The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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THE SACHAMENT OF PENANCE. 419My experience is, that the Confessional is the mostpowerful lever ever erected by a merciful God forraisingmen from the mire <strong>of</strong> sin. It has moreweight in withdrawing people from vice than eventhe pulpit. In public sermons, we scatter the seed<strong>of</strong> the Word <strong>of</strong> God in the; Confessional, we reapthe harvest. In sermons, to use a military phrase,the fire is at random, but in Confession it is a deadshot. <strong>The</strong> words <strong>of</strong> the priest go home to the heart<strong>of</strong> the penitent.In a publicdisc<strong>our</strong>se the priestaddresses all in general, and his words <strong>of</strong> admonitionmay be applicable to very few <strong>of</strong> his hearers. Buthis words spoken in the Confessional are directedexclusively to the penitent, whose heart is open toreceive the Word <strong>of</strong> God. <strong>The</strong> confessor exhortsthe penitent according to his spiritualwants. Hecautions him againstthe frequentation <strong>of</strong> dangerouscompany, or other occasions <strong>of</strong> sin or he recom;mends special practices<strong>of</strong> pietysuited to the penitent s wants.Hence missionaries are accustomed to estimate thefruit <strong>of</strong> a mission, more by the number <strong>of</strong> penitentswho have approached the sacred tribunal, than bythe number <strong>of</strong> persons who have listened to theirsermons.Of all the labors that <strong>our</strong> sacred ministry imposeson us there are none more arduous or more irksomethan that <strong>of</strong> hearing Confessions. It is no triflingtask to sit for six or eightconsecutive h<strong>our</strong>s on ahot summer s day, listening to stories <strong>of</strong> sm and

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