The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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284 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.May the happy condition <strong>of</strong> things now existingamong us always continue, when the relations between the clergy and the people will be direct andimmediate: when Bishops and Priests will bestowupon their spiritual children their voluntary labors,their tender solicitude, their paternal affection, andp<strong>our</strong> out like water their hearts blood, if necessary ;and when they will receive in return the free-will<strong>of</strong>ferings, the devotion and gratitude <strong>of</strong> a filialpeople.CHAPTER XVIII.CHARGES OF RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION.THE SPANISH INQUISITION THE MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW QUEEN MARY OF ENGLAND.BUT did not the Spanish Inquisition exercise enormous cruelties against heretics and Jews? I amnot the apologist <strong>of</strong> the Spanish Inquisition, and Ihave no desire to palliate or excuse the excesses intowhich that tribunal may at times have fallen. Frommy heart I abhor and denounce every species <strong>of</strong> violence, and injustice, and persecution <strong>of</strong> which theSpanish Inquisition may have been guilty.And inraising my voice against coercion for conscience sake,I am expressing not only my own sentiments, butthose <strong>of</strong> every Catholic Priest and layman in the land.

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