The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;186 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.ing hand <strong>of</strong> God is suspended, and the fire <strong>of</strong> Hiswrath withheld, through the efficacy <strong>of</strong> the prayers<strong>of</strong> a single man !lWe read in the Book <strong>of</strong> Exodus that when theAmalekites were about to wage war on the children<strong>of</strong> Israel, Moses, the great servant aud Prophet <strong>of</strong>the Lord, went up on a mountain to pray for thesuccess <strong>of</strong> his people and the;Scriptures inform usthat whenever Moses raised his hands in prayer, theIsraelites were victorious, but when he ceased topray, Amalek conquered. Could the power <strong>of</strong> intercessory prayer be manifested in a more strikingmanner ? <strong>The</strong> silent prayer <strong>of</strong> Moses on the mountain was more formidable to the Amalekites thanthe sword <strong>of</strong> Josue and his armed hosts fighting inthe valley.2Y/hen the same Hebrew people were banishedfrom theirnative country, and carried into exile inBabylon, so great was their confidence in the prayers <strong>of</strong> their brethren in Jerusalem, that they sentthem the following message, together with a sum <strong>of</strong>money, that sacrifice might be <strong>of</strong>fered up for themin the holy city:Pray ye for us to the Lord <strong>our</strong>God, for we have sinned against the Lord <strong>our</strong>God.&quot; 8When the friends <strong>of</strong> Job had excited the indignation <strong>of</strong> the Almighty, in consequence <strong>of</strong> theirvain speech, God, instead <strong>of</strong> directly granting them1Gen, xviii.fExod. xvii.8 Barucii i. 13.

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