The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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HOLINESS OF THE CHUBCH. 49Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Braga, in Portugal, preached an incessant crusade against iniquity in high and lowplaces.St. Ignatius <strong>of</strong> Loyola and St. Alphonsus,with their companions, were conspicuous and successful reformers throughout Europe. St. Philip Ncriwas called the modern Apostle <strong>of</strong> Rome, because <strong>of</strong>his happy efforts in dethroning vice in that city.All these Catholic Apostles preached by example aswell as by word.Luther and Calvin, and Zuinglius andHow doKnox, and Henry VIII. compare with these genuine and saintly reformers, both as to their moralcharacter and the fruit <strong>of</strong> their labors? <strong>The</strong> private lives <strong>of</strong> these pseudo-reformers were stained bycruelty, rapine, and licentiousness; and as the result<strong>of</strong> their propagandism, history records civil wars,and bloodshed, and bitter religious strife, and thedismemberment <strong>of</strong> Christianity into a thousand sects.Instead <strong>of</strong> co-operating with the lawful authorities in extinguishing the flames which the passions<strong>of</strong> men had enkindled in the city <strong>of</strong> God, these<strong>faith</strong>less citizens flyfrom the citadel which theyhad vowed to defend ;then joining the enemy, theyhasten back to fan the conflagration, and to increasethe commotion. And they overturn the very altarsbefore which they previously sacrificed as consecrated1<strong>The</strong>y sanctioned rebellion by underminingpriests.the principle <strong>of</strong> authority.priests.Luther, Zuinglius, and Knox had been ordained1Calvin had studied for the priesthood, but did not receiveOrders5 D

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