiles writing to the &quot;Ephesians God gave:some indeed Apostles, and some Prophets, and someEvangelists, and others Pastors and Teachers, forthe perfecting <strong>of</strong> the saints, for the work <strong>of</strong> the ministry, for the building up <strong>of</strong> the body <strong>of</strong> Christ, until we all meet in the unity <strong>of</strong> <strong>faith</strong>,. . . that wemay no more be children, tossed to and fro, andcarried about with every wind <strong>of</strong> doctrine, by thewickedness <strong>of</strong> men, in craft, by which theywait to deceive.&quot;. 1lie inNotwithstanding these plain declarations <strong>of</strong> Scripture, some persons think it an unwarrantable assumption for the Church to claim infallibility.But markthe consequences that follow from denyingit.If y<strong>our</strong> church is not infallible, it is liable to errfor there is no medium between infallibility and liability to error. If y<strong>our</strong> church and her ministersare fallible in their doctrinal teachings, as theyadmit, they may be preaching falsehood to you,instead <strong>of</strong> truth. If so, you are in doubt whetheryou are listening to truth or falsehood. If you arein doubt, you can have no <strong>faith</strong>, for <strong>faith</strong> excludesdoubt, and in that state you displease God, for&quot;without <strong>faith</strong> it is impossible to please God.&quot; 9Faith and infallibility must go hand in hand. <strong>The</strong>one cannot exist without the other. <strong>The</strong>re can be1Eph. iv. 11-14. 2Heb. xi. 6.

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