The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;406 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.And these doctrines are upheld, not by one eminent divine only, but by hundreds <strong>of</strong> clergymen, aswell as by thousands <strong>of</strong> the Protestant Episcopalians<strong>of</strong> England.What a strange spectacle to behold the samechurch teaching diametrically opposite doctrines!What is orthodox in the diocess <strong>of</strong> Bath and Wellsisdecidedly heterodox in the diocess <strong>of</strong> North Carolina. An ordinance which Rev. Mr. Grueber proclaims to be <strong>of</strong> divine <strong>faith</strong>, is characterized by Rt.Rev. Bishop Atkinson l as the invention <strong>of</strong> men.What Dr. Grueber inculcates as a most salutarypractice, Dr. Atkinson anathematizes as pernicious toreligion. Confession, which, in the judgment <strong>of</strong> theformer, is a great check upon the commission <strong>of</strong>is sin,&quot; stigmatized by the latter as an incentive tosin. Behold how good and pleasantit is forbrethen to dwell together in unity.&quot;2Suppose that the venerable Protestant EpiscopalBishop <strong>of</strong> North Carolina, in passing through England, were invited by the Rev. Mr. Grueber topreach in his church in the morning, and that theRt. Rev. Prelate chose for his subject a sermon onConfession ;and suppose that the Rev. Mr. Grueberselected in the evening, as the subject <strong>of</strong> his disc<strong>our</strong>se, the doctrine advanced by him in his catechism.Let us imagine some benighted dissenter attend-1<strong>The</strong> Protestant Episcopal Bishop oi North Carolina.a Ps. cxxxii.

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