The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;6 Standard Catholic Books, &c.Now Rendy, a New and Improved Edition.<strong>The</strong> Metropolitan Edition <strong>of</strong> Butler s Lives <strong>of</strong> the Saints.Publishtd with the Approbation and Recommendation <strong>of</strong> the MostReverend Archbishop KEN KICK.J-This Edition was announced in July, 1879, to be sold in 2 volscloth, at $6; cloth gilt, $8; and in 4 vols. cloth, at $8, when the<strong>of</strong> pricesPaper and Binders materials were very low. Since then the advances in Paper and Binding Materials have increased the cost <strong>of</strong>manufacturing nearly 50 per cent. This has forced us to advance theprices oi ,he 2vol. edition, 50 cts., and <strong>of</strong> the 4 vol. edition, only 25 cts.per vol. We have also decided to i,-sue it in a much handsomer stylein black and gold, and have spared neither pains nor expense toenhance the appearance <strong>of</strong> the Work.No. 1-2 vols. royal So. cloth beveled, black and gold fine&quot;plates, $ 72 2vo!s. cloth bev. black aud gold gt ed.93 4 vols.cloth beveled, black and gold94 4 vols.Eng. cl. bev. black & &quot;gold, gt, ed. 106 4 vols.library style126 4 vols.20&quot;turkey, super extraMoral Tales, etc. Uniform Series. Square 16o.<strong>The</strong> Queens and Princesses <strong>of</strong> France cloth, 60 gilt, 80Tales <strong>of</strong> the Ange:s, By FATHER FABEH cloth, GO gilt, 8:Fathet Laval; ^r, the Jesuit Missionary cloth, CO gilt, 80<strong>The</strong> Oriental Pear!, A Catholic Tale cloth, 60 gilt, 80<strong>The</strong> Catholic Bride. From Italian <strong>of</strong> Dr. PISE cloth, 60 gilt, 80Lore 20 Jor, the Empire <strong>of</strong> Religion cloth, 60 gilt, 80Fene!on on the Education <strong>of</strong> a Daughter cloth, GO gilt, 80Uniform Series <strong>of</strong>Hondrik Conscience s Short Tales.12 volumes, cloth, $12; cloth gilt, $15, in boxes.<strong>The</strong> Young Doctor.<strong>The</strong> Miser.Luduvic and Gertrude.Tht Conscript and S ind Rosa.<strong>The</strong> Amulet.Rirk--t,ckct.ackand Wooden, Clara.<strong>The</strong> Fisherman s Daughter.Count Hug ) <strong>of</strong> Craenhove.<strong>The</strong> Poor Gentlcm-ui. <strong>The</strong> Curse <strong>of</strong> the Village.Happiness <strong>of</strong> Being Rich.Village Innkeeper.Pontmartin, the acute French Critic and Reviewer, has likened the Stories <strong>of</strong>Conscience to -pearls set ia Flemish g&amp;gt;ld,&quot;aad in point <strong>of</strong> delicacy <strong>of</strong> treatmentaud high moral value, they richly justify the comparison.Jxxst JPu.l&amp;gt;lisliocI,In 1 vol. 12o. tinted paper, c .oth beveled, b ackand gold, qilt top, with a fine&eel Portrait, $2.Another Edition, uniform with FAKER S WORKS, white paper, 12o. cloth bev.,$ 1.5O; cloth gilt, $ 2; half calf, $ 3.HYMNS, by F. W. PABER, D. D.S^This is from the ONLY COMPLETE Edition <strong>of</strong> the Hymns, preparedby the Author shortly before his death in 1863. We submit an Extractfrom his Preface to the Edition <strong>of</strong> 1861.&quot;This is a perfect collection <strong>of</strong> the Hymns, the only one ;but it contains also anaddition <strong>of</strong> fifty -six new Hymns, fulfilling with tolerable accuracy h;a original conception <strong>of</strong> what the Hymn Book should be aud should contain. It is published inits present shape, not ouly as the Author s text and as a library edition, matchingthe 1857 edition <strong>of</strong> his Poems, bat chiefly as a book <strong>of</strong> spiritual reading. It hasteen asked for very urgently and for some years by several persons, who have to dowith ministering to those, with whom, from their being in sickness or in sorrow,the effort <strong>of</strong> following a connected proae bjok is hardly to be expected.&quot;MURPHT &amp;lt;fcCo. Publishers and Catholic Booksellers, Baltimore.

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