The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;472 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.A few years previously, Napoleon appealed toPius VII. to annu.4 the marriage which his brotherJerome had contracted with Miss Patterson <strong>of</strong> Baltimore. <strong>The</strong> Pope sent the following reply to theEmperor Y<strong>our</strong> :majesty will understand that uponthe information thus far received by us, it is not in <strong>our</strong>power to pronounce a sentence <strong>of</strong> nullity. We cannot utter a judgment in opposition to the rules <strong>of</strong>the Church, and we could not, without laying asidethose rules, decree the invalidity <strong>of</strong> a union which,according to the Word <strong>of</strong> God, no human power cansunder.&quot;Christian wives and mothers, what gratitude youowe to the Catholic Church for the honorableposition you now hold in society If !you are nolonger regarded as the slave, but the equal <strong>of</strong> y<strong>our</strong>husband ;ifyou are no longer the toy <strong>of</strong> his caprice,and liable to be discarded at any moment, like thewomen <strong>of</strong> Turkey and the Mormon wives <strong>of</strong> Utah ;but if you are recognized as the mistress and queen,<strong>of</strong> y<strong>our</strong> household, you owe y<strong>our</strong> emancipation tothe Church. You are especially indebted for y<strong>our</strong>liberty to the Popes who rose up in all the majesty<strong>of</strong> their spiritual power to vindicate the rights <strong>of</strong>injured wives against the lustful tyranny <strong>of</strong> theirhusbands.How opposite is the conduct <strong>of</strong> the <strong>fathers</strong> <strong>of</strong> thego-called Reformation, who, with the cry <strong>of</strong> religiousreform on their lips, deformed religion and societyby sanctioning divorce.

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