The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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280 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.to comply with this second demand, the Pope wasarrested and sent into exile, where he lingered foryears.And at this very moment the old conflict betweenthe Church and despotic governmentsisragingfiercely throughou-t Europe. <strong>The</strong> scene enactedby John and Herod isto-day reproduced in almost every kingdom <strong>of</strong> the old world. It is theold fight between brute force and the God-givenrights <strong>of</strong> conscience.In Russia we see the Bishop <strong>of</strong> Plock exiled forlife, from his See, to Siberia. His only <strong>of</strong>fence ishis refusal to acknowledge that the Emperor Alexander is the head <strong>of</strong> the Christian Church.If we pass over into Italy, we see religious menand women driven from their homes ;their houseaand libraries confiscated libraries which pious andlearned men had been collecting and consulting forages. <strong>The</strong> only crime <strong>of</strong> those religious is that theyhave not the power to resist brute force.Cross the Alps into France, and there you willsee that many-headed monster the Commune, assassinating the Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Paris and his clergy,solely because he and they were the representatives <strong>of</strong> law and order.In the so-called Republic <strong>of</strong> Switzerland, BishopMermillod isexpelled from Geneva without theslightest charge adduced against his character asa citizen and a Christian Prelate, Faithful clergymen are deprived by the government <strong>of</strong> their

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