The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;322 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.century have precisely the same authority and obligation to confirm as they have to preach, to baptize,or to ordain.Those who were confirmed by the Apostles usuallygave evidence <strong>of</strong> the grace which they received byprophecy, the gift <strong>of</strong> tongues, and the manifestation<strong>of</strong> other miraculous powers. It may be asked : Whydo not these gifts accompany now the imposition<strong>of</strong> hands ? I answer : Because they are no longerneeded. <strong>The</strong> grace which the Apostolic disciplesreceived was for their personal sanctification. <strong>The</strong>gift <strong>of</strong> tongues which they exercised was intendedby Almighty God to edify and enlighten the spectatois,and to give divine sanction to the Apostolic ministry. But now that the Church is firmlyestablished, and the divine authority <strong>of</strong> her ministry is clearly recognized, these miracles are nolonger necessary. St. Gregory illustrates this pointby a happy comparison: As the sapling, he says,when it is first planted, is regularly watered by thegardener, who s<strong>of</strong>tens the earth around it, that thesun and the moisture may n<strong>our</strong>ish its roots until ittakes deep root, when it no longer requires anyspecial care so the Church in her;infancy had to ben<strong>our</strong>ished by the miraculous power <strong>of</strong> God. Butafter it had taken root in the hearts <strong>of</strong> the people,and spreadits branches over the earth, it was left tothe ordinary agencies <strong>of</strong> Providence.St. Augustine writes also on the same subject:In the first days (<strong>of</strong> the Church), the Holy Ghost

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