The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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1 Standard Catholic Books<strong>The</strong> Genius <strong>of</strong> Christianity ;or, the Spirit and Beauty <strong>of</strong> th*Christian Religion. By V. BE CHATEAUBRIAND. With a Biographical Notice, and Critical and Explanatory Fotes, byEer. C. I. WHITE, D. D .............cioth, $2.50; cloth gilt, $3 00Hughes and Breckenridge s Oral Discussion <strong>of</strong> the Question,Is the Roman Catholic Religion, in.any or in all its Principles or Doctrines, inimical to Civil or Religious Liberty? And<strong>of</strong> the Question, Is the Presbyterian Religion, in any or in allits Principles or Doctrines, inimical to Civil or Religious Liberty ? By Rev. J. HUGHES, <strong>of</strong> the Roman Catholic, and Rev. J.BBECKENRIDGE, <strong>of</strong> Presbyterian Church, cl. 2.50j lib. style, 3 CO<strong>The</strong> Primacy <strong>of</strong> the Apostolic See Vindicated, By the MostRev. F. P. KENRICK, Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Baltimore.7th Revised and Enlarged Edtion. 80. cloth, 3 00;Ln A.&quot;briclge&amp;lt;liLl brary Edition <strong>of</strong>Lingard s History <strong>of</strong> &amp;gt;#A a Continuation,England, from 1688to 1854. By JAMES BURKE, Esq., A. B. And an Appendix to1874. <strong>The</strong> whole preceded by a Memoir, with a fine SteelPortrait <strong>of</strong> Dr. LINGARD, and Marginal Notes. Just Published,in 1 volume <strong>of</strong> 700 pp. 80. cloth bev., $3.50; cloth gilt, $4 00Dr. Lingard s History <strong>of</strong> England is BO -well known, ar.d its reputation so universally established, that it is deemed superfluous to dwell on its merits. Thtp#*mma verba <strong>of</strong> the great Historian, has been, preserved in the abridgment.Catholic Sermons, <strong>The</strong> Catholic Pulpit. Containing a Sermon for every Sunday and Holy day in the year, and for GoodFriday. With several occasional Disc<strong>our</strong>ses.763 pp. 80. $3.50; library style, $4History <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> JeSUS, from its Foundation to the Present Time. From the French <strong>of</strong> Daurignac, with an Appendixfrom 1862 to 1877. Second Retised and Enlarged Edition, withPortrait <strong>of</strong> St. Ignatius and the first nine. 2 vols. in one. 12o.cloth bev., $2 50 ;cloth gilt, $3.00.aarTh vry best collection f sermons In th English language.One Hundred Short Sermons, being a plain and familiar B*position <strong>of</strong> the Apostles Creed, <strong>The</strong> Lord s Prayer, <strong>The</strong> Angelical Salutation, <strong>The</strong> Commandments <strong>of</strong> God, <strong>The</strong> Precepts <strong>of</strong>the Church <strong>The</strong> Seven Sacraments, &c. With an Introduction, by Archbishop SPALDIN& ..... ................. 80. cloth, 3 01Every priest and Every Catholic family should possess copy *&quot;&quot;** 80 *Talnabl* iu itieif, aud to Etrongly recommended by the highest authorities.<strong>The</strong> New Giorirs <strong>of</strong> the Catholic Church, With a Prefaceby Cardinal WISEMAN ......... 12o. cloth, $1 50; cloth gilt, 2Wilner s End <strong>of</strong>In a Religious Controversy, friendly corre.Bpondence between a Religious Society <strong>of</strong> Protestants and aCatholic Divine. New edition ....................... 80. cloth, 1 00Cheap Edition for General Circulation. Paper, 75 cts ;12 copies,$6; 20 copies, $9; 50 copies, $20 j 100 copies, $37.50.A Co., Publishers & Chtiolie Bookeefars, BnMmore.

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