The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;MATRIMONY. 473Henry VIII. was divorced from his wife, Catherine, by Cranmer, the first Reformed Primate <strong>of</strong>England.Luther and his colleagues, Melanchthon and Bucer,permitted Philip, Landgrave <strong>of</strong> Hesse, to have twowives at the same time. 1Karlstadt, another German Reformer, justifiedpolygamy. 2And modern Prussia is reaping the bitter fruits<strong>of</strong> the seeds that were then sown within its borders.Seventy-five per cent, <strong>of</strong> the marriages now contracted outside <strong>of</strong> the Catholic Church in Berlin,are performed without any religious ceremony whatever. A union not bound by the strong ties <strong>of</strong> religion is easily dissolved.This subject excites a painful interest in <strong>our</strong> owncountry, in consequence <strong>of</strong> the facility with whichdivorce from the marriage bond is obtained in many<strong>of</strong> <strong>our</strong> States. We have here another exemplification <strong>of</strong> the dangerous consequences attending a private interpretation <strong>of</strong> the sacred text. When Lutherand Calvin proclaimed to the world that it wasnot wise to prohibit the divorced adulterer frommarrying again,&quot;3they little dreamed <strong>of</strong> the fruitful1Bossuet, Variations, Vol. I. 2Audin, p. 339.8American Cyclop., art. Divorce. Our Savi<strong>our</strong> declaresthat he who raarrieth an adulteress, comraitteth adultery. YetLuther and Calvin declare that it is unwise to oppose such amarriage. But &quot;the foolishness <strong>of</strong> God is wiser than men.&quot;And Wisdom has said: will &quot;Idestroy the wisdom <strong>of</strong> thewise.&quot;(I. Cor. i.)40*

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