The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;252 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHER*.<strong>of</strong> the Fathers in reference to the subject <strong>of</strong> Purgatory.3. I would wish to place before you extended extracts from the writings <strong>of</strong> the early Fathers <strong>of</strong> theChurch bearing upon this subject; but I must content myself with quoting a few <strong>of</strong> the most prominent lights <strong>of</strong> primitive Christianity.Tertullian, who lived in the second century, sayathat the <strong>faith</strong>ful wife will pray for the soul <strong>of</strong> herdeceased husband, particularly on the anniversaryday <strong>of</strong> his falling asleep (death). And if she failto do so, she hath repudiated her husband as far a&in her lies.&quot;lEusebius (4th cent.), the historian, describing thefuneral <strong>of</strong> Constantine the Great, saya that the body<strong>of</strong> the blessed prince was placed on a l<strong>of</strong>ty bier, andthe ministers <strong>of</strong> God, and the multitude <strong>of</strong> thepeople, with tears and much lamentation, <strong>of</strong>fered upprayers and sacrifice for the repose<strong>of</strong> his soul.And the historian adds that this was done in accordance with the desires <strong>of</strong> that religious monarch, whohad erected in Constantinople the great church inhonor <strong>of</strong> the Apostles, so that after his death the<strong>faith</strong>ful mightthere remember him.2WeSt. Cyril <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem (4th cent.) writes :commemorate the Holy Fathers, and Bishops, andall who have fallen asleep from amongst us, believing that the supplications which we present will1 De Monogam., n. x. * Euseb., B. iv., c. 71.be

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