The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;HowLord doeth.allTHE PRIESTHOOD. 443But I have called you friends, becausethings whatsoever I have heard <strong>of</strong> My Father, Ilhave made .known to you.&quot;What a privilege to be the herald <strong>of</strong> God s lawto the nations <strong>of</strong> the earth :beautiful onthe mountains are the feet <strong>of</strong> him that bringethgood tidings, and that preacheth peace <strong>of</strong> him that:showeth forth good, that preacheth salvation, thatsaith to Sion: Thy God shall reign.&quot;2Howcherished a favor to be the bearer <strong>of</strong> the olive-branch<strong>of</strong> peace to a world deluged by sin ;to be appointedby Heaven to proclaim that Gospel which bringsglory to God, and peace to men ; that Gospelwhich strengthens the weak, converts the sinner,reconciles enemies, and consoles the afflicted heart,and holds out to all the hope <strong>of</strong> eternal salvation !Not only are Priests the ambassadors <strong>of</strong> God, butthey are also the dispensers <strong>of</strong> His graces, and thealmoners <strong>of</strong> His mercy. Let a man so regard us,&quot;says the Apostle, as ministers <strong>of</strong> Christ, and dispensers <strong>of</strong> the smysteries <strong>of</strong> God.&quot;How can he be called a dispenser <strong>of</strong> God smysteries, whose labors are confined to preaching? Buthe is truly a dispenser <strong>of</strong> divine mysteries who distributes -to the <strong>faith</strong>ful the sacraments, the mysterious symbols, and efficient causes <strong>of</strong> grace.As St. John Ghrysostom observes, it was not toangels or archangels, but to the Priests <strong>of</strong> the Is ewLaw that Christ said : Whatsoever you shall bind1John xv. 15.2 Isaiah lii. 7. I. Cor. iv. 1.

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