The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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INDULGENCES. 433And their spiritual growth, tar from being retarded,isquickened by the aid <strong>of</strong> Indulgences, which areusually accompanied by acts <strong>of</strong> contrition, devotion,and self-denial, and by the reception <strong>of</strong> the Sacraments.But, do what we will, we cannot please <strong>our</strong> opponents. If we fast and give alms ;if we crucify <strong>our</strong>flesh, and make pilgrimages and perform other works<strong>of</strong> penance, we are accused <strong>of</strong> clinging to the rags<strong>of</strong> dead works, instead <strong>of</strong> &quot;holdingon to Jesus&quot;byfnith. If, on the other hand, we enrich <strong>our</strong> soulswith the treasures <strong>of</strong> Indulgences, we are chargedwith relying on the vicarious merits <strong>of</strong> others,pnd <strong>of</strong> lightening too much the salutary burden <strong>of</strong>the cross. And how can Protestants consistentlyand fault with the Church for mitigating the austerities <strong>of</strong> penance, since their own fundamental principle rests on <strong>faith</strong> alone without good works fBut have not Indulgences been the occasion <strong>of</strong>many abuses at various times, particularly in thesixteenth century?I will not deny that Indulgences have beenabused ;but are not the most sacred things liable tobe perverted? This is a proper place to refer brieflyto the Bull <strong>of</strong> Pope Leo X. proclaiming the Indulgence which afforded Luther a pretext for his apostacy.Lee determined to bring to completion themagnificent church <strong>of</strong> St. Peter, commenced by hispredecessor Julius II., and with that view he issueda Bull promulgating an Indulgence to such as would37 2C

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