The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 227Some persons not only object to the invocation <strong>of</strong>Mary as being unpr<strong>of</strong>itable, but they even affect tobe scandalized at the confidence we repose in herintercession, on the groundless assumption that bypraying to her we ignore and dishonor God, and thatwe put the creature on a level with the Creator.Every Catholic child knows from the catechismthat to give to any creature the supreme honor dueto God alone, is idolatry. How can we be said to dishonor God, or bring Him down to a level with Hiscreature by invoking Mary, since we acknowledgeher to be a pure creature indebted like <strong>our</strong>selves toHim for every gift and influence which she possesses?This is implied in the very form <strong>of</strong> <strong>our</strong> petitions.When we address <strong>our</strong> prayers to her, we say,Pray for us sinners, implying by these words that sheis herself a petitioner at the throne <strong>of</strong> divine mercy.To God we say, Give us <strong>our</strong> daily bread, therebyacknowledging Him to be the s<strong>our</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> all bounty.This principle being kept in view, how can we bejustly accused <strong>of</strong> slighting God s majesty by invoking the intercession <strong>of</strong> His handmaid ?If a beggar asks and receives alms from methrough my servant, should I be <strong>of</strong>fended at theblessings which he invokes upon her? Far fromit. I accept them as intended for myself, becauseshe bestowed what was mine, and withmyOur consent.Lord says to His Apostles: I dispose toyou a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at Mytable inMy kingdom, and may sit upon thrones,

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