The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE. 411&quot;future, dispense altogether with the services <strong>of</strong> theclergy, without any detriment to their own salvation? St. Augustine, who lived 1,400 years ago,will answer the objectionfor me : Let no one,&quot;remarks this illustrious Doctor, say to himself, I loPenance to God in private 1 ;I do it before God. Isit then in vain that Christ has said Whatsoever yeshall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven ? Isit in vain that the keys have been given to theChurch?&quot; <strong>The</strong> question for us is not what Godis able to do, but what He has willed to do. Godmight have adopted other means for the justification<strong>of</strong> the sinner, as he might have created a worlddifferent from the present one. But it is <strong>our</strong> business to take <strong>our</strong> Father at His word, and to haverec<strong>our</strong>se with gratitudeto the system He has actually established for <strong>our</strong> justification. Now, we areassured by His infallible word, that it is by havingrec<strong>our</strong>se to His consecrated ministers that <strong>our</strong> sinswill be forgiven us. 1It is related in the Book <strong>of</strong> Kings that Naaman,the Syrian, was afflicted with a grievous leprosy,which baffled the skill <strong>of</strong> the physicians <strong>of</strong> hiscountry. He had, in his household, a Jewishmaid-servant. She spoke to her master <strong>of</strong> thegreat prophet Eliseus, who lived in her nativecountry, to whom the Lord had given the power<strong>of</strong> performing miracles. She besought her masterto consult the prophet.Naaman accordingly set1John xx.

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