The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;OUR86 THE FAITH *&amp;gt;FFATHERS.Apostles. On the contrary, as the Apostles transmitted to their successors their power to preach, tobaptize, to ordain, to confirm, etc., they must alsohave handed down to them the no less essential<strong>of</strong> infallibility.God loves us as much as He loved thegiftprimitiveChristians ;Christ died for us as well as for them ;and we have as much need <strong>of</strong> unerring teachers asthey had.It will not suffice to tell me :&quot;We have an infallible Scripture as a substitute for an infallible apostolate<strong>of</strong> the first century,&quot; for an infallible book is <strong>of</strong>no use to me without an infallible interpreter, as thehistory <strong>of</strong> Protestantism too clearly demonstrates.But besides these presumptive arguments, we ha^opositive evidence from Scripture that the Churchcannot err in her teachings. Our blessed Lord, inconstituting St. Peter Prince <strong>of</strong> His Apostles, saysto him : Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I willbuild My Church, and the gates <strong>of</strong> hell shall notiprevail against Christ makes here a solemnit.&quot;prediction that no error shall ever invade HisChurch ;and if she fell into error, the gates <strong>of</strong> hellhave certainly prevailed against her.<strong>The</strong> Reformers <strong>of</strong> the sixteenth century affirm thatthe Church did fall into error ;that the gates <strong>of</strong> helldid prevail against her ;that from the sixth to thesixteenth century she was a sink <strong>of</strong> iniquity. <strong>The</strong>Book <strong>of</strong> Homilies <strong>of</strong> the church <strong>of</strong> England saysthat the Church lay buried in damnable idolatry1Matt. xvi. 18.

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