The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;UNITY OF THE CHURCH. 25I will build my Churches,&quot; but, &quot;Uponthis rock I1will build my Church,&quot; from which words we mustconclude, that it never was His intention 10 establishor to sanction various conflicting denominations, butone corporate body, with all the members unitedunder one visible Head for as the Church is a visi; ble body, it must have a visible head.<strong>The</strong> Church is called a &quot;kingdom He shall:reign over the house <strong>of</strong> Jacob forever, and <strong>of</strong> Hiskingdom there shall be no 2Now end.&quot; in everywell-regulated kingdom there is but one king, oneform <strong>of</strong> government, one uniform body <strong>of</strong> law*, whichall are obliged to observe. In like manner, inChrist s spiritual kingdom, there must be one Chiefto whom all owe spiritual allegiance;one form <strong>of</strong>ecclesiastical government; one uniform body <strong>of</strong> lawswhich all Christians are bound to observe; for,every kingdom divided against itself shall bemade desolate.&quot; zOur Savi<strong>our</strong> calls His Church a sheepfold. And4there shall be made one fold and one shepherd.&quot;What more beautiful or fittingillustration <strong>of</strong> unitycan we have than that which issuggested by asheepfold? All the sheep <strong>of</strong> a flock cling together.If they are momentarily separated, they are impatient till reunited. <strong>The</strong>y follow in the same path.<strong>The</strong>y feed on, the same pastures. <strong>The</strong>y obey thesame shepherd, and flyfrom the voice <strong>of</strong> strangers.1Matt. xvi. 18.o2Luke i.32, 33. 3 Matt. xii. 25.*John x. 16.

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