The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;THE USE OF RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. 365CHAPTER XXIV.THE USE OF RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES DICTATED B^RIGHT REASON APPROVED BY ALMIGHTY GODIN THE OLD LAW SANCTIONED BY JESUS CHRISTIN THE NEW.BY religious ceremonies, we mean certain expressive signs and actions which the Churchhas ordained for the worthy celebration <strong>of</strong> thedivine service.True devotion must be interior and come fromthe heart ; for, the true adorers shall adore theFather inspirit and in truth. For, the Fatherindeed seeketh such to *worship Him. God isspirit ; and they who worship Him, must worshipHim in spirit and in truth.&quot; 1 But we are not toinfer from this that exterior isworship to be contemned because interior worship is prescribed asessential. On the contrary, tUe rites and ceremonieswhich are enjoined in the worship <strong>of</strong> God and inthe administration <strong>of</strong> the Sacraments, are dictatedby right reason, and are sanctioned by AlmightyGod in the Old Law, and by Christ and His Apostles in the New.<strong>The</strong> angels, being pure spirits without a body,render to God a purely spiritual worship. <strong>The</strong> sunand moon and stars <strong>of</strong> the firmament payto Him31*1 John iv. 23, 24.

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