The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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48 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.effected? Was it to be accomplished by a forceoperating inside the Church, or outside? 1 answer, that the proper way <strong>of</strong> carrying out this reformation, was by battling against iniquity withinthe Church ;for there was not a single weaponwhich men could use in waging war with viceoutside the Church, which they could not wieldwith more effective power when fighting under theauthority <strong>of</strong> the Church. <strong>The</strong> true weapons <strong>of</strong> anApostle, at all times, have been personal virtue,prayer, preaching, and the Sacraments. Every genuine reformer had those weapons at his disposalwithin the Church.She possesses, at all times, not only the principle<strong>of</strong> undying vitality, but, besides, all the elements <strong>of</strong>reformation, and all the means <strong>of</strong> sanctification,With the weapons I have named, she purified morals in the first century, and ith the same wT weaponsshe went to work with a right good will, and effected a moral reformation in the sixteenth century.She was the only effectual spiritual reformer <strong>of</strong> thatageẆhat was theCouncil <strong>of</strong> Trent but a great reforming tribunal? Most <strong>of</strong> its decrees are directedto the reformation <strong>of</strong> abuses among the clergy andthe laity,and the salutary fruits <strong>of</strong> its legislationare reaped even to this day.St Charles Borromeo, the nephew <strong>of</strong> a reigningPope, was the greatest reformer <strong>of</strong> his time. Iliawhole Episcopal career was spent in elevating themorals <strong>of</strong> his clergy and people. Bartholomew,

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