The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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S.jOTHE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.Law, before the coming <strong>of</strong> Christ, when the Hebrew people wished to <strong>of</strong>fer sacrifice to God, theytook a lamb, or some other animal, which theyslew, and burned its flesh, acknowledging by thisact that the Lord was the supreme Master <strong>of</strong> lifeand death. <strong>The</strong> ancients <strong>of</strong>fered to God two kinds<strong>of</strong> sacrifices, viz., living creatures, such as bulls,lambs, and birds ;and inanimate objects, such aswheat and barley, and, in general, the first fruits<strong>of</strong> the earth.All nations, whether Jews, idolaters, or Christians,except Mahometans and modern Protestants, havemade sacrifice their principal act <strong>of</strong> worship. Ifyou go back to the very dawn <strong>of</strong> creation, you willfind the children <strong>of</strong> Adam <strong>of</strong>fering sacrifices to God.Abel <strong>of</strong>fered to the Lord the firstlings <strong>of</strong> his flock,and Cain <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>of</strong> the fruits <strong>of</strong> the earth. 1When Noe and his family are rescued from thedeluge which had spread over the face <strong>of</strong> the earth,his first act on issuing from the ark, when the watersdisappear, is to <strong>of</strong>fer holocausts to the Lord, in thanksgiving for his preservation. 2 Abraham, the greatfather <strong>of</strong> the Jewish race, <strong>of</strong>fered victims to the Almighty at His express command. 3 And we readthat Job was accustomed to <strong>of</strong>fer holocausts to theLord, to propitiate His favor in behalf <strong>of</strong> his children, and to obtain forgiveness for the sins they4might have committed.When Jehovah delivered to Moses the written1Gen. iv.2 lbid. vih.8 Ibid. xv.*Job i.

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