The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION. 287vocated the most merciless doctrine towards theJews. According to his apologist Seckendorf, theGerman Reformer said that their synagogues oughtto be destroyed, their houses pulled down, theirOld Testaprayer-books, and even the books <strong>of</strong> thement, to be taken from them. <strong>The</strong>ir rabbis oughtto be forbidden to teach, and be compelled to gaintheir livelihood by hard labor.It should also be borne in mind that Henry VIII.&quot;and his successors for many generations, inflictedfines, imprisonment, and death on thousands <strong>of</strong> theirsubjects for denying the spiritual supremacy <strong>of</strong> thetemporal sovereign. This galling Inquisition lastedfor nearly three hundred years, and the severity<strong>of</strong> its decrees scarcelyfinds a parallelin the Spanish Inquisition. Prescott avows that the administration <strong>of</strong> Elizabeth was not a whit less despotic,and scarcely less sanguinary than that <strong>of</strong> Isabella.&quot;1<strong>The</strong> clergy <strong>of</strong> Ireland, under Cromwell, were ordered,under pain <strong>of</strong> death, to quit their country, and theological students were obliged to pursue their studiesin foreign seminaries. AnyPriest who dared to return to his native country forfeited his life. Whoever harbored a Priest suffered death, and those whoknew his hiding-place, and did not reveal it to theInquisitors, had both their ears cut <strong>of</strong>f.At this very moment, not only in England, but inIreland, Scotland, and Holland, Protestants are worshiping in some <strong>of</strong> the churches erected by theFerdinand and Isabella, Vol. III., p. 202.

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