The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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INDULGENCES. 435But them <strong>of</strong> temples old, or altars new,Standest alone, with nothing like to thee .Worthiest <strong>of</strong> God, the holy and the true,Since Sion s desolation, when that HeForsook His former city, what could beOf earthly structures, in His honor piled,Of a sublimer aspect? Majesty,Power, Glory, Strength, and Beauty, all are aisledIn this eternal ark <strong>of</strong> worship undeliled.&quot; lIf Moses was justified in appealing to the Hebrewpeople, in the Old Law, for <strong>of</strong>ferings to adorn thetabernacle, why should not the Pope be equallyjustified in appealing for similar <strong>of</strong>ferings to theChristian people, among whom he exercises supremeauthority as Moses did among the Israelites?&quot;Nor did the Pope exceed his legitimate powers inpromising to the pious donors spiritual favors in exchange for their donations. For, if <strong>our</strong> sins can beredeemed by alms to the poor, 2 as the Scripture tellsus, why not as well by <strong>of</strong>ferings in the cause <strong>of</strong> religion? When Protestant ministers appeal to theircongregations in behalf <strong>of</strong> themselves and theirchildren, or in support <strong>of</strong> a church, they do not failto hold out to their hearers spiritual blessings inreward for their gifts.It is not long since a Methodist parson <strong>of</strong> New York addressed these sacredwords to Cornelius Vauderbilt, the millionaire, whohad endowed a Methodist college: &quot;Cornelius, thyprayer is heard, and thy alms are had in remem-1Byron.aDaniel iv. 24.

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