The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;70 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.the struggle <strong>of</strong> two contestants for the Presidencycould invalidate the title <strong>of</strong> the recognized chiefMagistrate.It was by pursuing this line <strong>of</strong> argument thatthe early Fathers demonstrated the Apostolicity <strong>of</strong>the Catholic Church, and refuted the pretensions <strong>of</strong>cotemporary sectaries. St. Irenseus, Tertullian, andSt. Augustine give catalogues <strong>of</strong> the Bishops <strong>of</strong>Rome who fl<strong>our</strong>ished up to their respective times,with whom it was their happiness to be in communion, and fhen they challenged their opponentsto trace their lineage to the Apostolic See. &quot;Letthem,&quot; says Tertullian, in the second century, produce the origin <strong>of</strong> their church. Let them exhibitthe succession <strong>of</strong> their Bishops, so that the first <strong>of</strong>them may appear to have been ordained by anApostle, or by an apostolic man who was in communionwith the Apostles&quot;1And if the Fathers <strong>of</strong> the fifth century consideredit a powerful argument in their favor that theycould refer to an uninterrupted line <strong>of</strong> fifty Bishops who occupied the See <strong>of</strong> Rome, how muchstronger is the argument to us who can now exhibit five times that number <strong>of</strong> Roman Pontiffswho have sat in the chair <strong>of</strong> Peter! I would affectionately repeat to my separated brethren whatAugustine said to the Donatists <strong>of</strong> his time &quot; : Cometo us, brethren, if you wish to be engrafted in thevine. We are afflicted in beholding you lying cut1 Lib. de Praescrip., c. 32.

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