The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

The faith of our fathers - Carmel Apologetics

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&quot;146 THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS.No Catholic, on the contrary, claims that thePope is inspired, or endowed with divine revelatioDproperly so called.For, the Holy Spirit was not promised to thesuccessors <strong>of</strong> Peter in order that they might spreadabroad new doctrine which He reveals, but that,under His assistance, they might guard inviolably,and with fidelity explain, the revelation or deposit<strong>of</strong> <strong>faith</strong> handed down by the Apostles.&quot;l2d. Infallibility does not mean that the Pope isimpeccable, or specially exempt from liability tosin. <strong>The</strong> Popes have been indeed, with few exceptions, men <strong>of</strong> virtuous lives.Many <strong>of</strong> them arehonored as martyrs. Seventy-nine, out <strong>of</strong> thetwo hundred and fifty-nine that sat on the chair<strong>of</strong> Peter, are invoked upon <strong>our</strong> altars, as saints eminent for their holiness.<strong>The</strong> avowed enemies <strong>of</strong> the Church charge onlyfive or six Popes with immorality. Thus, even admitting the truth <strong>of</strong> the accusations brought againstthem, we have forty-three virtuous to one bad Pope,while there was a Judas Iscariot among the twelveApostles.But although a vast majority <strong>of</strong> the sovereignPontiffs should have been so unfortunate as to leadvicious lives, this circumstance would not <strong>of</strong> itselfimpair the validity <strong>of</strong> their prerogatives, which aregiven not for the preservation <strong>of</strong> their morals, butfor the guidance <strong>of</strong> their judgment for, there was;1 Cone. Vat. Const. Pastor J2ternu3, c 4.

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