The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.Notices <strong>of</strong> the llth Revised and Enlarged Edition.&quot;It is written in a genial, pleasant style, and abounds in illustrations from history, and, with all, is very free from the controversialspirit which is calculated to arouse antagonism. It has the appearance<strong>of</strong> being written more for Protestant ears rather than for those <strong>of</strong>Catholic <strong>faith</strong>. It would be well for controversialists in religionalways to remember what the author <strong>of</strong> the present volume seems s<strong>of</strong>ully to have understood, that denunciation and sharp retort, admissible in politics,is never in place in religious discussion. While wemay not agree with the tenets <strong>of</strong> the book, we will freely accord to thediscussion upon its pages Christian c<strong>our</strong>tesy, plausible argument andlearning.&quot;Chicago Inter Ocean.It was worthy <strong>of</strong> the august prelate, who occupies the first See <strong>of</strong>the United States, the Most Rev. James Gibbons, Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Baltimore, to <strong>of</strong>fer to the American public a complete exposition as wellas a victorious defence <strong>of</strong> Catholic doctrine; and he has done so, notonly with the authority <strong>of</strong> his high position, but also with a remarkable talent, that has had its influence on the minds <strong>of</strong> believers as wellas <strong>of</strong> doubters and hesitators. Hence, hi 3 book has had already avery wide circulation. <strong>The</strong> Faith <strong>of</strong> Our Fathers is a work still new,and has already attained a circulation <strong>of</strong> more than 50,000, and it isstill in demand. In one word, it is the greatest success <strong>of</strong> its kindthat we know in the United States.&quot; N. 0. Propagateur Catholique.&quot;A new edition <strong>of</strong> Archbishop Gibbons very popular volume,1<strong>The</strong> Faith <strong>of</strong> Our Fathers, has just been issued. It is revised andenlarged by a fuller development <strong>of</strong> some points to the extent <strong>of</strong>about fifty pases. Fifty thousand copies <strong>of</strong> the former editions havebeen sold. This is looked on as a surprising success ; and, comparedwith the success <strong>of</strong> other excellent volumes <strong>of</strong> Catholic instruction, itis a grand success. But what an idea does this give <strong>of</strong> the reading <strong>of</strong>the far larger part <strong>of</strong> Catholics in the United States! Some peopletalk <strong>of</strong> six or eight millions <strong>of</strong> Catholics in the United States. Nodoubt there are at least that many who have been baptized as Catholics, and by Catholics. But how many <strong>of</strong> them know their catechism ?How many <strong>of</strong> them know enough <strong>of</strong> their religionto take any interestin understanding its doctrines; much less in spreading them. <strong>The</strong>yhave gone to the Public Schools; and they read the daily papers, andthey are smart in finance or in trade. But the finest Catholic readingis, for the vast majority <strong>of</strong> them, as uninteresting as strange as ifCatholic books or j<strong>our</strong>nals were written in Syriac. That comes <strong>of</strong>not sending children to schools where they are thoroughly instructed1in their religion.&quot;A . F. Freeman s J<strong>our</strong>nal.&quot;Tothe Roman Catholic it affords a simple exposition<strong>of</strong> his <strong>faith</strong>,and gives the reasons for many <strong>of</strong> its practices.<strong>The</strong> general readerdesirous <strong>of</strong> getting a fair exposition <strong>of</strong> Catholic doctrine from a Catholic stand-point will find it in this little volume plainly and clearlystated. <strong>The</strong> seeker after truth will think it only reasonable to take aview <strong>of</strong> that doctrine from the pen <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the ablest pr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>of</strong>the Roman Catholic <strong>faith</strong> on this continent rather than from an unfriendly, and probably a prejudiced, s<strong>our</strong>ce. St. John (JV. B.) Globe.MURPHY & Co. Publishers and Catholic Booksellers, Baltimore.

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