The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;&quot;20 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.thirty years, chiefly at Nazareth, He commencedHis public career. He associated with Him anumber <strong>of</strong> men who are named Apostles, whom Heinstructed in the doctrines <strong>of</strong> the religion which Heestablished.For three years, He went about doing good, giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, healing all kinds <strong>of</strong> diseases, raising the dead to life,and preaching throughout Judea the new Gospel <strong>of</strong>peace. 1On Good Friday, He was crucified on MountCalvary, and thus purchased for us redemption byHis death. Hence Jesus exclusively bears thetitles <strong>of</strong> Savi<strong>our</strong> and Redeemer, because there isno other name under heaven given to men wherebywe must be saved.&quot; 2 &quot;He was wounded for <strong>our</strong>iniquitiesHe was bruised for <strong>our</strong> sins,. . . and by;His bruises we are healed.&quot; 3We are commanded, by Jesus, suffering and dyingfor us, to imitate Him by the crucifixion <strong>of</strong> <strong>our</strong> flesh,and by acts <strong>of</strong> daily mortification. If any one,&quot;Hesays,will come after Me, let him deny himself, andtake up his cross 4daily and follow Me.&quot;Hence we abstain from the use <strong>of</strong> flesh meat onFriday, the day consecrated to <strong>our</strong> Savi<strong>our</strong> s sufferings, not because the eating <strong>of</strong> flesh meat is sinful in itself, but as an act <strong>of</strong> salutary mortification.L)ving children would be prompted byderness to commemorate the anniversary <strong>of</strong> theirfilial tenl Matt.xi.2 Actsiv. 12.3 Isaiah liii. 5*Luke U. 23.

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