The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;&quot;TEMPORAL POWER OF THE POPES. 163<strong>The</strong> first embraces the period which elapsed fromthe establishment <strong>of</strong> the Church to the days <strong>of</strong> Congtantinethe Great, in the f<strong>our</strong>th century the second,;from Constantine to Charlemagne, who was cro\Miedemperor in the year 800; the third, from Charlemagne to the present time.When St. Peter, the firstPope in the long, unbroken line <strong>of</strong> Sovereign Pontiffs, entered Italy andRome, he did not possess a foot <strong>of</strong> ground which hecould call his own. He could say with his divineMaster : <strong>The</strong> foxes have holes and the birds <strong>of</strong> theair nests ;but the Son <strong>of</strong> man hath not whereon tolay His head.&quot; l <strong>The</strong> Apostle died as he had lived,a poor man, having nothing at his death save theaffections <strong>of</strong> a grateful people.But although the Prince <strong>of</strong> the Apostles ownednothing that he could call his personal property, hereceived from the <strong>faith</strong>ful large donations to be distributed among the needy. For, in the Acts <strong>of</strong> theApostles, we are told that neither was any one amongas werethem (the <strong>faith</strong>ful) needy; for as manyowners <strong>of</strong> lands or houses, sold them, and broughtthe prices <strong>of</strong> the things which they sold and laidthem before the feet <strong>of</strong> the Apostles, and distribution was made to every one according as he hadneed.&quot; 2 Such was the filial attachment <strong>of</strong> the earlyChristians towards the Pontiffs <strong>of</strong> the Church ; suchwas the confidence reposed in their personal integ1Matt, viii 20.aActs iv. 34, 36.

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