The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;428 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.ing an Indulgence, the idea <strong>of</strong> license to sin is atonce presented to their minds.An Indulgenceissimply a remission in whole orin part, through the superabundant merits<strong>of</strong> JesusChrist and His saints, <strong>of</strong> the temporal punishmentdue to God on account <strong>of</strong> sin, after the guilt andeternal punishment have been remitted.It should be borne in mind, that even after <strong>our</strong>guilt is removed, there <strong>of</strong>ten remains some temporalpunishment to be undergone, either in this life orthe next, as an expiation to divine sanctity andjustice. <strong>The</strong> Holy Scripture furnishes us with manyexamples <strong>of</strong> this truth. Mary, the sister <strong>of</strong> Moses,was pardoned the siii which she had committed bymurmuring against her brother. Nevertheless, Godinflicted on her the penalty <strong>of</strong> leprosy and <strong>of</strong> sevendays separation from the people. 1Nathan, the prophet, announced to David thathis crimes were forgiven, but that he should suffer2many chastisements from the hand <strong>of</strong> God.That <strong>our</strong> Lord has given to the Church the power<strong>of</strong> granting Indulgences, is clearly deduced from theSacred Text. To the Prince <strong>of</strong> the Apostles, Hesaid : Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shallbe bound also in heaven ;and whatsoever hou shaltloose on earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.&quot;And to all the Apostles assembled together Hemade the same solemn declaration. 4By these words1Num. xii.a II. Kings xii. 8 Matt. xvi. 19.4 Ibid, xviii. 18.

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