The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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388 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.As the Church was established by Jesus Christto perpetuate the work which he had begun,it follows that the reconciliation <strong>of</strong> sinners to God was tobe the principal <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Church.But the important question here presents itself:How was man to obtain forgiveness in the Churchafter <strong>our</strong> Lord s ascension ?Was Jesus Christ to appear in person to everysinful soul, and say to each penitent, as He said toMagdalen, &quot;Thy sins are forgiven thee?&quot; or did Heintend to delegate this power <strong>of</strong> forgiving sins toministers appointed for that purpose ?We know well that <strong>our</strong> Savi<strong>our</strong> never promisedto present Himself visibly to each sinner, nor hasHe done so.His plan, therefore, must have been to appointministers <strong>of</strong> reconciliation to act in His name. Ithas always indeed been the practice <strong>of</strong> AlmightyGod, both in the Old and New Law, to empowerhuman agents to execute His merciful designs.When Jehovah resolved to deliver the children<strong>of</strong> Israel from the captivity <strong>of</strong> Egypt, He appointedMoses as their deliverer. When God wished themto escape from the pursuit <strong>of</strong> Pharaoh, across theRed Sea, did He intervene directly ? No;but, byHis instructions, Moses raised his hand over thewaters and they were instantly divided.When the people were dying from thirst in thedesert, did God come visibly to their rescue? No;but Moses struck the rock, from which the water

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