The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;38 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.the building up <strong>of</strong> the body <strong>of</strong> Christ, until we allmeet unto the unity <strong>of</strong> <strong>faith</strong> and <strong>of</strong> the knowledge<strong>of</strong> the Son <strong>of</strong> God unto a perfectman.&quot; l<strong>The</strong> moral law which the Catholic Church inculcates on her children, is the highest and holieststandard <strong>of</strong> perfection ever presented to any people,and furnishes the strongest incentives to virtue.<strong>The</strong> same divine precepts delivered through Mosesto the Jews, on Mount Sinai, the same salutary warnings which the prophets uttered throughout Judea,the same sublime and consoling lessons <strong>of</strong> moralitywhich Jesus gave on the Mount, these are the lessonswhich the Church teaches from January till December. <strong>The</strong> Catholic preacher does not amuse his audience with speculative topics or political harangues,or any other subjects <strong>of</strong> a transitory nature. Hepreaches only Christ, and Him crucified.&quot;This code <strong>of</strong> divine precepts is enforced with asmuch zeal by the Church as was the Decalogue <strong>of</strong>old by Moses, when he said : <strong>The</strong>se words, which Icommand thee this day, shall be in thy heart; andthou shalt tell them to thy children and thou;shaltmeditate upon them, sitting in thy house, and walkingon thy j<strong>our</strong>ney, sleeping, and rising.&quot;<strong>The</strong> first lesson taught to children in <strong>our</strong> Sundayschoolsis their duty to know, love, and serve God,and thus to be saints ;for if they know, love, andserve God aright, they shall be saints indeed.tender minds are instructed in this great2<strong>The</strong>iitruth that,1Ephes. iv. 11-13. 2 Deut. vi. 6, 7.

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